www.gusucode.com > Catfish(鲶鱼) CMS系统 PHP版 v4.8.21源码程序 > Catfishcms_v4.8.21/application/admin/lang/zh-tw.php

 * Project: Catfish.
 * Author: A.J
 * Date: 2016/11/27
return [
    'Content' => '內容管理',
    'Write an article' => '寫文章',
    'All articles' => '所有文章',
    'Add category' => '新增分類',
    'All categories' => '分類管理',
    'All comments' => '評論管理',
    'All messages' => '留言管理',
    'Recycle bin' => '回收桶',
    'Page' => '頁面管理',
    'New page' => '新建頁面',
    'All pages' => '所有頁面',
    'Page settings' => '頁面設定',
    'Add a slide' => '新增幻燈片',
    'All slides' => '管理幻燈片',
    'Add links' => '新增友情連結',
    'All links' => '管理友情連結',
    'User' => '用戶管理',
    'General users' => '普通用戶',
    'Add user' => '新增後台用戶',
    'All users' => '管理後台用戶',
    'Menu' => '選單管理',
    'Add menu categories' => '新增選單分類',
    'All menu categories' => '管理選單分類',
    'Add a menu' => '新增選單',
    'All menus' => '管理選單',
    'System' => '系統設定',
    'Website information' => '網站信息',
    'Personal information' => '個人資訊',
    'Change password' => '修改密碼',
    'Clear cache' => '清除快取',
    'Extensions' => '延伸功能',
    'Plug-ins' => '插件',
    'Sign out' => '退出',
    'Generated' => '頁面執行時間',
    'Catfish CMS Backstage' => 'Catfish CMS後台',
    'Catfish Management Center' => '管理中心',
    'Home' => '首頁',
    'Modify personal information' => '修改個人資訊',
    'Modify the login password' => '修改登入密碼',
    'Welcome' => '歡迎',
    'With' => '帶',
    'are required' => '號的為必填項',
    'Category name' => '分類名稱',
    'Category parent' => '上級分類',
    'As the first level category' => '作為一級分類',
    'Category description' => '分類描述',
    'Friendship link name' => '友情連結名稱',
    'Friendship link address' => '友情連結網址',
    'Open mode' => '打開方式',
    'Opens as a new window' => '作為新窗口打開',
    'The original window opens' => '在原窗口打開',
    'Friendship link description' => '友情連結描述',
    'Whether the link is displayed on the home page' => '是否在首頁顯示連結',
    'Home Link' => '首頁連結',
    'Link icon' => '友情連結圖示',
    'Text links do not upload, it is recommended to upload the picture ratio: 100 × 50 pixel picture, otherwise the picture will be distorted!' => '文字連結不用上傳,建議上傳圖片比例為:100×50畫素的圖片,否則圖片會失真!',
    'Add to' => '新增',
    'Select Image' => '選擇圖片',
    'User name' => '用戶名',
    'Password' => '密碼',
    'Confirm password' => '確認密碼',
    'Role' => '角色',
    'Editor' => '編輯',
    'Administrator' => '管理員',
    'You must add a menu category before you can add a menu.' => '您必須先新增選單分類,然後才可以新增選單。',
    'Add menu categories now' => '立即新增選單分類',
    'Menu category' => '選單分類',
    'Father' => '父級',
    'As a first-level menu' => '作為一級選單',
    'The name of the menu' => '選單名稱',
    'Link' => '連結',
    'If you need to link to a custom URL, please fill out the following "Custom link"' => '如果您需要連結到自定義網址,請填寫下面的“自定義連結”',
    'Categories' => '文章分類',
    'Pages' => '頁面',
    'Custom link' => '自定義連結',
    'Icon' => '圖示',
    'Status' => '狀態',
    'Display' => '顯示',
    'Hide' => '隱藏',
    'Slide name' => '幻燈片名稱',
    'The slideshow name will be displayed, and if it is not required, leave it blank' => '幻燈片名稱將被顯示,如果不需要顯示,請留空',
    'Slide description' => '幻燈片描述',
    'The slideshow description will be displayed and leave blank if no display is required' => '幻燈片描述將被顯示,如果不需要顯示,請留空',
    'Slide link' => '幻燈片連結',
    'The page that will be accessed after clicking the slide' => '點擊幻燈片後將訪問的頁面',
