www.gusucode.com > 74cms PHP骑士人才系统 v3.5.1源码程序 > code/upload/include/template_lite/plugins/prefilter.jstrip.php

 * Template Lite plugin converted from Smarty
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * File:     prefilter.jstrip.php
 * Type:     prefilter
 * Name:     jstrip
 * Version:  1.0
 * Date:     01 Nov 2004
 * Purpose:  dummy compiler to compress javascript
 * Install:  Drop into the plugin directory,
 *           call load_filter('pre','jstrip');
 *           from your application.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------

function template_prefilter_jstrip($tpl_source, &$template_object)
	return preg_replace_callback("/\{jstrip\}(.*?)\{\/jstrip\}/s","template_prefilter_jstrip_cb", $tpl_source);

function template_prefilter_jstrip_one($code)
	return template_prefilter_jstrip_cb(array("", $code), false);

function template_prefilter_jstrip_cb($m, $literal=true)
	$o=""; //stripped output
	$comment=0; //comments
	$string=""; //current string delimiter
	$last=""; //last char in the output
	for ($i=0;$i<strlen($c);$i++)
		//if ($i%100==0) {
		$s=true; //save the character ?
		//if we're in a string or phpcode
		if (!empty($string))
			//end of the string
			if ($c[$i]==$string OR substr($c,$i,2)==$string)
			//not in a string
			//strip comments
			if (substr($c,$i,2)=="//")

			if (substr($c,$i,2)=="/*")

			if ($comment==1 AND $c[$i]=="\n")

			if ($comment==2 AND substr($c,$i-1,2)=="*/")

			if ($comment==0)
				//start a string 
				if ($c[$i]=="'" OR $c[$i]=='"')

				//start phpcode
				if (substr($c,$i,2)=="<"."?")

				//line break
				if ($c[$i]=="\n" OR $c[$i]=="\r")
					//is the current line finished ?
					// ")" and "}" is not OK ! (var x=function a() {}.......var )
					if (in_array($last,$finishers))

				//a space ! can we cut it ?
				if ($c[$i]==" " OR $c[$i]=="\t")
					$cutme=array(" ","\t","}","{",")","(","[","]","<",">","=",";","+","-","/","*","\n",":","&");
					if (in_array($c[$i-1],$cutme) OR in_array($c[$i+1],$cutme))
				//todo : rename vars/functions !!
		//save the character
		if ($s AND $comment==0)

	if ($literal)
		return "{literal}".$o."{/literal}";
		return $o;
