www.gusucode.com > ecShop PHP网上商城系统 粉丝修复版 v2.7.3源码程序 > ecshop_xf_v2.7.3/languages/en_us/common.php


 * ECSHOP Front language file
 * ============================================================================
 * All right reserved (C) 2005-2011 Beijing Yi Shang Interactive Technology Development Ltd.
 * Web site: http://www.ecshop.com
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This is a free/open source software;it means that you can modify, use and
 * republish the program code, on the premise of that your behavior is not for commercial purposes.
 * ============================================================================
 * $Author: liubo $
 * $Id: common.php 17217 2011-01-19 06:29:08Z liubo $

/* 用户登录语言项 */
$_LANG['empty_username_password'] = 'Please enter username and password.';
$_LANG['shot_message'] = "Short message";

/* 公共语言项 */
$_LANG['sys_msg'] = 'System Message';
$_LANG['catalog'] = 'Catalog';
$_LANG['please_view_order_detail'] = 'Please view order detail in Member Center';
$_LANG['user_center'] = 'User Center';
$_LANG['shop_closed'] = 'In the shop stocktaking, please come again later...';
$_LANG['shop_register_closed'] = 'The suspension of registration Shop';
$_LANG['shop_upgrade'] = 'Upgrading, after administrator login from <a href="admin/">Control panel</a>, the system will have done automatically.';
$_LANG['js_languages']['process_request'] = 'Please waiting...';
$_LANG['process_request'] = 'Please waiting...';
$_LANG['please_waiting'] = 'Please waiting...';
$_LANG['icp_number'] = 'ICP';
$_LANG['plugins_not_found'] = "Plug-in %s not found";
$_LANG['home']  = 'Home';
$_LANG['back_up_page'] = 'Previous';
$_LANG['close_window'] = 'superman wear the underwear out of the trousers';
$_LANG['back_home'] = 'Home';
$_LANG['ur_here'] = 'Your Position:';
$_LANG['all_goods'] = 'All products';
$_LANG['all_recommend'] = "All recommend";
$_LANG['all_attribute'] = "All";
$_LANG['promotion_goods'] = 'Promotion products';
$_LANG['best_goods'] = 'Best';
$_LANG['new_goods'] = 'New';
$_LANG['hot_goods'] = 'Hot';
$_LANG['view_cart'] = 'Cart';
$_LANG['catalog'] = 'Categories';
$_LANG['regist_login'] = 'Register/Login';
$_LANG['profile'] = 'Profile';
$_LANG['query_info'] = 'Run %d queries, spents %f seconds, %d people online';
$_LANG['gzip_enabled'] = ',Gzip enabled';
$_LANG['gzip_disabled'] = ',Gzip disabled';
$_LANG['memory_info'] = ',take up memory %0.3f MB';
$_LANG['cart_info'] = '%d products in your cart, total money %s.';
$_LANG['shopping_and_other'] = 'Customers who bought this item also bought.';
$_LANG['bought_notes'] = 'Bought notes';
$_LANG['later_bought_amounts'] = 'bought amounts latest';
$_LANG['bought_time'] = 'bought time';
$_LANG['turnover'] = 'turnover';
$_LANG['no_notes'] = 'No one bought this product';
$_LANG['shop_price'] = 'Shop price:';
$_LANG['market_price'] = 'Market price:';
$_LANG['goods_brief'] = 'Goods Brief:';
$_LANG['goods_album'] = 'Merchandise photo album';
$_LANG['promote_price'] = 'Promotion price:';
$_LANG['fittings_price'] = 'Accessories price:';
$_LANG['collect'] = 'Collect';
$_LANG['add_to_cart'] = '| Add to cart |';
$_LANG['return_to_cart'] = 'Return to cart';
$_LANG['search_goods'] = 'Product search';
$_LANG['search'] = 'Search';
$_LANG['wholesale_search'] = 'Search for wholesale merchandise';
$_LANG['article_title'] = 'Article title';
$_LANG['article_author'] = 'Author';
$_LANG['article_add_time'] = 'Date';
$_LANG['relative_file'] = '[ Helpful Links ]';
$_LANG['category'] = 'Category';
$_LANG['brand'] = 'Brand';
$_LANG['price_min'] = 'Min price';
$_LANG['price_max'] = 'Max price';
$_LANG['goods_name'] = 'Name';
$_LANG['goods_attr'] = 'Attribute';
$_LANG['goods_price_ladder'] = 'Price Ladder';
$_LANG['ladder_price'] = 'Ladder price';
$_LANG['shop_prices'] = 'Shop price';
$_LANG['market_prices'] = 'Market price';
$_LANG['deposit'] = 'Associates bail';
$_LANG['amount'] = 'Total';
$_LANG['number'] = 'Quantity';
$_LANG['handle'] = 'Operate';
$_LANG['add'] = 'Add';
$_LANG['edit'] = 'Edit';
$_LANG['drop'] = 'Delete';
$_LANG['view'] = 'View';
$_LANG['modify'] = 'Modify';
$_LANG['is_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$_LANG['amend_amount'] = 'Modify quantity';
$_LANG['end'] = 'End';
$_LANG['require_field'] = '<span class="require-field">*</span>';
$_LANG['search_result'] = 'Search result';
$_LANG['order_number'] = 'NO.';
$_LANG['consignment'] = 'Invoice';
$_LANG['activities'] = 'Goods activities';
$_LANG['remark_package'] = 'Preferential Packeage';
$_LANG['old_price'] = 'Old Price:';
$_LANG['package_price'] = 'Packeage Price:';
$_LANG['then_old_price'] = 'Then old Price:';
$_LANG['free_goods'] = 'Free shipping goods';

