www.gusucode.com > Catfish(鲶鱼) CMS系统 PHP版 v4.8.21源码程序 > Catfishcms_v4.8.21/vendor/topthink/think-testing/src/InteractsWithPages.php

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2006-2015 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: yunwuxin <448901948@qq.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace think\testing;

use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Form;
use think\File;
use think\helper\Str;
use think\Request;
use think\response\Redirect;
use PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException as PHPUnitException;
use think\Url;

trait InteractsWithPages

    /** @var \Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler */
    protected $crawler;

     * All of the stored inputs for the current page.
     * @var array
    protected $inputs = [];

     * All of the stored uploads for the current page.
     * @var array
    protected $uploads = [];

    public function visit($uri)
        return $this->makeRequest('GET', $uri);

    protected function submitForm($buttonText, $inputs = [], $uploads = [])
        $this->makeRequestUsingForm($this->fillForm($buttonText, $inputs), $uploads);

        return $this;

    protected function see($text, $negate = false)
        $method = $negate ? 'assertNotRegExp' : 'assertRegExp';

        $rawPattern = preg_quote($text, '/');

        $escapedPattern = preg_quote(htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false), '/');

        $pattern = $rawPattern == $escapedPattern
            ? $rawPattern : "({$rawPattern}|{$escapedPattern})";

        $this->$method("/$pattern/i", $this->response->getContent());

        return $this;

    protected function notSee($text)
        return $this->see($text, true);

    public function seeInElement($element, $text, $negate = false)
        if ($negate) {
            return $this->notSeeInElement($element, $text);

            $this->hasInElement($element, $text),
            "Element [$element] should contain the expected text [{$text}]"

        return $this;

    public function notSeeInElement($element, $text)
            $this->hasInElement($element, $text),
            "Element [$element] should not contain the expected text [{$text}]"

        return $this;

    public function seeLink($text, $url = null)
        $message = "No links were found with expected text [{$text}]";

        if ($url) {
            $message .= " and URL [{$url}]";

        $this->assertTrue($this->hasLink($text, $url), "{$message}.");

        return $this;

    public function notSeeLink($text, $url = null)
        $message = "A link was found with expected text [{$text}]";

        if ($url) {
            $message .= " and URL [{$url}]";

        $this->assertFalse($this->hasLink($text, $url), "{$message}.");

        return $this;

    protected function hasLink($text, $url = null)
        $links = $this->crawler->selectLink($text);

        if ($links->count() == 0) {
            return false;

        // If the URL is null, we assume the developer only wants to find a link
        // with the given text regardless of the URL. So, if we find the link
        // we will return true now. Otherwise, we look for the given URL.
        if ($url == null) {
            return true;

        $url = $this->addRootToRelativeUrl($url);

        /** @var \DOMElement $link */
        foreach ($links as $link) {
            if ($link->getAttribute('href') == $url) {
                return true;

        return false;

    protected function addRootToRelativeUrl($url)
        if (!Str::startsWith($url, ['http', 'https'])) {
            return Url::build($url);

        return $url;

    public function seeInField($selector, $expected)
            $expected, $this->getInputOrTextAreaValue($selector),
            "The field [{$selector}] does not contain the expected value [{$expected}]."

        return $this;

    public function notSeeInField($selector, $value)
            $this->getInputOrTextAreaValue($selector), $value,
            "The input [{$selector}] should not contain the value [{$value}]."

        return $this;

    public function seeIsChecked($selector)
            "The checkbox [{$selector}] is not checked."

        return $this;

    public function notSeeIsChecked($selector)
            "The checkbox [{$selector}] is checked."

        return $this;

    protected function isChecked($selector)
        $checkbox = $this->filterByNameOrId($selector, "input[type='checkbox']");

        if ($checkbox->count() == 0) {
            throw new Exception("There are no checkbox elements with the name or ID [$selector].");

        return $checkbox->attr('checked') !== null;

    public function seeIsSelected($selector, $expected)
            $expected, $this->getSelectedValue($selector),
            "The field [{$selector}] does not contain the selected value [{$expected}]."

        return $this;

    public function notSeeIsSelected($selector, $value)
            $value, $this->getSelectedValue($selector),
            "The field [{$selector}] contains the selected value [{$value}]."

        return $this;

    protected function getSelectedValue($selector)
        $field = $this->filterByNameOrId($selector);

        if ($field->count() == 0) {
            throw new Exception("There are no elements with the name or ID [$selector].");

        $element = $field->nodeName();

        if ($element == 'select') {
            return $this->getSelectedValueFromSelect($field);

        if ($element == 'input') {
            return $this->getCheckedValueFromRadioGroup($field);

        throw new Exception("Given selector [$selector] is not a select or radio group.");

    protected function getSelectedValueFromSelect(Crawler $field)
        if ($field->nodeName() !== 'select') {
            throw new Exception('Given element is not a select element.');

        /** @var \DOMElement $option */
        foreach ($field->children() as $option) {
            if ($option->hasAttribute('selected')) {
                return $option->getAttribute('value');

    protected function getCheckedValueFromRadioGroup(Crawler $radioGroup)
        if ($radioGroup->nodeName() !== 'input' || $radioGroup->attr('type') !== 'radio') {
            throw new Exception('Given element is not a radio button.');

