www.gusucode.com > Flarum中文优化论坛PHP源码程序 > FlarumChina-master/vendor/flarum/flarum-ext-tags/js/forum/dist/extension.js

    'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/addTagComposer', ['flarum/extend', 'flarum/components/IndexPage', 'flarum/components/DiscussionComposer', 'flarum/tags/components/TagDiscussionModal', 'flarum/tags/helpers/tagsLabel'], function (_export, _context) {
  var extend, override, IndexPage, DiscussionComposer, TagDiscussionModal, tagsLabel;

  _export('default', function () {
    extend(IndexPage.prototype, 'composeNewDiscussion', function (promise) {
      var tag = app.store.getBy('tags', 'slug', this.params().tags);

      if (tag) {
        (function () {
          var parent = tag.parent();
          var tags = parent ? [parent, tag] : [tag];
          promise.then(function (component) {
            return component.tags = tags;

    // Add tag-selection abilities to the discussion composer.
    DiscussionComposer.prototype.tags = [];
    DiscussionComposer.prototype.chooseTags = function () {
      var _this = this;

      app.modal.show(new TagDiscussionModal({
        selectedTags: this.tags.slice(0),
        onsubmit: function onsubmit(tags) {
          _this.tags = tags;

    // Add a tag-selection menu to the discussion composer's header, after the
    // title.
    extend(DiscussionComposer.prototype, 'headerItems', function (items) {
      items.add('tags', m(
        { className: 'DiscussionComposer-changeTags', onclick: this.chooseTags.bind(this) },
        this.tags.length ? tagsLabel(this.tags) : m(
          { className: 'TagLabel untagged' },
      ), 10);

    override(DiscussionComposer.prototype, 'onsubmit', function (original) {
      var _this2 = this;

      if (!this.tags.length) {
        app.modal.show(new TagDiscussionModal({
          selectedTags: [],
          onsubmit: function onsubmit(tags) {
            _this2.tags = tags;
      } else {

    // Add the selected tags as data to submit to the server.
    extend(DiscussionComposer.prototype, 'data', function (data) {
      data.relationships = data.relationships || {};
      data.relationships.tags = this.tags;

  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumExtend) {
      extend = _flarumExtend.extend;
      override = _flarumExtend.override;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsIndexPage) {
      IndexPage = _flarumComponentsIndexPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsDiscussionComposer) {
      DiscussionComposer = _flarumComponentsDiscussionComposer.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsComponentsTagDiscussionModal) {
      TagDiscussionModal = _flarumTagsComponentsTagDiscussionModal.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsHelpersTagsLabel) {
      tagsLabel = _flarumTagsHelpersTagsLabel.default;
    execute: function () {}
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/addTagControl', ['flarum/extend', 'flarum/utils/DiscussionControls', 'flarum/components/Button', 'flarum/tags/components/TagDiscussionModal'], function (_export, _context) {
  var extend, DiscussionControls, Button, TagDiscussionModal;

  _export('default', function () {
    // Add a control allowing the discussion to be moved to another category.
    extend(DiscussionControls, 'moderationControls', function (items, discussion) {
      if (discussion.canTag()) {
        items.add('tags', Button.component({
          children: app.translator.trans('flarum-tags.forum.discussion_controls.edit_tags_button'),
          icon: 'tag',
          onclick: function onclick() {
            return app.modal.show(new TagDiscussionModal({ discussion: discussion }));

  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumExtend) {
      extend = _flarumExtend.extend;
    }, function (_flarumUtilsDiscussionControls) {
      DiscussionControls = _flarumUtilsDiscussionControls.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsButton) {
      Button = _flarumComponentsButton.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsComponentsTagDiscussionModal) {
      TagDiscussionModal = _flarumTagsComponentsTagDiscussionModal.default;
    execute: function () {}
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/addTagFilter', ['flarum/extend', 'flarum/components/IndexPage', 'flarum/components/DiscussionList', 'flarum/tags/components/TagHero'], function (_export, _context) {
  var extend, override, IndexPage, DiscussionList, TagHero;