$_LANG['searchkeywords_notice'] = 'Search by more keywords, can be linked by keywords or "AND". Eg. win32 AND unix<br /> Search by part of "+", can be linked by rank or "OR". Eg. win32 OR unix';
$_LANG['hidden_outstock'] = 'Hide outstock products';
$_LANG['keywords'] = 'Keywords';
$_LANG['sc_ds'] = 'Search description';
$_LANG['button_search'] = 'Search';
$_LANG['no_search_result'] = 'Cannot find products';
$_LANG['all_category'] = 'All categories';
$_LANG['all_brand'] = 'All brands';
$_LANG['all_option'] = 'All options';
$_LANG['extension'] = 'Extension';
$_LANG['gram'] = 'gram';
$_LANG['kilogram'] = 'kilogram';
$_LANG['goods_sn'] = 'NO.:';
$_LANG['goods_brand'] = 'Brand:';
$_LANG['goods_weight'] = 'Weight:';
$_LANG['goods_number'] = 'Quantity:';
$_LANG['goods_give_integral'] = 'gifts for buying:';
$_LANG['goods_integral'] = 'Limit points for buying:';
$_LANG['goods_free_shipping'] = 'This goods is Free shipping, it is not included in the total fee distribution when calculating the distribution amount';
$_LANG['goods_bonus'] = 'Bonus for buying:';
$_LANG['goods_rank'] = 'Rank:';
$_LANG['goods_compare'] = 'Compare products';
$_LANG['properties'] = 'Attribute:';
$_LANG['brief'] = 'Brief:';
$_LANG['add_time'] = 'Sales time:';
$_LANG['residual_time'] = 'Residual time:';
$_LANG['day'] = 'Day';
$_LANG['hour'] = 'Hour';
$_LANG['minute'] = 'Minute';
$_LANG['compare'] = 'Compare';
$_LANG['volume_price'] = 'Following the purchase of goods to reach the number that they can enjoy a range of preferential prices';
$_LANG['number_to'] = 'number';
$_LANG['article_list'] = 'Article list';

/* 商品比较JS语言项 */
$_LANG['compare_js']['button_compare'] = 'Compare chosen products';
$_LANG['compare_js']['exist'] = 'You have chosen %s';
$_LANG['compare_js']['count_limit'] = 'Maximum 4 products can be chosen for comparison';
$_LANG['compare_js']['goods_type_different'] = '\"%s\"cannot be compared with products chosen due to types differences';

$_LANG['bonus'] = 'Bonus:';
$_LANG['no_comments'] = 'No comment';
$_LANG['give_comments_rank'] = 'Give comment';
$_LANG['comments_rank'] = 'Comment';
$_LANG['comment_num'] = "%d comments";
$_LANG['login_please'] = 'You can\'t shopping until login.';
$_LANG['collect_existed'] = 'Collected in your favorite.';
$_LANG['collect_success'] = 'Collected in your favorite successfully.';
$_LANG['copyright'] = "&copy; 2005-%s %s Copyright, All Rights Reserved.";
$_LANG['no_ads_id'] = 'No appoint ID of advertisement and a jump URL address!';
$_LANG['remove_collection_confirm'] = 'Are you sure delete the product from your favorite?';
$_LANG['err_change_attr'] = 'No such product or no attribute is found.';

$_LANG['collect_goods'] = 'Collect';
$_LANG['plus'] = 'Plus';
$_LANG['minus'] = 'Minus';
$_LANG['yes'] = 'Yes';
$_LANG['no'] = 'No';

$_LANG['same_attrbiute_goods'] = 'The same %s products.';

/* TAG */
$_LANG['button_submit_tag'] = 'Submit';
$_LANG['tag_exists'] = 'The tag has existed.';
$_LANG['tag_cloud'] = 'Tags';
$_LANG['tag_anonymous'] = 'Sorry, you can\'t submit the tag until register and login rightly.';
$_LANG['tag_cloud_desc'] = 'A tag cloud or word cloud is a visual depiction of user-generated tags , or simply the word content of a site, used typically to describe the content of web sites.';

/* AJAX 相关 */
$_LANG['invalid_captcha'] = 'Please enter a valid verification code.';
$_LANG['goods_exists'] = 'Sorry, the same product has existed in your cart.';
$_LANG['fitting_goods_exists'] = 'Sorry,The accessories in your shopping cart already exists。';
$_LANG['invalid_number'] = 'Please enter a valid number.';
$_LANG['not_on_sale'] = 'Sorry, the sales have been overdue.';
$_LANG['no_basic_goods'] = 'Sorry, there is no basic goods for this product in the cart.';
$_LANG['cannt_alone_sale'] = 'Sorry, the product is tie-in-sale.';
$_LANG['shortage'] = "Sorry, Out-of-stock and stop sales. Would you want to book in now and reserve the product?";
$_LANG['shortage_little'] = "Out-of-stock. The system has edited the quantity for %d. Would you check the cart now?";
$_LANG['oos_tips'] = 'Out-of-stock. Would you want to register stock?';

