www.gusucode.com > Destoon B2B仿淘宝电子商务网站 UTF8 v6.0源码程序 > destoon/api/pay/yeepay/yeepayCommon.php

defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied');
//DT include 'merchantProperties.php';

$p1_MerId = $PAY[$bank]['partnerid'];//"10001126856";
$merchantKey = $PAY[$bank]['keycode'];//"69cl522AV6q613Ii4W6u8K6XuW8vM1N6bFgyv769220IuYe9u37N4y7rI4Pl";
$logName	= "YeePay_HTML.log";

 * @Description 易宝支付产品通用接口范例 
 * @V3.0
 * @Author rui.xin
	#	产品通用接口正式请求地址
	$reqURL_onLine = "https://www.yeepay.com/app-merchant-proxy/node";
	#	产品通用接口测试请求地址
	#$reqURL_onLine = "http://tech.yeepay.com:8080/robot/debug.action";
	# 业务类型
	# 支付请求,固定值"Buy" .	
	$p0_Cmd = "Buy";
	#	送货地址
	# 为"1": 需要用户将送货地址留在易宝支付系统;为"0": 不需要,默认为 "0".
	$p9_SAF = "0";
function getReqHmacString($p2_Order,$p3_Amt,$p4_Cur,$p5_Pid,$p6_Pcat,$p7_Pdesc,$p8_Url,$pa_MP,$pd_FrpId,$pr_NeedResponse)
	global $p0_Cmd,$p9_SAF,$p1_MerId,$merchantKey,$logName;
	//DT include 'merchantProperties.php';
  $sbOld = "";
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p0_Cmd;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p1_MerId;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p2_Order;     
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p3_Amt;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p4_Cur;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p5_Pid;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p6_Pcat;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p7_Pdesc;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p8_Url;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$p9_SAF;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$pa_MP;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$pd_FrpId;
  $sbOld = $sbOld.$pr_NeedResponse;
  return HmacMd5($sbOld,$merchantKey);

function getCallbackHmacString($r0_Cmd,$r1_Code,$r2_TrxId,$r3_Amt,$r4_Cur,$r5_Pid,$r6_Order,$r7_Uid,$r8_MP,$r9_BType)
	//DT include 'merchantProperties.php';
	global $p1_MerId,$merchantKey,$logName;
	$sbOld = "";
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$p1_MerId;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r0_Cmd;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r1_Code;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r2_TrxId;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r3_Amt;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r4_Cur;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r5_Pid;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r6_Order;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r7_Uid;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r8_MP;
	$sbOld = $sbOld.$r9_BType;

	return HmacMd5($sbOld,$merchantKey);


#	取得返回串中的所有参数
function getCallBackValue(&$r0_Cmd,&$r1_Code,&$r2_TrxId,&$r3_Amt,&$r4_Cur,&$r5_Pid,&$r6_Order,&$r7_Uid,&$r8_MP,&$r9_BType,&$hmac)
	$r0_Cmd		= $_REQUEST['r0_Cmd'];
	$r1_Code	= $_REQUEST['r1_Code'];
	$r2_TrxId	= $_REQUEST['r2_TrxId'];
	$r3_Amt		= $_REQUEST['r3_Amt'];
	$r4_Cur		= $_REQUEST['r4_Cur'];
	$r5_Pid		= $_REQUEST['r5_Pid'];
	$r6_Order	= $_REQUEST['r6_Order'];
	$r7_Uid		= $_REQUEST['r7_Uid'];
	$r8_MP		= $_REQUEST['r8_MP'];
	$r9_BType	= $_REQUEST['r9_BType']; 
	$hmac			= $_REQUEST['hmac'];
	return null;

function CheckHmac($r0_Cmd,$r1_Code,$r2_TrxId,$r3_Amt,$r4_Cur,$r5_Pid,$r6_Order,$r7_Uid,$r8_MP,$r9_BType,$hmac)
		return true;
		return false;
function HmacMd5($data,$key)
// RFC 2104 HMAC implementation for php.
// Creates an md5 HMAC.
// Eliminates the need to install mhash to compute a HMAC
// Hacked by Lance Rushing(NOTE: Hacked means written)

//DT $key = iconv("GB2312","UTF-8",$key);
//DT $data = iconv("GB2312","UTF-8",$data);
$key = convert($key, 'GB2312', 'UTF-8');
$data = convert($data, 'GB2312', 'UTF-8');

$b = 64; // byte length for md5
if (strlen($key) > $b) {
$key = pack("H*",md5($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $b, chr(0x00));
$ipad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x36));
$opad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x5c));
$k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad ;
$k_opad = $key ^ $opad;

return md5($k_opad . pack("H*",md5($k_ipad . $data)));

function logstr($orderid,$str,$hmac)
	log_write($orderid.'|'.$str.'|'.$hmac, 'yeepay');