www.gusucode.com > Flarum中文优化论坛PHP源码程序 > FlarumChina-master/vendor/flarum/core/js/forum/src/components/ComposerBody.js

    import Component from 'flarum/Component';
import LoadingIndicator from 'flarum/components/LoadingIndicator';
import TextEditor from 'flarum/components/TextEditor';
import avatar from 'flarum/helpers/avatar';
import listItems from 'flarum/helpers/listItems';
import ItemList from 'flarum/utils/ItemList';

 * The `ComposerBody` component handles the body, or the content, of the
 * composer. Subclasses should implement the `onsubmit` method and override
 * `headerTimes`.
 * ### Props
 * - `originalContent`
 * - `submitLabel`
 * - `placeholder`
 * - `user`
 * - `confirmExit`
 * - `disabled`
 * @abstract
export default class ComposerBody extends Component {
  init() {
     * Whether or not the component is loading.
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.loading = false;

     * The content of the text editor.
     * @type {Function}
    this.content = m.prop(this.props.originalContent);

     * The text editor component instance.
     * @type {TextEditor}
    this.editor = new TextEditor({
      submitLabel: this.props.submitLabel,
      placeholder: this.props.placeholder,
      onchange: this.content,
      onsubmit: this.onsubmit.bind(this),
      value: this.content()

  view() {
    // If the component is loading, we should disable the text editor.
    this.editor.props.disabled = this.loading;

    return (
      <div className={'ComposerBody ' + (this.props.className || '')}>
        {avatar(this.props.user, {className: 'ComposerBody-avatar'})}
        <div className="ComposerBody-content">
          <ul className="ComposerBody-header">{listItems(this.headerItems().toArray())}</ul>
          <div className="ComposerBody-editor">{this.editor.render()}</div>
        {LoadingIndicator.component({className: 'ComposerBody-loading' + (this.loading ? ' active' : '')})}

   * Draw focus to the text editor.
  focus() {

   * Check if there is any unsaved data – if there is, return a confirmation
   * message to prompt the user with.
   * @return {String}
  preventExit() {
    const content = this.content();

    return content && content !== this.props.originalContent && this.props.confirmExit;

   * Build an item list for the composer's header.
   * @return {ItemList}
  headerItems() {
    return new ItemList();

   * Handle the submit event of the text editor.
   * @abstract
  onsubmit() {

   * Stop loading.
  loaded() {
    this.loading = false;