        /** @var \DOMElement $radio */
        foreach ($radioGroup as $radio) {
            if ($radio->hasAttribute('checked')) {
                return $radio->getAttribute('value');

    protected function click($name)
        $link = $this->crawler->selectLink($name);

        if (!count($link)) {
            $link = $this->filterByNameOrId($name, 'a');

            if (!count($link)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                    "Could not find a link with a body, name, or ID attribute of [{$name}]."


        return $this;

    protected function type($text, $element)
        return $this->storeInput($element, $text);

    protected function check($element)
        return $this->storeInput($element, true);

    protected function uncheck($element)
        return $this->storeInput($element, false);

    protected function select($option, $element)
        return $this->storeInput($element, $option);

    protected function attach($absolutePath, $element)
        $this->uploads[$element] = $absolutePath;

        return $this->storeInput($element, $absolutePath);

    protected function press($buttonText)
        return $this->submitForm($buttonText, $this->inputs, $this->uploads);

    protected function getInputOrTextAreaValue($selector)
        $field = $this->filterByNameOrId($selector, ['input', 'textarea']);

        if ($field->count() == 0) {
            throw new Exception("There are no elements with the name or ID [$selector].");

        $element = $field->nodeName();

        if ($element == 'input') {
            return $field->attr('value');

        if ($element == 'textarea') {
            return $field->text();

        throw new Exception("Given selector [$selector] is not an input or textarea.");

    protected function seePageIs($uri)
        $this->assertPageLoaded($uri = $this->prepareUrlForRequest($uri));

            $uri, $this->currentUri, "Did not land on expected page [{$uri}].\n"

        return $this;

    protected function hasInElement($element, $text)
        $elements = $this->crawler->filter($element);

        $rawPattern = preg_quote($text, '/');

        $escapedPattern = preg_quote(htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false), '/');

        $pattern = $rawPattern == $escapedPattern
            ? $rawPattern : "({$rawPattern}|{$escapedPattern})";

        foreach ($elements as $element) {
            $element = new Crawler($element);

            if (preg_match("/$pattern/i", $element->html())) {
                return true;

        return false;

    protected function storeInput($element, $text)

        $element = str_replace('#', '', $element);

        $this->inputs[$element] = $text;

        return $this;

    protected function assertFilterProducesResults($filter)
        $crawler = $this->filterByNameOrId($filter);

        if (!count($crawler)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                "Nothing matched the filter [{$filter}] CSS query provided for [{$this->currentUri}]."

    protected function fillForm($buttonText, $inputs = [])
        if (!is_string($buttonText)) {
            $inputs = $buttonText;

            $buttonText = null;

        return $this->getForm($buttonText)->setValues($inputs);

    protected function getForm($buttonText = null)
        try {
            if ($buttonText) {
                return $this->crawler->selectButton($buttonText)->form();

            return $this->crawler->filter('form')->form();
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                "Could not find a form that has submit button [{$buttonText}]."

    protected function filterByNameOrId($name, $elements = '*')
        $name = str_replace('#', '', $name);

        $id = str_replace(['[', ']'], ['\\[', '\\]'], $name);

        $elements = is_array($elements) ? $elements : [$elements];

        array_walk($elements, function (&$element) use ($name, $id) {
            $element = "{$element}#{$id}, {$element}[name='{$name}']";

        return $this->crawler->filter(implode(', ', $elements));

    protected function makeRequest($method, $uri, $parameters = [], $cookies = [], $files = [])
        $uri = $this->prepareUrlForRequest($uri);

        $this->call($method, $uri, $parameters, $cookies, $files);


        $this->currentUri = Request::instance()->url(true);

        $this->crawler = new Crawler($this->response->getContent(), $this->currentUri);

        return $this;

    protected function makeRequestUsingForm(Form $form, array $uploads = [])
        $files = $this->convertUploadsForTesting($form, $uploads);

        return $this->makeRequest(
            $form->getMethod(), $form->getUri(), $this->extractParametersFromForm($form), [], $files

    protected function assertPageLoaded($uri, $message = null)
        $status = $this->response->getCode();

        try {
            $this->assertEquals(200, $status);
        } catch (PHPUnitException $e) {
            $message = $message ?: "A request to [{$uri}] failed. Received status code [{$status}].";

            throw new HttpException($message);

    protected function convertUploadsForTesting(Form $form, array $uploads)
        $files = $form->getFiles();

        $names = array_keys($files);

        $files = array_map(function (array $file, $name) use ($uploads) {
            return isset($uploads[$name])
                ? $this->getUploadedFileForTesting($file, $uploads, $name)
                : $file;
        }, $files, $names);

        return array_combine($names, $files);

    protected function getUploadedFileForTesting($file, $uploads, $name)
        $file['name'] = basename($uploads[$name]);

        return new File(
            $file['tmp_name'], $file, true

    protected function extractParametersFromForm(Form $form)
        parse_str(http_build_query($form->getValues()), $parameters);

        return $parameters;

    protected function clearInputs()
        $this->inputs = [];

        $this->uploads = [];

        return $this;

    protected function followRedirects()
        while ($this->response instanceof Redirect) {
            $this->makeRequest('GET', $this->response->getTargetUrl());

        return $this;

    protected function prepareUrlForRequest($uri)
        if (Str::startsWith($uri, '/')) {
            $uri = substr($uri, 1);

        if (!Str::startsWith($uri, 'http')) {
            $uri = $this->baseUrl . '/' . $uri;

        return trim($uri, '/');