$_LANG['addto_cart_success_1'] = 'Add to the cart successfully, would you shopping continue? \n If you want to check out, please click "Yes". \n If you want to continue shopping, please click "No".';
$_LANG['addto_cart_success_2'] = 'Add to the cart successfully, would you shopping continue? \n If you want to continue shopping, please click "Yes". \n If you want to check out, please click "No". ';
$_LANG['no_keywords'] = "Please enter keywords!";

/* 分页排序 */
$_LANG['exchange_sort']['goods_id'] = 'Sort by time';
$_LANG['exchange_sort']['exchange_integral'] = 'Sort by integral';
$_LANG['exchange_sort']['last_update'] = 'Sort by update';
$_LANG['sort']['goods_id'] = 'Sort by time';
$_LANG['sort']['shop_price'] = 'Sort by price';
$_LANG['sort']['last_update'] = 'Sort by update';
$_LANG['order']['DESC'] = 'Descending';
$_LANG['order']['ASC'] = 'Ascending';
$_LANG['pager_1'] = 'Total ';
$_LANG['pager_2'] = ' records';
$_LANG['pager_3'] = ', divided into';
$_LANG['pager_4'] = ' pages.';
$_LANG['page_first'] = 'First';
$_LANG['page_prev'] = 'Prev';
$_LANG['page_next'] = 'Next';
$_LANG['page_last'] = 'Last';
$_LANG['btn_display'] = 'Display';

/* 投票 */
$_LANG['vote_times'] = 'Vote times';
$_LANG['vote_ip_same'] = 'Sorry, you have voted!';
$_LANG['submit_vote'] = 'Vote';
$_LANG['submit_reset'] = 'Reset';
$_LANG['vote_success'] = 'Your vote is successful!';

/* 评论 */
$_LANG['cmt_submit_done'] = 'Your comment have issued, thanks for your participation!';
$_LANG['cmt_submit_wait'] = 'Your comment have issued, please waiting for current audit...';
$_LANG['cmt_lang']['cmt_empty_username'] = 'Please enter username.';
$_LANG['cmt_lang']['cmt_empty_email'] = 'Please enter email address.';
$_LANG['cmt_lang']['cmt_error_email'] = 'Please enter a valid email address.';
$_LANG['cmt_lang']['cmt_empty_content'] = 'Please enter content.';
$_LANG['cmt_spam_warning'] = 'You can pass an new opinion after 30 seconds!';
$_LANG['cmt_lang']['captcha_not_null'] = 'Please enter verification code!';
$_LANG['cmt_lang']['cmt_invalid_comments'] = 'Invalid commentary contents!';
$_LANG['invalid_comments'] = 'Invalid commentary contents!';
$_LANG['error_email'] = 'Please enter a valid email address.';
$_LANG['admin_username'] = 'Administrator';
$_LANG['reply_comment'] = 'Reply';
$_LANG['comment_captcha'] = 'Verification code';
$_LANG['comment_login'] = 'Please login';
$_LANG['comment_custom'] = 'No login or not a customer of the shop';
$_LANG['comment_brought'] = 'No login or never brought the product you would like to comment';
$_LANG['anonymous'] = 'Anonymous user';

/* 其他信息 */
$_LANG['js_languages']['goodsname_not_null'] = 'Please enter a product name!';

/* 商品比较 */
$_LANG['compare_remove'] = 'Remove';
$_LANG['compare_no_goods'] = 'You didn\'t selected any products with comparative or the product number is less than 2.';

$_LANG['no_user_name'] = 'The user is nonexistent';
$_LANG['undifine_rank'] = 'Undefined rank';
$_LANG['not_login'] = 'No login';
$_LANG['half_info'] = 'Shortage of necessary information, please enter informations completely.';
$_LANG['no_id'] = 'No ID';
$_LANG['save_success'] = 'Saved successfully';
$_LANG['drop_consignee_confirm'] = 'Are you sure delete the consignee information?';