    'Slide picture' => '幻燈片圖片',
    'Suggested upload ratio' => '建議上傳圖片比例為',
    'pixels of the picture, otherwise the image will be distorted!' => '畫素的圖片,否則圖片會失真!',
    'Time' => '時間',
    'Keyword' => '關鍵字',
    'Search' => '搜尋',
    'Batch operation' => '批次操作',
    'Delete' => '刪除',
    'Title' => '標題',
    'Author' => '作者',
    'Release time' => '發布時間',
    'Template' => '模板',
    'Operation' => '操作',
    'Edit' => '編輯',
    'Confirm to delete?' => '確定刪除嗎?',
    'Category' => '分類',
    'All' => '全部',
    'Approve' => '審核',
    'Unapprove' => '取消審核',
    'Top' => '置頂',
    'Cancel top' => '取消置頂',
    'Recommend' => '推薦',
    'Cancel recommended' => '取消推薦',
    'Click volume' => '點擊量',
    'Comments volume' => '評論量',
    'Audited' => '已審核',
    'Not audited' => '未審核',
    'Topped' => '已置頂',
    'Not top' => '不置頂',
    'Recommended' => '推薦',
    'Not recommended' => '不推薦',
    'Are you sure you want to put this post in the trash?' => '您確定要將這篇文章放入回收桶嗎?',
    'Continue' => '繼續',
    'Cancel' => '取消',
    'Are you sure you want to put the selected article in the recycle bin?' => '您確定要將選中文章放入回收桶嗎?',
    'Warning!' => '警告!',
    'Please select at least one!' => '請至少選擇一項!',
    'Ok' => '確定',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the page?' => '您確定要將頁面刪除嗎?',
    'Can not be restored after deletion!' => '刪除後無法恢復!',
    'Menu category name' => '選單分類名稱',
    'Description' => '描述',
    'Main menu' => '主選單',
    'The main menu is the main navigation menu for the page, can only set a menu category for the main menu' => '主選單是頁面的主導航選單,只能設定一個選單分類為主選單',
    'Save' => '保存',
    'Old password' => '原密碼',
    'New password' => '新密碼',
    'Password length can not be less than 8 characters' => '密碼長度不能小於8個字',
    'Confirm the new password' => '確認新密碼',
    'The category that exists' => '已有分類',
    'Add a new category' => '新增新分類',
    'Add subcategories' => '新增子分類',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the category? Can not be restored after deletion!' => '您確定要將分類刪除嗎?刪除後不可恢復!',
    'Clicking the button below clears the site cache' => '點擊下面按鈕將清除網站快取',
    'Commentator' => '評論人',
    'E-mail' => '信箱',
    'Head portrait' => '頭像',
    'Comments' => '評論內容',
    'Comment time' => '評論時間',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the comment? Can not be restored after deletion!' => '您確定要刪除評論嗎?刪除後不可恢復!',
    'Edit the page' => '編輯頁面',
    'Details' => '內容',
    'Key words' => '關鍵字',
    'Keywords separated by commas ","' => '關鍵字之間用逗號“,”隔開',
    'Abstract' => '摘要',
    'Thumbnail' => '縮略圖',
    'Upload image' => '上傳圖片',
    'Cancel upload image' => '取消圖片',
    'Local image' => '本地圖片',
    'Network picture' => '網路圖片',
    'Please select Upload image' => '請選擇上傳圖片',
    'Image address' => '圖片地址',
    'Nickname' => '暱稱',
    'Registration time' => '註冊時間',
    'Last login time' => '最後登入時間',
    'Last login IP' => '最後登入IP',
    'Disabled' => '禁用',
    'Normal' => '正常',
    'Unverified' => '未驗證',
    'Prohibit' => '封鎖',
    'Enabled' => '啟用',
    'Welcome page' => '歡迎頁面',
    'System information' => '系統資訊',
    'System name' => '系統名稱',
    'System version' => '系統版本',
    'The latest version' => '最新版本',
    'The latest version is being detected' => '正在檢測最新版本',
    'Official website' => '官方網站',
    'Latest articles' => '最新文章',
    'Latest comment' => '最新評論',
