www.gusucode.com > Catfish(鲶鱼) CMS系统 PHP版 v4.8.21源码程序 > Catfishcms_v4.8.21/application/login/lang/zh-cn.php

 * Project: Catfish.
 * Author: A.J
 * Date: 2016/11/22
return [
    'User name' => '用户名',
    'Password' => '密码',
    'Captcha' => '验证码',
    'Remember me' => '记住我',
    'User login' => '用户登录',
    'Log in' => '登录',
    'Home' => '首页',
    'Sign up' => '注册',
    'New user' => '新用户',
    'Confirm password' => '确认密码',
    'Email' => '邮箱',
    'The user name must be filled in' => '用户名必须填写',
    'Password must be filled in' => '密码必须填写',
    'Username error' => '用户名错误',
    'Password error' => '密码错误',
    'Account has been disabled, please contact the administrator' => '帐户已被禁用,请联系管理员',
    'Confirm password is required' => '确认密码必须填写',
    'E-mail address is required' => '邮箱必须填写',
    'The e-mail format is incorrect' => '邮箱格式错误',
    'Confirm the password must be the same as the password' => '确认密码必须和密码相同',
    'Please use a different username' => '请换用其他用户名',
    'User name has been registered' => '用户名已被注册',
    'User registration is successful' => '注册成功'