www.gusucode.com > Carbon Forum PHP轻论坛系统 v3.6.5源码程序 > Carbon-Forum-3.6.5/language/en/register.php

if (!defined('InternalAccess')) exit('error: 403 Access Denied');
if (empty($Lang) || !is_array($Lang))
	$Lang = array();

$Lang = array_merge($Lang, array(
	'Email' => 'Email',
	'Confirm_Password' => 'Confirm Password',
	'This_User_Name_Already_Exists' => 'This UserName Already Exists',
	'VerificationCode_Error' => 'Verification Code Error',
	'Email_Error' => 'E-mail does not comply with the rules, e-mail address in the correct format for abc@domain.com',
	'UserName_Error' => 'Username does not conform to the rules. User name must be 4 to 20 characters, not all numbers, can include letters, numbers, Chinese, half-size symbol "_", "-"',
	'Passwords_Inconsistent' => 'The two passwords are inconsistent',
	'Forms_Can_Not_Be_Empty' => 'Forms Can Not Be Empty'