    'Latest message' => '最新留言',
    'Sort' => '排序',
    'Name' => '名稱',
    'Link address' => '連結網址',
    'Yes' => '是',
    'No' => '否',
    'Not show' => '不顯示',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the link? Delete can not be restored!' => '您確定要將友情連結刪除嗎?刪除後不可恢復!',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the menu category? Can not be restored after deletion!' => '您確定要將選單分類刪除嗎?刪除後不可恢復!',
    'Find' => '查詢',
    'Add a submenu' => '新增子選單',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the menu item? Can not be restored after deletion!' => '您確定要將選單項刪除嗎?刪除後不可恢復!',
    'Full name' => '姓名',
    'Message title' => '留言標題',
    'Message content' => '留言內容',
    'Message time' => '留言時間',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the message? Can not be restored after deletion!' => '您確定要刪除留言嗎?刪除後不可恢復!',
    'Modify the menu category' => '修改選單分類',
    'Edit category' => '修改分類',
    'Modify the link' => '修改友情連結',
    'Edit user' => '修改後台用戶',
    'Edit menu' => '修改選單',
    'Edit the slideshow' => '修改幻燈片',
    'Mixing' => '混合',
    'Photo' => '圖文',
    'Blend mode finds all articles, regardless of thumbnails. By default, Mix 1 is set as the main content block.' => '混合模式查詢的是所有文章,不管是否有縮略圖。預設將“混合1”設定為主內容塊。',
    'The main content block' => '主內容塊',
    'The number displayed' => '顯示數量',
    'A quantity of 0 means finding all eligible content.' => '數量為0表示查詢所有符合條件的內容。',
    'Display method' => '顯示方式',
    'The latest release time' => '最新發布時間',
    'Last modified time' => '最新修改時間',
    'Total number of view' => '查看數量',
    'Total number of comments' => '評論數量',
    'Total number of points praise' => '點讚數量',
    'By writing articles in order' => '按寫文章先後順序',
    'Which way to display' => '按哪種方式顯示',
    'All classification' => '所有分類',
    'Graphics will find the article containing the thumbnail, no thumbnail of the article will be ignored.' => '圖文將查詢含有縮略圖的文章,沒有縮略圖的文章將被忽略。',
    'Gender' => '性別',
    'Secrecy' => '保密',
    'Male' => '男',
    'Female' => '女',
    'Birthday' => '生日',
    'Personal URL' => '個人網址',
    'Signature' => '個性簽名',
    'Plugin' => '插件',
    'The plugin name' => '插件名',
    'Version' => '版本',
    'Plugin URL' => '插件網址',
    'Turned on' => '已開啟',
    'Unopened' => '未開啟',
    'Close' => '關閉',
    'Open' => '開啟',
    'Reduction' => '還原',
    'Remove completely' => '徹底刪除',
    'Are you sure you want to delete this article completely?' => '您確定要將這篇文章徹底刪除嗎?',
    'Are you sure to restore?' => '確定還原嗎?',
    'Are you sure you want to restore this article?' => '您確定要將這篇文章還原嗎?',
    'Are you sure you want to restore the selected article?' => '您確定要將選中文章還原嗎?',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the selected article completely?' => '您確定要將選中文章徹底刪除嗎?',
    'Edit article' => '修改文章',
    'Article source' => '文章來源',
    'Windows: Hold down the Ctrl button to select multiple options, Mac: Press the command button to select multiple options' => 'windows:按住 Ctrl 按鈕來選擇多個選項,Mac:按住 command 按鈕來選擇多個選項',
    'Allow comments' => '允許評論',
    'Comments are not allowed' => '不允許評論',
    'Image' => '圖片',
    'Are you sure you want to delete the slideshow? Can not be restored after deletion!' => '您確定要將幻燈片刪除嗎?刪除後不可恢復!',
    'Site title' => '網站標題',
    'Subtitle' => '副標題',
    'Site domain name' => '網站網址',
    'The domain name ends with "/".' => '網址要以“/”結尾。',
