www.gusucode.com > CKFinder 文件管理器PHP版 v3.0源码程序 > code/core/connector/php/vendor/cksource/ckfinder/src/CKSource/CKFinder/Config.php


 * CKFinder
 * ========
 * http://cksource.com/ckfinder
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * The software, this file and its contents are subject to the CKFinder
 * License. Please read the license.txt file before using, installing, copying,
 * modifying or distribute this file or part of its contents. The contents of
 * this file is part of the Source Code of CKFinder.

namespace CKSource\CKFinder;

use CKSource\CKFinder\Exception\InvalidConfigException;
use CKSource\CKFinder\Exception\InvalidResourceTypeException;

 * Config class
 * Contains all configuration options and a set of config helpers methods
 * @copyright 2015 CKSource - Frederico Knabben
class Config
     * An array containing configuration options
     * @var array $options
    protected $options;

     * Constructor
     * Depending on type of the parameter passed to this function
     * config array is used directly or it's loaded from a file.
     * <b>Important</b>: if you use PHP file to store your config remember to use
     *                   <code>return</code> statement inside file scope to return
     *                   the array.
     * @param array|string $config
     * @throws InvalidConfigException if config wasn't loaded properly
    public function __construct($config)
        setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");

        // Check if default timezone was set
        try {
            new \DateTime();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {

        if (is_string($config) && is_readable($config)) {
            $options = require $config;
        } else {
            $options = $config;

        if (!is_array($options)) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException("Couldn't load configuration. Please check configuration file.");

        $this->options = $this->mergeDefaultOptions($options);


     * Merges default or missing configuration options
     * @param array $options options passed to CKFinder
     * @return array
    protected function mergeDefaultOptions($options)
        $defaults = array(
            'authentication' => function() {
                return false;
            'licenseName' => '',
            'licenseKey'  => '',
            'privateDir'  => array(
                'backend' => 'default',
                'tags'    => '.ckfinder/tags',
                'logs'    => '.ckfinder/logs',
                'cache'   => '.ckfinder/cache',
                'thumbs'  => '.ckfinder/cache/thumbs',
            'images' => array(
                'maxWidth'  => 500,
                'maxHeight' => 400,
                'quality'   => 80,
                'sizes' => array(
                    'small'  => array('width' => 480, 'height' => 320, 'quality' => 80),
                    'medium' => array('width' => 600, 'height' => 480, 'quality' => 80),
                    'large'  => array('width' => 800, 'height' => 600, 'quality' => 80)
                'threshold' => array('pixels'=> 80, 'percent' => 10)
            'thumbnails' => array(
                'enabled' => true,
                'sizes' => array(
                    array('width' => '150', 'height' => '150', 'quality' => 80),
                    array('width' => '300', 'height' => '300', 'quality' => 80),
                    array('width' => '500', 'height' => '500', 'quality' => 80),
                'bmpSupported' => true,
            'backends' => array(
                    'name'               => 'default',
                    'adapter'            => 'local',
                    'baseUrl'            => '/userfiles/',
                    'chmodFiles'         => 0777,
                    'chmodFolders'       => 0777,
                    'filesystemEncoding' => 'UTF-8'
            'defaultResourceTypes' => '',
            'resourceTypes' =>array(
                    'name'              => 'Files',
                    'directory'         => 'files',
                    'maxSize'           => 0,
                    'allowedExtensions' => '7z,aiff,asf,avi,bmp,csv,doc,docx,fla,flv,gif,gz,gzip,jpeg,jpg,mid,mov,mp3,mp4,mpc,mpeg,mpg,ods,odt,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,pxd,qt,ram,rar,rm,rmi,rmvb,rtf,sdc,sitd,swf,sxc,sxw,tar,tgz,tif,tiff,txt,vsd,wav,wma,wmv,xls,xlsx,zip',
                    'deniedExtensions'  => '',
                    'backend'           => 'default'
                    'name'              => 'Images',
                    'directory'         => 'images',
                    'maxSize'           => 0,
                    'allowedExtensions' => 'bmp,gif,jpeg,jpg,png',
                    'deniedExtensions'  => '',
                    'backend'           => 'default'
            'roleSessionVar' => 'CKFinder_UserRole',
            'accessControl' => array(
                    'role'          => '*',
                    'resourceType'  => '*',
                    'folder'        => '/',

                    'FOLDER_VIEW'        => true,
                    'FOLDER_CREATE'      => true,
                    'FOLDER_RENAME'      => true,
                    'FOLDER_DELETE'      => true,

                    'FILE_VIEW'          => true,
                    'FILE_UPLOAD'        => true,
                    'FILE_RENAME'        => true,
                    'FILE_DELETE'        => true,

