www.gusucode.com > Carbon Forum PHP轻论坛系统 v3.6.5源码程序 > Carbon-Forum-3.6.5/search.php

define('FullTableScanTopicLimit', 50000);//当全站主题数量小于该值将会使用更消耗资源的全表扫描搜索
require(__DIR__ . '/common.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/language/' . ForumLanguage . '/home.php');
include  __DIR__ . '/'. 'includes/SearchClient.class.php' ;

$Page         = Request('Get', 'page');
$Keyword      = Request('Get', 'keyword');
$KeywordArray = explode(" ", $Keyword);
$KeywordNum   = count($KeywordArray);
$Error = '';
	AlertMsg('404 Not Found', '404 Not Found');
if ($Page < 0 || $Page == 1) {
	header('location: ' . $Config['WebsitePath'] . '/search/' . $Keyword);
if ($Page == 0)
	$Page = 1;

$limitSize = 30;

if( defined('SearchServer') && SearchServer ) {
	try {
		$finds = SearchClient::searchLike( $Keyword, 'PostsIndexes' //关键字及索引
			, ($Page-1)*$limitSize, $limitSize //页码
			, ""//过滤条件
			, 'PostTime desc'  //排序规则
		if ( !empty($finds) ) {
			$num = $finds[1];
			$postIds = isset( $finds[0]['id'] ) ?$finds[0]['id']: null;
			if( count($postIds ) > 0 ) {
				$TopicsArray = $DB->query('SELECT t.`ID`, `Topic`, `Tags`, t.`UserID`, t.`UserName`, t.`LastName`, `LastTime`, `Replies` 
					, p.Content, p.ID as pID, p.PostTime 
					FROM ' . $Prefix . 'topics  t, '. $Prefix . 'posts p 
					WHERE t.ID=p.TopicID and p.ID in (?) and t.IsDel=0 
					ORDER BY p.PostTime DESC', 
				foreach( $TopicsArray as &$row ) {
					$excerpts = SearchClient::callProxy( 'buildExcerpts', array(
						array($row['Topic'], $row['Content']), 'PostsIndexes'
						, $Keyword, array( 
							"before_match" => '<span class="search-keyword">', 
							"after_match"=> "</span>" ) ) );
					$row['MinContent'] = $excerpts[1];
	}catch( Exception $e ) {
		$Error = $e->getMessage();
} else {
//if($CurUserID && $Config['NumTopics'] <= FullTableScanTopicLimit){
	if($Config['NumTopics'] <= FullTableScanTopicLimit){
		$QueryString = str_repeat('or Topic LIKE ? or Tags LIKE ? ', $KeywordNum-1);
		$SQLKeywordArray = array();
		foreach ($KeywordArray as $Value) {
			$SQLKeywordArray[] = '%'.$Value.'%';
			$SQLKeywordArray[] = '%'.$Value.'%';
		$TopicsArray = $DB->query('SELECT `ID`, `Topic`, `Tags`, `UserID`, `UserName`, `LastName`, `LastTime`, `Replies` FROM ' . $Prefix . 'topics 
			WHERE Topic LIKE ? or Tags LIKE ? '.$QueryString.'
			ORDER BY LastTime DESC 
			LIMIT ' . ($Page - 1) * $Config['TopicsPerPage'] . ',' . $Config['TopicsPerPage'], 
		$QueryString = str_repeat('or Name LIKE ? ', $KeywordNum-1);
		$SQLKeywordArray = array();
		foreach ($KeywordArray as $Value) {
			$SQLKeywordArray[] = '%'.$Value.'%';
		$TagIDList = $DB->column('SELECT ID FROM ' . $Prefix . 'tags 
			WHERE Name like ? '.$QueryString, 
		if (!$TagIDList)
			AlertMsg('404 Not Found', '404 Not Found');
		$TagIDArray = $DB->column('SELECT TopicID FROM ' . $Prefix . 'posttags 
			WHERE TagID in (?) 
			LIMIT ' . ($Page - 1) * $Config['TopicsPerPage'] . ',' . $Config['TopicsPerPage'], 
		$TopicsArray = array();
			$TopicsArray = $DB->query('SELECT `ID`, `Topic`, `Tags`, `UserID`, `UserName`, `LastName`, `LastTime`, `Replies` FROM ' . $Prefix . 'topics 
				force index(PRI) 
				WHERE ID in (?) and IsDel=0 
				ORDER BY LastTime DESC', 
if($Page == 1 && !$TopicsArray){
	AlertMsg('404 Not Found', '404 Not Found', 404);
$PageTitle = $Lang['Search'].' '.$Keyword.' ';
$PageTitle .= $Page > 1 ? ' Page' . $Page : '';
$ContentFile  = $TemplatePath . 'search.php';
include($TemplatePath . 'layout.php');