/* 夺宝奇兵 */
$_LANG['snatch_js']['price_not_null'] = 'Please enter a price.';
$_LANG['snatch_js']['price_not_number'] = 'Please enter a figure.';
$_LANG['snatch_list'] = 'Dutch auction list';
$_LANG['not_in_range'] = 'The rang of Dutch auction is %d to %d.';
$_LANG['also_bid'] = 'The price %s has been bid.';
$_LANG['lack_pay_points'] = 'You can not join Dutch auction until you have sufficient points.';
$_LANG['snatch'] = 'Dutch Auction';
$_LANG['snatch_is_end'] = 'The Dutch auction is end.';
$_LANG['snatch_start_time'] = 'The Dutch auction start %s to %s ';
$_LANG['price_extent'] = 'Bidding range:';
$_LANG['user_to_use_up'] = 'The times of Dutch auction is unlimited, every bidding you have to spend';
$_LANG['snatch_victory_desc'] = 'The system will choose the users who Dutch auction on the prize and give the lowest price which is different from the others(namely the lowest and unique Dutch auction) as victory who Dutch auction on that.';
$_LANG['price_less_victory'] = 'If the price of victory less than';
$_LANG['price_than_victory'] = 'Buy the prize according to the period price of Dutch auction, if the price of victory more than';
$_LANG['or_can'] = 'or can';
$_LANG['shopping_product'] = 'Buy the prize';
$_LANG['victory_price_product'] = 'The victory will buy the prize according to the period price of Dutch auction.';
$_LANG['now_not_snatch'] = 'There is no Dutch auction now.';
$_LANG['my_integral'] = 'My points';
$_LANG['bid'] = 'Dutch auction';
$_LANG['me_bid'] = 'I want to Dutch auction';
$_LANG['me_now_bid'] = 'My Dutch auction';
$_LANG['only_price'] = 'Unique price';
$_LANG['view_snatch_result'] = 'Check through Dutch auction result';
$_LANG['victory_user'] = 'Victory user';
$_LANG['price_bid'] = 'Price of Dutch auction';
$_LANG['bid_time'] = 'Dutch auction time';
$_LANG['not_victory_user'] = 'No victory user';
$_LANG['snatch_log'] = 'Join Dutch auction %s ';
$_LANG['not_for_you'] = 'It is not for you as you are not the winner';
$_LANG['order_placed'] = 'Your order has been placed, if you would like to repurchase, please firstly cancel the original order';

/* 购物流程中的前台部分 */
$_LANG['select_spe'] = 'Please choose attributes of the goods';

/* 购物流程中的订单部分 */
$_LANG['price'] = 'Price';
$_LANG['name'] = 'Name';
$_LANG['describe'] = 'Description';
$_LANG['fee'] = 'Money';
$_LANG['free_money'] = 'Free limit';
$_LANG['img'] = 'Image';
$_LANG['no_pack'] = 'Don\'t pack';
$_LANG['no_card'] = 'Don\'t want a greeting card';
$_LANG['bless_note'] = 'Blessing';
$_LANG['use_integral'] = 'Use points';
$_LANG['can_use_integral'] = 'You can use points';
$_LANG['noworder_can_integral'] = 'The maximum points for the order that you can use.';
$_LANG['use_surplus'] = 'Use balance';
$_LANG['your_surplus'] = 'Your balance ';
$_LANG['pay_fee'] = 'Payment money';
$_LANG['insure_fee'] = 'Insurance money';
$_LANG['need_insure'] = 'Whether you need insurance for products?';
$_LANG['cod'] = 'Dhipping decision';

$_LANG['curr_stauts'] = 'Current stauts';
$_LANG['use_bonus'] = 'Use bonus';
$_LANG['use_bonus_kill'] = 'The use of red line';
$_LANG['invoice'] = 'Invoice';
$_LANG['invoice_type'] = 'Invoice type';
$_LANG['invoice_title'] = 'Invoice title';
$_LANG['invoice_content'] = 'Invoice content';
$_LANG['order_postscript'] = 'Order postscript';
$_LANG['booking_process'] = 'Booking process';
$_LANG['complete_acquisition'] = 'The order is completed, you will receive';
$_LANG['with_price'] = 'and bonus';
$_LANG['de'] = '';
$_LANG['bonus'] = 'bonus';
$_LANG['goods_all_price'] = 'Total products money';
$_LANG['discount'] = 'discount';
$_LANG['tax'] = 'tax';
$_LANG['shipping_fee'] = 'Shipping money';
$_LANG['pack_fee'] = 'Packing money';
$_LANG['card_fee'] = 'Card fee';
$_LANG['total_fee'] = 'Total payable money';
$_LANG['self_site'] = 'Home';
$_LANG['order_gift_integral'] = 'Order %s integral gift';

$_LANG['order_payed_sms'] = 'Hello, the order %s has already paid. Consignee: %s; Phone: %s.';

/* 缺货处理 */
$_LANG['oos'][OOS_WAIT] = 'Don\'t shipping until all products on deck.';
$_LANG['oos'][OOS_CANCEL] = 'Cancellation of order';
$_LANG['oos'][OOS_CONSULT] = 'Consult with shop owner';

/* 评论部分 */
$_LANG['username'] = 'Username';
$_LANG['email'] = 'Email';
$_LANG['comment_rank'] = 'Rank';
$_LANG['comment_content'] = 'Content';
$_LANG['submit_comment'] = 'Submit';
$_LANG['button_reset'] = 'Reset';
$_LANG['goods_comment'] = 'Goods comment';
$_LANG['article_comment'] = 'Article comment';

/* 支付确认部分 */
$_LANG['pay_status'] = 'Payment status';
$_LANG['pay_not_exist'] = 'Payment is nonexistent!';
$_LANG['pay_disabled'] = 'Payment is disable!';
$_LANG['pay_success'] = 'Paid successfully!';
$_LANG['pay_fail'] = 'Paid failed, return and try it again!';

/* 文章部分 */
$_LANG['new_article'] = 'New article';
$_LANG['shop_notice'] = 'Shop notice';
$_LANG['order_already_received'] = 'The order is already received, thanks for your trade, hope you will come again.';
$_LANG['order_invalid'] = 'Please enter a valid order.';
$_LANG['act_ok'] = 'Thanks for your notification, thanks for your trade, hope you will come again.';
$_LANG['receive'] = 'Received';
$_LANG['buyer'] = 'Buyer';
$_LANG['next_article'] = 'Next';
$_LANG['prev_article'] = 'Previous';

