www.gusucode.com > DouPHP轻量PHP企业网站管理系统 v1.3 Release 源码程序 > DouPHP_v1.3.0502/upload/languages/en_us/common.lang.php

 * DouPHP
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 * 网站地址: http://www.douco.com
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 * 授权协议:http://www.douco.com/license.html
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 * Author: DouCo
 * Release Date: 2015-10-16

// 公共语言项
$_LANG['ur_here'] = 'Your Position';
$_LANG['home'] = 'Home';
$_LANG['add_time'] = 'Time';
$_LANG['click'] = 'Click';
$_LANG['price'] = 'Price';
$_LANG['price_format'] = 'USD $ d%';
$_LANG['price_discuss'] = 'Negotiable';
$_LANG['copyright'] = '© d% 2016 All Rights Reserved.';
$_LANG['powered_by'] = "<a href='http://www.douco.com' target='_blank'>Powered by DouPHP</a>";
$_LANG['home'] = 'Home';
$_LANG['add_favorite'] = 'Add To Favorites';
$_LANG['link'] = 'Partners';
$_LANG['site_closed'] = 'Let this website down just in support renew, please visit soon afterward...';
$_LANG['btn_submit'] = 'Submit';
$_LANG['select'] = 'Please Select...';
$_LANG['captcha'] = 'Captcha';
$_LANG['captcha_wrong'] = 'Verification code is not correct!';
$_LANG['captcha_refresh'] = 'Refresh the verification code';
$_LANG['page_wrong'] = 'The page does not exist!';
$_LANG['illegal'] = 'Illegal operation';
$_LANG['illegal_char'] = 'contains illegal characters';
$_LANG['go_top'] = 'TOP OF PAGE';
$_LANG['dou_pc'] = 'PC';
$_LANG['dou_mobile'] = 'MOBILE';
$_LANG['number'] = 'Qty';
$_LANG['handler'] = 'Handler';
$_LANG['view'] = 'View';
$_LANG['del'] = 'Delete';
$_LANG['yes'] = 'Yes';
$_LANG['no'] = 'No';

// 公司简介
$_LANG['about'] = 'About Us';
$_LANG['about_link'] = 'For more information about the ';
$_LANG['about_tree'] = 'Company Information';

// 联系我们
$_LANG['contact'] = 'Contact Us';
$_LANG['contact_address'] = 'Address';
$_LANG['contact_tel'] = 'Tel';
$_LANG['contact_fax'] = 'Fax';
$_LANG['contact_root_url'] = 'Url';
$_LANG['contact_email'] = 'E-mail';

// 搜索
$_LANG['search'] = 'Search';
$_LANG['search_results'] = "Search results for 'd%'";
$_LANG['search_product'] = 'Product Search';
$_LANG['search_product_cue'] = 'Search product here...';
$_LANG['search_article'] = 'Article Search';
$_LANG['search_article_cue'] = 'Search article here...';
$_LANG['search_keyword_wrong'] = 'Keyword can only enter English, Chinese, digital and underline';

// 分页
$_LANG['pager_1'] = 'Total';
$_LANG['pager_2'] = 'records';
$_LANG['pager_3'] = 'Divided into';
$_LANG['pager_4'] = 'pages';
$_LANG['pager_5'] = 'The';
$_LANG['pager_6'] = 'The';
$_LANG['pager_first'] = 'First';
$_LANG['pager_last'] = 'Last';
$_LANG['pager_previous'] = 'Prev';
$_LANG['pager_next'] = 'Next';

// 在线客服
$_LANG['online'] = 'Live Chat';
$_LANG['online_qq'] = 'Start Chat';

// 提示信息
$_LANG['dou_msg'] = 'Message';
$_LANG['dou_msg_cue'] = "If you don't make a choice, will be in d% seconds after the jump to a page, you can also manually click";
$_LANG['dou_msg_back'] = 'Back';
$_LANG['dou_msg_success'] = 'The operation has completed successfully';