                    'IMAGE_RESIZE'        => true,
                    'IMAGE_RESIZE_CUSTOM' => true
            'overwriteOnUpload'        => false,
            'checkDoubleExtension'     => true,
            'disallowUnsafeCharacters' => false,
            'secureImageUploads'       => true,
            'checkSizeAfterScaling'    => true,
            'htmlExtensions'           => array('html', 'htm', 'xml', 'js'),
            'hideFolders'              => array(".*", "CVS", "__thumbs"),
            'hideFiles'                => array(".*"),
            'forceAscii'               => false,
            'xSendfile'                => false,
            'debug'                    => false,
            'pluginsDirectory'         => __DIR__ . '/plugins',
            'plugins'                  => array(),
            'debug_loggers'            => array('ckfinder_log', 'error_log', 'firephp'),
            'cache'                    => array(
                'imagePreview' => 24 * 3600,
                'thumbnails'   => 24 * 3600 * 365

        $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);

        foreach (array('privateDir', 'images', 'thumbnails') as $key) {
            $options[$key] = array_merge($defaults[$key], $options[$key]);

        $resourceTypeDefaults = array(
            'name'              => '',
            'directory'         => '',
            'maxSize'           => 0,
            'allowedExtensions' => '',
            'deniedExtensions'  => '',
            'backend'           => 'default'

        foreach ($options['resourceTypes'] as &$resourceType) {
            $resourceType = array_merge($resourceTypeDefaults, $resourceType);

        return $options;

     * Returns configuration node under path defined in parameter.
     * For easier access to nested config options the config $name
     * parameter can be passed also as a dot separated path.
     * For example, to check if thumbnails are enabled you can use:
     * $config->get('thumbnails.enabled')
     * @param string $name config node name
     * @return mixed config node value
    public function get($name)
        if (isset($this->options[$name])) {
            return $this->options[$name];

        $keys = explode('.', $name);
        $array = $this->options;

        do {
            $key = array_shift($keys);
            if (isset($array[$key])) {
                if ($keys) {
                    if (is_array($array[$key])) {
                        $array = $array[$key];
                    } else {
                } else {
                    return $array[$key];
            } else {
        } while ($keys);

        return null;

     * Validates config array structure
     * @throws InvalidConfigException if config structure is invalid
    protected function validate()
        $checkMissingNodes = function (array $required, array $actual, $prefix = '') {
            $missing = array_keys(array_diff_key(array_flip($required), $actual));

            if (!empty($missing)) {
                throw new InvalidConfigException(sprintf(
                    "CKFinder configuration doesn't contain all required fields. " .
                    "Please check configuration file. Missing fields: %s",
                    ($prefix ? "{$prefix}: " : '') . implode(', ', $missing)));

        $requiredRootNodes = array('authentication', 'licenseName', 'licenseKey', 'privateDir', 'images',
            'backends', 'defaultResourceTypes', 'resourceTypes', 'roleSessionVar', 'accessControl',
            'checkDoubleExtension', 'disallowUnsafeCharacters', 'secureImageUploads', 'checkSizeAfterScaling',
            'htmlExtensions', 'hideFolders', 'hideFiles', 'forceAscii', 'xSendfile', 'debug', 'pluginsDirectory', 'plugins');

        $checkMissingNodes($requiredRootNodes, $this->options);
        $checkMissingNodes(array('backend', 'tags', 'logs', 'cache', 'thumbs'), $this->options['privateDir'], '[privateDir]');
        $checkMissingNodes(array('maxWidth', 'maxHeight', 'quality'), $this->options['images'], '[images]');

        $backends = array();

        foreach ($this->options['backends'] as $i => $backendConfig) {
            $checkMissingNodes(array('name', 'adapter'), $backendConfig, "[backends][{$i}]");
            $backends[] = $backendConfig['name'];

        foreach ($this->options['resourceTypes'] as $i => $resourceTypeConfig) {
            $checkMissingNodes(array('name', 'directory', 'maxSize', 'allowedExtensions', 'deniedExtensions', 'backend'),
                $resourceTypeConfig, "[resourceTypes][{$i}]");

            if (!in_array($resourceTypeConfig['backend'], $backends)) {
                throw new InvalidConfigException("Backend '{$resourceTypeConfig['backend']}' is not defined: [resourceTypes][{$i}]");

        foreach ($this->options['accessControl'] as $i => $aclConfig) {
            $checkMissingNodes(array('role', 'resourceType', 'folder'), $aclConfig, "[accessControl][{$i}]");

        if (!is_callable($this->options['authentication'])) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException("CKFinder Authentication config field must be a PHP callable");