/* 虚拟商品 */
$_LANG['virtual_goods_ship_fail'] = 'Shipping is failed automatically, please contact the shop owner as soon as possible for shipping again.';

/* 选购中心 */
$_LANG['pick_out'] = 'Shopping Center';
$_LANG['fit_count'] = "There is(are) %s product(s) match condition.";
$_LANG['goods_type'] = "Product type";
$_LANG['remove_all'] = 'Remove all';
$_LANG['advanced_search'] = 'Advanced ';
$_LANG['activity'] = 'This product is in some activities as ';
$_LANG['snatch_goods'] = 'Dutch auction is ongoing for this product, come on!';
$_LANG['order_not_exists'] = 'Sorry, order does not exist. Please contact the web administrator.';

$_LANG['promotion_time'] = 'promotion time from %s to %s, please hurry up!';

/* 倒计时 */
$_LANG['goods_js']['day'] = 'day';
$_LANG['goods_js']['hour'] = 'hour';
$_LANG['goods_js']['minute'] = 'minute';
$_LANG['goods_js']['second'] = 'second';
$_LANG['goods_js']['end'] = 'end';

$_LANG['favourable'] = 'Favourable';

/* 团购部分语言项 */
$_LANG['group_buy'] = 'Group buy';
$_LANG['group_buy_goods'] = 'Associates';
$_LANG['gb_goods_name'] = 'Associates products';
$_LANG['gb_start_date'] = 'Start date:';
$_LANG['gb_end_date'] = 'Deadline:';
$_LANG['gbs_pre_start'] = 'Associates is preparing, please waiting...';
$_LANG['gbs_under_way'] = 'Associates is now in progress, left deadline has:';
$_LANG['gbs_finished'] = 'Associates has closed, processing...';
$_LANG['gbs_succeed'] = 'Associates has closed successfully!';
$_LANG['gbs_fail'] = 'Failure, associates has closed.';
$_LANG['gb_price_ladder'] = 'Price step:';
$_LANG['gb_ladder_amount'] = 'Quantity';
$_LANG['gb_ladder_price'] = 'Price';
$_LANG['gb_deposit'] = 'Insurance:';
$_LANG['gb_restrict_amount'] = 'Limit quantity:';
$_LANG['gb_gift_integral'] = 'Present points:';
$_LANG['gb_cur_price'] = 'Current price:';
$_LANG['gb_valid_goods'] = 'Current order quantity:';
$_LANG['gb_final_price'] = 'Final price:';
$_LANG['gb_final_amount'] = 'Final amount:';
$_LANG['gb_notice_login'] = 'Notice: You can\'t participants in the associates until register and login!';
$_LANG['gb_error_goods_lacking'] = 'Sorry, out-of-shock, please edit quantity!';
$_LANG['gb_error_status'] = 'Sorry, the associates has finished or not start still, you can\'t join associates now!';
$_LANG['gb_error_login'] = 'Sorry, you can\'t join associates until login!';
$_LANG['group_goods_empty'] = 'There is no associates now.';

/* 拍卖部分语言项 */
$_LANG['auction'] = 'Auction';
$_LANG['act_status'] = 'Auction status';
$_LANG['au_current_price'] = 'Current price';
$_LANG['act_start_time'] = 'Start time';
$_LANG['act_end_time'] = 'End time';
$_LANG['au_start_price'] = 'Start price';
$_LANG['au_end_price'] = 'End price';
$_LANG['au_amplitude'] = 'Amplitude';
$_LANG['au_deposit'] = 'Deposit';
$_LANG['no_auction'] = 'No auction';
$_LANG['au_pre_start'] = 'Auction is preparing, please waiting...';
$_LANG['au_under_way'] = 'Auction is now in progress, left deadline has:';
$_LANG['au_under_way_1'] = 'Auction is now in progress.';
$_LANG['au_bid_user_count'] = 'Bid user count';
$_LANG['au_last_bid_price'] = 'Last bid price';
$_LANG['au_last_bid_user'] = 'Last bid user';
$_LANG['au_last_bid_time'] = 'Last bid time';
$_LANG['au_finished'] = 'Auction has closed.';
$_LANG['au_bid_user'] = 'Bid user';
$_LANG['au_bid_price'] = 'Bid price';
$_LANG['au_bid_time'] = 'Bid time';
$_LANG['au_bid_status'] = 'Bid status';
$_LANG['no_bid_log'] = 'No bid';
$_LANG['au_bid_ok'] = 'Bid ok';
$_LANG['au_i_want_bid'] = 'I want to bid';
$_LANG['button_bid'] = 'Bid';
$_LANG['button_buy'] = 'Buy now';
$_LANG['au_not_under_way'] = 'Auction is ended, no bid any more';
$_LANG['au_bid_price_error'] = 'Please enter a proper bid price';
$_LANG['au_bid_after_login'] = 'Bid after registering and logining.';
$_LANG['au_bid_repeat_user'] = 'You have the merchandise is one of the highest bid';
$_LANG['au_your_lowest_price'] = 'Your lowest bid price should be %s';
$_LANG['au_user_money_short'] = 'Short of user money, please  recharge in Member Center.';
$_LANG['au_unfreeze_deposit'] = 'Unfreeze auction deposit: %s';
$_LANG['au_freeze_deposit'] = 'Freeze auction deposit: %s';
$_LANG['au_not_finished'] = 'Cannot buy until auction finished.';
$_LANG['au_order_placed'] = 'Your order has been placed, if you would like to repurchase, please firstly cancel the original order';
$_LANG['au_no_bid'] = 'Cannot buy until someone bids.';
$_LANG['au_final_bid_not_you'] = 'You cannot buy as the final bid is not from you.';
$_LANG['au_buy_after_login'] = 'Buy after logining';
$_LANG['au_is_winner'] = 'Congratulations, you are the winner. Click following button for buy.';

