www.gusucode.com > ecShop PHP网上商城系统 粉丝修复版 v2.7.3源码程序 > ecshop_xf_v2.7.3/languages/en_us/admin/filecheck.php


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 * $Author: testyang $
 * $Id: filecheck.php 15013 2008-10-23 09:31:42Z testyang $

$_LANG['filecheck_verifying'] = 'Check files in progress, please wait......';
$_LANG['filecheck_tips_step1'] = 'ECSHOP check documents for the official release of the documents as the basis for cross-checking, click the button below to start checking。';
$_LANG['filecheck_start'] = 'Start';
$_LANG['fileperms_confirm'] = 'To confirm the beginning of';
$_LANG['fileperms_verify'] = 'Start verify';
$_LANG['filecheck_completed'] = 'Check the results';
$_LANG['filecheck_return'] = 'Return to re-check';
$_LANG['filecheck_status'] = 'State';
$_LANG['result_modify'] = '<em class="edited">To be revised</em>';
$_LANG['result_delete'] = '<em class="del">Deleted</em>';
$_LANG['result_unknown'] = '<em class="unknown">unknown</em>';
$_LANG['filecheck_modify'] = 'To be revised';
$_LANG['filecheck_delete'] = 'Deleted';
$_LANG['filecheck_unknown'] = 'unknown';
$_LANG['filecheck_check_ok'] = 'Correct';
$_LANG['jump_info'] = 'If your browser does not automatically jump, please click here';
$_LANG['tips'] = 'Tips: ';
$_LANG['filecheck_tips'] = '<li>“<em class="edited">To be revised</em>”、“<em class="del">Deleted</em>” The list of documents, instantly, through FTP or other tools to check the validity of their documents in order to ensure the normal function of ECSHOP Shop use。</li>
    <li>“<em class="unknown">unknown</em>” The documents listed, please check whether it was illegal Shop into the other documents。</li>
    <li style="">“<em class="unknown">The week were revised</em>” Listed in the document, make sure that the recently revised。</li>';
$_LANG['filename'] = 'File Name';
$_LANG['filesize'] = 'File size';
$_LANG['filemtime'] = 'Last modified';
$_LANG['filecheck_nofound_md5file'] = 'Check file does not exist and can not do this';