www.gusucode.com > ecShop PHP网上商城系统 粉丝修复版 v2.7.3源码程序 > ecshop_xf_v2.7.3/languages/en_us/admin/flashplay.php


 * ECSHOP 程序说明
 * ===========================================================
 * * 版权所有 2005-2012 上海商派网络科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。
 * 网站地址: http://www.ecshop.com;
 * ----------------------------------------------------------
 * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和
 * 使用;不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。
 * ==========================================================
 * $Author: liubo $
 * $Id: flashplay.php 17217 2011-01-19 06:29:08Z liubo $

$_LANG['schp_imgsrc'] = 'Carousel picture Address';
$_LANG['schp_imgurl'] = 'Carousel Picture Link';
$_LANG['schp_imgdesc'] = 'Photo Caption';
$_LANG['schp_sort'] = 'Sort';
$_LANG['trash_img_confirm'] = 'You want to delete this Carousel picture it?';
$_LANG['custom_del_confirm'] = 'You want to delete it?';
$_LANG['tab_change_alert'] = 'Close all of custom ADS before click Default AD';
$_LANG['trash_img'] = 'Delete Image';
$_LANG['custom_drop_img'] = 'Delete AD';
$_LANG['custom_change_img'] = 'Edit Status';
$_LANG['add_new'] = 'Add Image';
$_LANG['add_flash'] = 'Add Player';
$_LANG['add_ad'] = 'Add Custom AD';
$_LANG['add_picad'] = 'Add Image AD';
$_LANG['edit_picad'] = 'Edit Image AD';
$_LANG['edit_ad'] = 'Edit Custom AD';
$_LANG['title_flash_name'] = 'AD Name';
$_LANG['title_flash_type'] = 'AD type';
$_LANG['title_flash_time'] = 'Addtion time';
$_LANG['title_flash_status'] = 'Status';
$_LANG['title_upload_notice'] = 'Upload a picture Or input a URL';

$_LANG['img_src'] = 'Image Address';
$_LANG['img_url'] = 'Image URL';
$_LANG['form_none'] = 'Failed,the form is imperfect.';
$_LANG['web_url_no'] = 'Error in address.Please input the full URL.';
$_LANG['src_empty'] = 'Error in address.';
$_LANG['back_custom_set'] = 'Return to Custom AD';
$_LANG['edit_ok'] = 'OK';
$_LANG['edit_no'] = 'Failed';
$_LANG['id_error'] = 'No Image';
$_LANG['src_empty'] = 'Input Image Address';
$_LANG['link_empty'] = 'Input Link Address';
$_LANG['go_url'] = 'Image List';
$_LANG['ad_play_url'] = 'AD List';
$_LANG['return_edit'] = 'Return to edit';
$_LANG['width_height'] = 'Image\'s width:%s height:%s';
$_LANG['invalid_type'] = 'Error in image type';
$_LANG['flash_template'] = 'Flash Player List';
$_LANG['current_theme'] = 'Current style';
$_LANG['install_success'] = 'The successful opening of the Flash style.';
$_LANG['ad_img'] = 'Image';
$_LANG['ad_flash'] = 'Flash';
$_LANG['ad_html'] = 'Code';
$_LANG['ad_text'] = 'Character';

/* 内容页标签 */
$_LANG['lable_flash_name'] = 'AD Name:';
$_LANG['lable_flash_type'] = 'AD Type:';
$_LANG['lable_flash_status'] = 'Status:';
$_LANG['lable_upload'] = 'Upload:';
$_LANG['lable_url'] = 'Link:';
$_LANG['lable_from_web'] = 'URL:';
$_LANG['lable_content'] = 'Content:';

/* 标签 */
$_LANG['system_set'] = 'Default AD';
$_LANG['custom_set'] = 'Custom AD';

/* JS 语言项 */
$_LANG['js_languages']['setupConfirm'] = 'The opening of the new Flash style will cover the original style. \n Are you sure you want to enable the selected style it?';