/* 批发部分语言项 */
$_LANG['ws_user_rank'] = 'You cann\'t see the level of wholesale program';
$_LANG['ws_login_please'] = 'Please login';
$_LANG['ws_return_home'] = 'Return home';
$_LANG['wholesale'] = 'Wholesale';
$_LANG['no_wholesale'] = 'No product for wholesale';
$_LANG['ws_price'] = 'Wholesale price';
$_LANG['ws_subtotal'] = 'Subtotal';
$_LANG['ws_invalid_goods_number'] = 'Please enter valid quantity';
$_LANG['ws_attr_not_matching'] = 'The attrubute is not matched, please select by wholesale price list';
$_LANG['ws_goods_number_not_enough'] = 'Goods quantity is not enough, please refer to the wholesale price list';
$_LANG['ws_goods_attr_exists'] = 'Good is in shopping cart';
$_LANG['ws_remark'] = 'Please enter your contact information, payment method and shipping etc.';
$_LANG['ws_order_submitted'] = 'Your order has been submited, please remember your order No.: %s。';
$_LANG['ws_price_list'] = 'Price list';

/* 积分兑换部分语言项 */
$_LANG['exchange'] = 'Points Mall';
$_LANG['exchange_integral'] = 'Consumption points:';
$_LANG['exchange_goods'] = 'Immediately convertible';
$_LANG['eg_error_login'] = 'Sorry, you do not log on, unable to participate in exchange, please log in first!';
$_LANG['eg_error_status'] = 'Sorry, the exchange of goods has been canceled, and now can not be exchanged!';
$_LANG['eg_error_integral'] = 'Sorry, your existing integral value of the commodity exchange enough!';
$_LANG['notice_eg_integral'] = 'Mall of goods consumed integral points:';
$_LANG['eg_error_number'] = 'Sorry, stock merchandise, and now can not be exchanged!';

/* 会员登录注册 */
$_LANG['member_name'] = 'User Name';
$_LANG['password'] = 'Password';
$_LANG['confirm_password'] = 'Re-enter password.';
$_LANG['sign_up'] = 'Register';
$_LANG['forgot_password'] = 'Forgot your password?';
$_LANG['hello'] = 'Hello';
$_LANG['welcome_return'] = 'Welcome you back';
$_LANG['now_account'] = 'Your account:';
$_LANG['balance'] = 'balance';
$_LANG['along_with'] = 'and';
$_LANG['preferential'] = 'bonus.';
$_LANG['edit_user_info'] = 'Member Center';
$_LANG['logout'] = 'Logout';
$_LANG['user_logout'] = 'Logout';
$_LANG['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$_LANG['user_login'] = 'User login';
$_LANG['login_now'] = 'Login now';
$_LANG['reg_now'] = 'Register now';

/* 商品品牌页 */
$_LANG['official_site'] = 'Official website:';
$_LANG['brand_category'] = 'Brand categories:';
$_LANG['all_category'] = 'All categories';

/* 商品分类页 */
$_LANG['goods_filter'] = 'Goods filter';

/* cls_image类的语言项 */
$_LANG['directory_readonly'] = 'The directory % is not existed or unable to write';
$_LANG['invalid_upload_image_type'] = 'Not a allowable image type';
$_LANG['upload_failure'] = '%s failed to upload';
$_LANG['missing_gd'] = 'GD is missing';
$_LANG['missing_orgin_image'] = 'Can not find %s ';
$_LANG['nonsupport_type'] = 'Nonsupport type of %s ';
$_LANG['creating_failure'] = 'Fail to create image';
$_LANG['writting_failure'] = 'Fail to write image';
$_LANG['empty_watermark'] = 'The parameter of watermark is empty';
$_LANG['missing_watermark'] = 'Can not find %s';
$_LANG['create_watermark_res'] = 'Fail to create resource of watermark. The image type is %s';
$_LANG['create_origin_image_res'] = 'Fail to create resource of origin image . The image type is %s';
$_LANG['invalid_image_type'] = 'Unknown watermark image %s ';
$_LANG['file_unavailable'] = 'File %s does not exist or is not readable';

/* 邮件发送错误信息 */
$_LANG['smtp_setting_error'] = 'There is an error in SMTP setting.';
$_LANG['smtp_connect_failure'] = 'Unable to connect to SMTP server %.';
$_LANG['smtp_login_failure'] = 'Invalid SMTP username or password.';
$_LANG['smtp_refuse'] = 'SMTP server refuse to send this mail.';
$_LANG['sendemail_false'] = 'Fail to send email, please contact web administrator!';
$_LANG['disabled_fsockopen'] = 'fsockopen is disabled';

