www.gusucode.com > Flarum中文优化论坛PHP源码程序 > FlarumChina-master/vendor/flarum/core/js/forum/src/components/LogInModal.js

    import Modal from 'flarum/components/Modal';
import ForgotPasswordModal from 'flarum/components/ForgotPasswordModal';
import SignUpModal from 'flarum/components/SignUpModal';
import Alert from 'flarum/components/Alert';
import Button from 'flarum/components/Button';
import LogInButtons from 'flarum/components/LogInButtons';
import extractText from 'flarum/utils/extractText';

 * The `LogInModal` component displays a modal dialog with a login form.
 * ### Props
 * - `email`
 * - `password`
export default class LogInModal extends Modal {
  init() {

     * The value of the email input.
     * @type {Function}
    this.email = m.prop(this.props.email || '');

     * The value of the password input.
     * @type {Function}
    this.password = m.prop(this.props.password || '');

  className() {
    return 'LogInModal Modal--small';

  title() {
    return app.translator.trans('core.forum.log_in.title');

  content() {
    return [
      <div className="Modal-body">

        <div className="Form Form--centered">
          <div className="Form-group">
            <input className="FormControl" name="email" type="text" placeholder={extractText(app.translator.trans('core.forum.log_in.username_or_email_placeholder'))}
              disabled={this.loading} />

          <div className="Form-group">
            <input className="FormControl" name="password" type="password" placeholder={extractText(app.translator.trans('core.forum.log_in.password_placeholder'))}
              disabled={this.loading} />

          <div className="Form-group">
              className: 'Button Button--primary Button--block',
              type: 'submit',
              loading: this.loading,
              children: app.translator.trans('core.forum.log_in.submit_button')
      <div className="Modal-footer">
        <p className="LogInModal-forgotPassword">
          <a onclick={this.forgotPassword.bind(this)}>{app.translator.trans('core.forum.log_in.forgot_password_link')}</a>

        {app.forum.attribute('allowSignUp') ? (
          <p className="LogInModal-signUp">
            {app.translator.trans('core.forum.log_in.sign_up_text', {a: <a onclick={this.signUp.bind(this)}/>})}
        ) : ''}

   * Open the forgot password modal, prefilling it with an email if the user has
   * entered one.
   * @public
  forgotPassword() {
    const email = this.email();
    const props = email.indexOf('@') !== -1 ? {email} : undefined;

    app.modal.show(new ForgotPasswordModal(props));

   * Open the sign up modal, prefilling it with an email/username/password if
   * the user has entered one.
   * @public
  signUp() {
    const props = {password: this.password()};
    const email = this.email();
    props[email.indexOf('@') !== -1 ? 'email' : 'username'] = email;

    app.modal.show(new SignUpModal(props));

  onready() {
    this.$('[name=' + (this.email() ? 'password' : 'email') + ']').select();

  onsubmit(e) {

    this.loading = true;

    const email = this.email();
    const password = this.password();

    app.session.login(email, password, {errorHandler: this.onerror.bind(this)}).then(
      () => window.location.reload(),

  onerror(error) {
    if (error.status === 401) {
      error.alert.props.children = app.translator.trans('core.forum.log_in.invalid_login_message');