     * Processes configuration array
    protected function process()
        $this->options['defaultResourceTypes'] =
                    explode(',', $this->options['defaultResourceTypes'])

        $formatToArray = function ($input) {
            $input = is_array($input) ? $input : explode(',', $input);

                        array_map('trim', $input)

        foreach ($this->options['resourceTypes'] as $i => $resourceTypeConfig) {
            $resourceTypeConfig['allowedExtensions'] = $formatToArray($resourceTypeConfig['allowedExtensions']);
            $resourceTypeConfig['deniedExtensions'] = $formatToArray($resourceTypeConfig['deniedExtensions']);
            $resourceTypeConfig['maxSize'] = Utils::returnBytes((string) $resourceTypeConfig['maxSize']);

            $this->options['resourceTypes'][$resourceTypeConfig['name']] = $resourceTypeConfig;

        $this->options['htmlExtensions'] = $formatToArray($this->options['htmlExtensions']);

     * Returns default resources types names
     * @return array
    public function getDefaultResourceTypes()
        return $this->options['defaultResourceTypes'];

     * Returns all defined resources types names
     * @return array
    public function getResourceTypes()
        return array_keys($this->options['resourceTypes']);

     * Returns configuration node for chosen resource type
     * @param string $resourceType resource type name
     * @return array configuration node for resource type
     * @throws InvalidResourceTypeException if resource type doesn't exist
    public function getResourceTypeNode($resourceType)
        if (array_key_exists($resourceType, $this->options['resourceTypes'])) {
            return $this->options['resourceTypes'][$resourceType];
        } else {
            throw new InvalidResourceTypeException("Invalid resource type: {$resourceType}");

     * Returns regex used for hidden files check
     * @return string
    public function getHideFilesRegex()
        static $hideFilesRegex;

        if (!isset($hideFilesRegex)) {
            $hideFilesConfig = $this->options['hideFiles'];

            if ($hideFilesConfig && is_array($hideFilesConfig)) {
                $hideFilesRegex = join("|", $hideFilesConfig);
                $hideFilesRegex = strtr($hideFilesRegex, array("?" => "__QMK__", "*" => "__AST__", "|" => "__PIP__"));
                $hideFilesRegex = preg_quote($hideFilesRegex, "/");
                $hideFilesRegex = strtr($hideFilesRegex, array("__QMK__" => ".", "__AST__" => ".*", "__PIP__" => "|"));
                $hideFilesRegex = "/^(?:" . $hideFilesRegex . ")$/uim";
            } else {
                $hideFilesRegex = "";

        return $hideFilesRegex;

     * Returns regex used for hidden files check
     * @return string
    public function getHideFoldersRegex()
        static $hideFoldersRegex;

        if (!isset($hideFoldersRegex)) {
            $hideFoldersConfig = $this->options['hideFolders'];

            if ($hideFoldersConfig && is_array($hideFoldersConfig)) {
                $hideFoldersRegex = join("|", $hideFoldersConfig);
                $hideFoldersRegex = strtr($hideFoldersRegex, array("?" => "__QMK__", "*" => "__AST__", "|" => "__PIP__"));
                $hideFoldersRegex = preg_quote($hideFoldersRegex, "/");
                $hideFoldersRegex = strtr($hideFoldersRegex, array("__QMK__" => ".", "__AST__" => ".*", "__PIP__" => "|"));
                $hideFoldersRegex = "/^(?:" . $hideFoldersRegex . ")$/uim";
            } else {
                $hideFoldersRegex = "";

        return $hideFoldersRegex;

     * If config node doesn't exist creates node with given name and values.
     * In other case extends config node with additional (default) values
     * @param string $nodeName
     * @param array  $values
    public function extend($nodeName, array $values)
        if (!isset($this->options[$nodeName])) {
            $this->options[$nodeName] = $values;
        } else {
            $this->options[$nodeName] = array_replace_recursive($values, $this->options[$nodeName]);

     * Returns backend-relative private directory path
     * @param string $privateDirIdentifier
     * @return mixed
    public function getPrivateDirPath($privateDirIdentifier)
        if (!array_key_exists($privateDirIdentifier, $this->options['privateDir'])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Private dir with identifier %s not found. Please check configuration file.', $privateDirIdentifier));

        $privateDir = $this->options['privateDir'][$privateDirIdentifier];

        if (is_array($privateDir) && array_key_exists('path', $privateDir)) {
            return $privateDir['path'];

        return $privateDir;

     * Checks if debug logger with given name is enabled
     * @param string $loggerName debug logger name
     * @return bool true if enabled
    public function isDebugLoggerEnabled($loggerName)
        return in_array($loggerName, $this->options['debug_loggers']);