$_LANG['topic_goods_empty'] = 'No topic goods';
$_LANG['email_list_ok'] = 'Subscribe email list';
$_LANG['email_list_cancel'] = 'Cancel email list';
$_LANG['email_invalid'] = 'Email is invalid!';
$_LANG['email_alreadyin_list'] = 'Email is already in the list!';
$_LANG['email_notin_list'] = 'Email is not in the list!';
$_LANG['email_re_check'] = 'Check email has been sent again, please check!';
$_LANG['email_check'] = 'Please check email and confirm!';
$_LANG['email_not_alive'] = 'Emali is not alive, cannot be canceled!';
$_LANG['check_mail'] = 'Check mail';
$_LANG['check_mail_content'] = "Click the following url \n<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>\n to complete";
$_LANG['email_checked'] = 'Email has been checked!';
$_LANG['hash_wrong'] = 'Hash wrong! Recheck the hash and enter email address to send hash again!';
$_LANG['email_canceled'] = 'Email is canceled!';
$_LANG['goods_click_count'] = 'Goods click count';
$_LANG['p_y']['link_start'] = '<a href="http://www.ecshop.com" target="_blank" style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px;">';
$_LANG['p_y']['link_p'] = 'Powe';
$_LANG['p_y']['link_r'] = 'red&nbsp;';
$_LANG['p_y']['link_b'] = 'by&nbsp;';
$_LANG['p_y']['main_start'] = '<strong><span style="color: #3366FF">';
$_LANG['p_y']['main_e'] = 'E';
$_LANG['p_y']['main_c'] = 'CSho';
$_LANG['p_y']['main_p'] = 'p</span>&nbsp;';
$_LANG['p_y']['v_s'] = '<span style="color: #FF9966">';
$_LANG['p_y']['v'] = VERSION;
$_LANG['p_y']['link_end'] = '</span></strong></a>&nbsp;';

/* 虚拟卡 */
$_LANG['card_sn'] = 'Card SN';
$_LANG['card_password'] = 'Card password';
$_LANG['end_date'] = 'End date';
$_LANG['virtual_card_oos'] = 'Virtual card is out of stock';

/* 订单状态查询 */
$_LANG['invalid_order_sn'] = 'Invalid order SN';
$_LANG['order_status'] = 'Order status';
$_LANG['shipping_date'] = 'Shipping date';
$_LANG['query_order'] = 'Query order';
$_LANG['order_query_toofast'] = 'Order queries too fast.';

$_LANG['online_info'] = ' %s people online';

/* 按钮 */
$_LANG['btn_direct_buy'] = 'Buy directly';
$_LANG['btn_buy'] = 'Buy';
$_LANG['btn_collect'] = 'Collect';
$_LANG['btn_add_to_cart'] = 'Add to cart';
$_LANG['btn_add_to_collect'] = 'Add to collect';

$_LANG['stock_up'] = 'Out of stock';

$_LANG['hot_search'] = 'Hot search';

$_LANG['please_select_attr'] = 'There are differnt type of cart goods to choose, jump to goods attibutes?';

/* 促销信息栏 */
$_LANG['snatch_promotion'] = '[Snatch]';
$_LANG['group_promotion'] = '[Groupbuy]';
$_LANG['auction_promotion'] = '[Auction]';
$_LANG['favourable_promotion'] = '[Favourable]';
$_LANG['wholesale_promotion'] = '[Wholesale]';
$_LANG['package_promotion'] = '[Package]';

/* feed推送 */
$_LANG['feed_user_buy'] = "Feeds of user buy";
$_LANG['feed_user_comment'] = "feeds of user commented";
$_LANG['feed_goods_price'] = "Feeds of goods price";
$_LANG['feed_goods_desc'] = "Feeds of goods description";

/* 留言板 */
$_LANG['shopman_comment'] = 'Goods comment';
$_LANG['message_ping'] = 'Comment';
$_LANG['message_board'] = "Message Board";
$_LANG['post_message'] = "Post Message";
$_LANG['message_title'] = 'Theme';
$_LANG['message_time'] = 'Date';
$_LANG['reply_time'] = 'Replay Date';
$_LANG['shop_owner_reply'] = 'Admin Replay';
$_LANG['message_board_type'] = 'Message Type';
$_LANG['message_content'] = 'Content';
$_LANG['message_anonymous'] = 'Anonymous';
$_LANG['message_type'][M_MESSAGE] = 'Message';
$_LANG['message_type'][M_COMPLAINT] = 'Complaint';
$_LANG['message_type'][M_ENQUIRY] = 'Enquiry';
$_LANG['message_type'][M_CUSTOME] = 'Custom';
$_LANG['message_type'][M_BUY] = 'Buy';
$_LANG['message_type'][M_BUSINESS] = 'Business';
$_LANG['message_type'][M_COMMENT] = 'Comment';
$_LANG['message_board_js']['msg_empty_email'] = 'Please enter your e-mail address';
$_LANG['message_board_js']['msg_error_email'] = 'E-mail address is not in the right format';
$_LANG['message_board_js']['msg_title_empty'] = 'Message Title Empty';
$_LANG['message_board_js']['msg_content_empty'] = 'Message Content Empty';
$_LANG['message_board_js']['msg_captcha_empty'] = 'Captcha Empty';
$_LANG['message_board_js']['msg_title_limit'] = 'Title of the message can not be more than 200 words';
$_LANG['message_submit_wait'] = 'Your message has been successfully delivered, please wait for the administrator\'s review!';
$_LANG['message_submit_done'] = 'Message delivered successfully';
$_LANG['message_board_close'] = "Message board suspended function";
$_LANG['upload_file_limit'] = 'File size exceeds the limit %dKB';
$_LANG['message_list_lnk'] = 'Guest Book return a list of';