    'Site keywords' => '網站關鍵字',
    'Site description' => '網站描述',
    'Webmaster E-mail' => '站長信箱',
    'Template program' => '模板方案',
    'Review whether the audit' => '評論是否需要審核',
    'Comments need to be audited' => '評論需要審核',
    'User name filtering' => '用戶名過濾',
    'You can set the user names that are not allowed to be registered, separated by a comma ","' => '您可以設定不允許註冊的用戶名,用逗號“,”隔開',
    'Slide size' => '幻燈片尺寸',
    'Width' => '寬度',
    'Height' => '高度',
    'The units are pixels' => '單位為畫素',
    'Login requires a verification code?' => '登入是否需要驗證碼',
    'Login requires a verification code' => '登入需要驗證碼',
    'Site logo' => '網站Logo',
    'Archival information' => '備案信息',
    'Copyright Information' => '版權訊息',
    'Statistical code' => '統計代碼',
    'The category name must be filled in' => '分類名稱必須填寫',
    'The superior category must be selected' => '上級分類必須選擇',
    'The title must be filled in' => '標題必須填寫',
    'Article content must be filled out' => '文章內容必須填寫',
    'The template must be selected' => '模板必須選擇',
    'Image must be uploaded' => '圖片必須上傳',
    'Friendship link name is required' => '友情連結名稱必須填寫',
    'Friendship link address is required' => '友情連結地址必須填寫',
    'The user name must be filled in' => '用戶名必須填寫',
    'Password must be filled in' => '密碼必須填寫',
    'Confirm password is required' => '確認密碼必須填寫',
    'Role must choose' => '角色必須選擇',
    'Confirm the password must be the same as the password' => '確認密碼必須和密碼相同',
    'Username already exists' => '用戶名已經存在',
    'The menu name must be filled in' => '選單名稱必須填寫',
    'The e-mail format is incorrect' => '信箱格式錯誤',
    'Site domain name must be filled out' => '網站域名必須填寫',
    'E-mail address is required' => '信箱必須填寫',
    'The original password must be filled in' => '原密碼必須填寫',
    'The new password must be filled in' => '新密碼必須填寫',
    'The new password can not be shorter than 8 characters' => '新密碼長度不能小於8個字',
    'Confirm the new password must be filled out' => '重複新密碼必須填寫',
    'Confirm that the new password and the new password do not match' => '重複新密碼和新密碼不一致',
    'The original password is wrong' => '原密碼錯誤',
    'Did not find the latest version information' => '沒有找到最新版本訊息',
    'Plugin not found' => '插件沒找到',
    'The plugin has no settings' => '插件沒有設定項',
    'Whether to enable short address mode' => '是否啟用短網址模式',
    'Enable short addresses' => '啟用短網址',
    'Enable short address need to open rewrite, check before you make sure your web environment to run a rewrite' => '啟用短網址需要開啟rewrite,勾選前請先確認您的web運行環境開啟了rewrite',
    'More plug-ins' => '更多插件',
    'User name or nickname' => '用戶名或者暱稱',
    'Whether to allow registration' => '是否允許註冊登入',
    'Registrations are not allowed' => '不允許註冊登入',
    'Themes' => '主題',
    'Active' => '活躍',
    'Whether to close the slide' => '是否關閉幻燈片',
    'Close the slide' => '關閉幻燈片',
    'Shutting down slides requires theme support' => '關閉幻燈片需要主題支持',
    'Whether to close the big image generation' => '是否關閉大圖生成',
    'Close Generate large images' => '關閉生成大圖',
    'Turning off big-picture generation saves space, but it can make large-picture effects for some topics unavailable' => '關閉生成大圖可以節省空間,但會使有些主題的大圖效果無法顯示',
    'The number of records displayed per page' => '每頁顯示數量',
    'You can set the number of displays in the category page' => '可以設定分類頁面中的顯示數量',
    'Website icon' => '網站圖標',
    'Please upload the "ico" icon file' => '請上傳ico圖標文件',
