www.gusucode.com > ecShop PHP网上商城系统 粉丝修复版 v2.7.3源码程序 > ecshop_xf_v2.7.3/languages/en_us/admin/cron.php


 * ECSHOP 程序说明
 * ===========================================================
 * * 版权所有 2005-2012 上海商派网络科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。
 * 网站地址: http://www.ecshop.com;
 * ----------------------------------------------------------
 * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和
 * 使用;不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。
 * ==========================================================
 * $Author: liubo $
 * $Id: cron.php 17217 2011-01-19 06:29:08Z liubo $

$_LANG['cron_name'] = 'Name planned mission';
$_LANG['cron_code'] = 'The program mission';
$_LANG['if_open'] = 'Open';
$_LANG['version'] = 'Version';
$_LANG['cron_desc'] = 'Plan Task Description';
$_LANG['cron_author'] = 'Plug-Author';
$_LANG['cron_time'] = 'Mission plan execution time';
$_LANG['cron_next'] = 'The next execution time';
$_LANG['cron_this'] = 'Last execution time';
$_LANG['cron_allow_ip'] = 'Permit the implementation of the server ip';
$_LANG['cron_run_once'] = 'Turn off after the implementation of';
$_LANG['cron_alow_files'] = 'Permit the implementation of the page';
$_LANG['notice_alow_files'] = 'Front trigger is scheduled to run pages, blank pages that were triggered in all';
$_LANG['notice_alow_ip'] = 'Mission plans to permit the server to run IP, please use comma to separate multiple IP';
$_LANG['notice_minute'] = 'Use commas to separate multiple minutes';
$_LANG['cron_do'] = 'Perform';
$_LANG['do_ok'] = 'Implementation of successful';
$_LANG['cron_month'] = 'Monthly';
$_LANG['cron_day'] = 'Date';
$_LANG['cron_week'] = 'Weekly';
$_LANG['cron_thatday'] = 'Day';
$_LANG['cron_hour'] = 'Hours';
$_LANG['cron_minute'] = 'Minutes';
$_LANG['cron_unlimit'] = 'Daily';
$_LANG['cron_advance'] = 'Advanced Options';
$_LANG['cron_show_advance'] = 'Show advanced options';
$_LANG['install_ok'] = 'Installed successfully';
$_LANG['edit_ok'] = 'Editor successful';
$_LANG['week'][1] = 'Monday';
$_LANG['week'][2] = 'Tuesday';
$_LANG['week'][3] = 'Wednesday';
$_LANG['week'][4] = 'Thursday';
$_LANG['week'][5] = 'Friday';
$_LANG['week'][6] = 'Saturday';
$_LANG['week'][7] = 'Sunday';

$_LANG['uninstall_ok'] = 'Uninstall successful';
$_LANG['cron_not_available'] = 'Mission of the plan does not exist or is not installed';
$_LANG['back_list'] = 'Plans to return a list of mission';
$_LANG['name_is_null'] = 'You do not have plans to enter the name of mission!';
$_LANG['js_languages']['lang_removeconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to uninstall the program mission?';

$_LANG['page']['index'] = 'Home';

$_LANG['page']['user'] = 'User Center';
$_LANG['page']['pick_out'] = 'Shopping center';
$_LANG['page']['flow'] = 'Shopping Cart';
$_LANG['page']['group_buy'] = 'Buy merchandise';
$_LANG['page']['snatch'] = 'Indiana Jones';
$_LANG['page']['tag_cloud'] = 'Tag cloud';

$_LANG['page']['category'] = 'Merchandise list page';
$_LANG['page']['goods'] = 'Merchandise page';
$_LANG['page']['article_cat'] = 'Article list page';
$_LANG['page']['article'] = 'Article page';
$_LANG['page']['brand'] = 'Brand Area';
$_LANG['page']['search'] = 'Search results pages';