/* 报价单 */
$_LANG['quotation'] = "Quotation";
$_LANG['print_quotation'] = "Quotation Print";
$_LANG['goods_inventory'] = "Inventory";
$_LANG['goods_category'] = "Goods category";
$_LANG['shopman_reply'] = 'Admin Replay';
$_LANG['specifications'] = 'products';

/* 相册JS语言项 */
$_LANG['gallery_js']['close_window'] = 'Close Window';
$_LANG['submit'] = 'Submit';
$_LANG['reset'] = 'Reset';
$_LANG['order_query'] = 'Order Query';
$_LANG['shipping_query'] = 'Shipping Query';
$_LANG['view_history'] = 'View History';
$_LANG['clear_history'] = '[Clear]';
$_LANG['no_history'] = 'History is empty';
$_LANG['goods_tag'] = 'Goods Tag';
$_LANG['releate_goods'] = 'Releate Goods';
$_LANG['goods_list'] = 'Goods List';
$_LANG['favourable_goods'] = 'Favourabl Goods';
$_LANG['accessories_releate'] = 'Accessories Releate';
$_LANG['article_releate'] = 'Article Releate';
$_LANG['email_subscribe'] = 'Email Subscribe';
$_LANG['consignee_info'] = 'Consignee Info';
$_LANG['user_comment'] = 'User Comment';
$_LANG['total'] = 'Total';
$_LANG['user_comment_num'] = 'User Comment Num';
$_LANG['auction_goods'] = 'Auction Goods';
$_LANG['auction_goods_info'] = 'Auction Goods Info';
$_LANG['article_cat'] = 'Article Cat';
$_LANG['online_vote'] = 'Online Vote';
$_LANG['new_price'] = 'New Price';
$_LANG['promotion_info'] = 'Promotion Info';
$_LANG['price_grade'] = 'Price Grade';
$_LANG['your_choice'] = 'Choice';
$_LANG['system_info'] = 'System Info';
$_LANG['all_tags'] = 'Tags';
$_LANG['activity_list'] = 'Activity List';
$_LANG['package_list'] = 'Package List';
$_LANG['treasure_info'] = 'Treasure Info';
$_LANG['activity_desc'] = 'Activity Description';
$_LANG['activity_intro'] = 'Activity Intro';
$_LANG['get_password'] = 'Get Password';
$_LANG['fee_total'] = 'Fee Total';
$_LANG['other_info'] = 'Other Info';
$_LANG['user_balance'] = 'User Balance';
$_LANG['wholesale_goods_cart'] = 'Wholesale Goods Cart';
$_LANG['wholesale_goods_list'] = 'Wholesale Goods List';
$_LANG['bid_record'] = 'Record Bid';
$_LANG['shipping_method'] = 'Shipping Method';
$_LANG['payment_method'] = 'Payment Method';
$_LANG['goods_package'] = 'Goods Package';
$_LANG['goods_card'] = 'Goods Card';
$_LANG['groupbuy_intro'] = 'Groupbuy Intro';
$_LANG['groupbuy_goods_info'] = 'Groupbuy Goods Info';
$_LANG['act_time'] = 'Act Time';
$_LANG['top10'] = 'Top 10';

/* Events */
$_LANG['label_act_name'] = 'Events Offers Name:';
$_LANG['label_start_time'] = 'Offer Start Time:';
$_LANG['label_end_time'] = 'Offers End time:';
$_LANG['label_user_rank'] = 'To enjoy the preferential treatment of members rating:';
$_LANG['not_user'] = 'Non-Member';
$_LANG['label_act_range'] = 'Offer Range:';
$_LANG['far_all'] = 'All merchandise';
$_LANG['far_category'] = 'The following classification';
$_LANG['far_brand'] = 'The following brands';
$_LANG['far_goods'] = 'The following merchandise';
$_LANG['label_min_amount'] = 'The amount of the minimum:';
$_LANG['label_max_amount'] = 'The upper limit:';
$_LANG['notice_max_amount'] = '0 that there is no upper limit';
$_LANG['label_act_type'] = 'Discount method:';
$_LANG['fat_goods'] = 'Enjoy the gift (for ex-gratia goods)';
$_LANG['fat_price'] = 'Enjoy cash relief';
$_LANG['fat_discount'] = 'Enjoy the price discounts';
$_LANG['orgtotal'] = 'Original Price';
$_LANG['heart_buy'] = 'Take Action';

/* 其他模板涉及常用语言项 */
$_LANG['label_regist'] = 'regist';
$_LANG['label_login'] = 'login';
$_LANG['label_profile'] = 'user profile';
$_LANG['label_collection'] = 'my collection';
$_LANG['article_list'] = 'article list';
$_LANG['Preferences_price'] = 'Preferences price';
$_LANG['divided_into'] = 'Into rules';