    'Select the icon' => '選擇圖標',
    'Set the time format' => '設定時間格式',
    'Immediate release' => '即時發布',
    'Select the immediate release, the article will immediately show, but will consume more resources, it is recommended not to check' => '選擇即時發布,文章將立即顯示,但是會消耗較多的資源,建議不要勾選',
    'Form' => '形式',
    'Article' => '文章',
    'Log' => '日誌',
    'Album' => '相冊',
    'Video' => '影片',
    'Audio' => '音樂',
    '点' => '點',
    'Your access rights are insufficient' => '您的訪問權限不足',
    'Notice' => '通知',
    'Paging' => '分頁',
    'Your permission is insufficient' => '您的權限不足',
    'Whether to close the site' => '是否關閉網站',
    'Close the site' => '關閉網站',
    'When you need website maintenance, you can use to close the site' => '當您需要網站維護時,可以用來關閉網站',
    'Whether to close the site map' => '是否關閉網站地圖',
    'Close the site map' => '關閉網站地圖',
    'The site map is turned on by default, where you can turn off the site map' => '預設開啟網站地圖,您可以在這里關閉網站地圖',
    'My collection' => '我的收藏',
    'My comments' => '我的評論',
    'Collection time' => '收藏時間',
    'View original' => '查看原文',
    'Original' => '原文',
    'Whether to close the message' => '是否關閉留言',
    'Close the message' => '關閉留言',
    'Close message requires subject support' => '關閉留言需要主題支持',
    'Whether to close the comment' => '是否關閉評論',
    'Close the comment' => '關閉評論',
    'After closing the comment, setting a comment when writing an article will be invalidated' => '關閉評論後,寫文章時設定評論將失效',
    'Whether to close RSS' => '是否關閉RSS',
    'Close RSS' => '關閉RSS',
    'The default is to open RSS, where you can turn off RSS' => '預設開啟RSS,您可以在這里關閉RSS',
    'Binding category' => '綁定分類',
    'After the binding category can be output in the page content of the category, each page can only bind to a category, you can not bind' => '綁定分類後可以在頁面中輸出該分類內容,每個頁面最多只能綁定一個分類,也可以不綁定',
    'Category shows whether subcategories are included' => '分類顯示是否包含子類',
    'Include subcategories' => '包含子類',
    'You can set the number of displays in the page of the binding category' => '可以設置綁定分類的頁面中的顯示數量',
    'Authorized' => '授權',
    'Authorization code must be filled in' => '授權碼必須填寫',
    'Authorization code error' => '授權碼錯誤',
    'Your authorization information' => '您的授權信息',
    'Authorization code' => '授權碼',
    'First authorization time' => '首次授權時間',
    'This authorization start time' => '本次授權起始時間',
    'This authorization end time' => '本次授權結束時間',
    'Lifetime authorization' => '終身授權',
    'submit' => '提交',
    'The authorization code was obtained after you applied for authorization on the official website (www.catfish-cms.com).' => '授權碼是您在官方網站(www.catfish-cms.com)申請授權後獲得的',
    'Whether to generate a fixed width to height ratio thumbnail' => '是否生成固定寬高比的縮略圖',
    'Fixed width to height ratio' => '固定寬高比',
    'Thumbnails with a fixed width-to-height ratio allow thumbnails to appear neatly and consistently' => '固定寬高比的縮略圖可以讓縮略圖顯示得整齊一致',
    'Thumbnail width to height ratio' => '縮略圖寬高比',
    'Please enter the ratio of width and height' => '請輸入寬度和高度的比例',
    'Your authorization deadline is about to expire. In order not to affect your normal use, please renew your license in time.' => '您的授權期限即將到期,為了不影響您正常使用,請及時續期',
    'Your license period has expired. In order not to affect your normal use, please renew the license immediately.' => '您的授權期限已經過期,為了不影響您正常使用,請立即續期'