  _export('default', function () {
    IndexPage.prototype.currentTag = function () {
      var slug = this.params().tags;

      if (slug) return app.store.getBy('tags', 'slug', slug);

    // If currently viewing a tag, insert a tag hero at the top of the view.
    override(IndexPage.prototype, 'hero', function (original) {
      var tag = this.currentTag();

      if (tag) return TagHero.component({ tag: tag });

      return original();

    // If currently viewing a tag, restyle the 'new discussion' button to use
    // the tag's color.
    extend(IndexPage.prototype, 'sidebarItems', function (items) {
      var tag = this.currentTag();

      if (tag) {
        var color = tag.color();

        if (color) {
          items.get('newDiscussion').props.style = { backgroundColor: color };

    // Add a parameter for the IndexPage to pass on to the DiscussionList that
    // will let us filter discussions by tag.
    extend(IndexPage.prototype, 'params', function (params) {
      params.tags = m.route.param('tags');

    // Translate that parameter into a gambit appended to the search query.
    extend(DiscussionList.prototype, 'requestParams', function (params) {

      if (this.props.params.tags) {
        params.filter.q = (params.filter.q || '') + ' tag:' + this.props.params.tags;

  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumExtend) {
      extend = _flarumExtend.extend;
      override = _flarumExtend.override;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsIndexPage) {
      IndexPage = _flarumComponentsIndexPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsDiscussionList) {
      DiscussionList = _flarumComponentsDiscussionList.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsComponentsTagHero) {
      TagHero = _flarumTagsComponentsTagHero.default;
    execute: function () {}
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/addTagLabels', ['flarum/extend', 'flarum/components/DiscussionListItem', 'flarum/components/DiscussionPage', 'flarum/components/DiscussionHero', 'flarum/tags/helpers/tagsLabel', 'flarum/tags/utils/sortTags'], function (_export, _context) {
  var extend, DiscussionListItem, DiscussionPage, DiscussionHero, tagsLabel, sortTags;

  _export('default', function () {
    // Add tag labels to each discussion in the discussion list.
    extend(DiscussionListItem.prototype, 'infoItems', function (items) {
      var tags = this.props.discussion.tags();

      if (tags && tags.length) {
        items.add('tags', tagsLabel(tags), 10);

    // Include a discussion's tags when fetching it.
    extend(DiscussionPage.prototype, 'params', function (params) {

    // Restyle a discussion's hero to use its first tag's color.
    extend(DiscussionHero.prototype, 'view', function (view) {
      var tags = sortTags(this.props.discussion.tags());

      if (tags && tags.length) {
        var color = tags[0].color();
        if (color) {
          view.attrs.style = { backgroundColor: color };
          view.attrs.className += ' DiscussionHero--colored';

    // Add a list of a discussion's tags to the discussion hero, displayed
    // before the title. Put the title on its own line.
    extend(DiscussionHero.prototype, 'items', function (items) {
      var tags = this.props.discussion.tags();

      if (tags && tags.length) {
        items.add('tags', tagsLabel(tags, { link: true }), 5);

  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumExtend) {
      extend = _flarumExtend.extend;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsDiscussionListItem) {
      DiscussionListItem = _flarumComponentsDiscussionListItem.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsDiscussionPage) {
      DiscussionPage = _flarumComponentsDiscussionPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsDiscussionHero) {
      DiscussionHero = _flarumComponentsDiscussionHero.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsHelpersTagsLabel) {
      tagsLabel = _flarumTagsHelpersTagsLabel.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsUtilsSortTags) {
      sortTags = _flarumTagsUtilsSortTags.default;
    execute: function () {}
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/addTagList', ['flarum/extend', 'flarum/components/IndexPage', 'flarum/components/Separator', 'flarum/components/LinkButton', 'flarum/tags/components/TagLinkButton', 'flarum/tags/components/TagsPage', 'flarum/tags/utils/sortTags'], function (_export, _context) {
  var extend, IndexPage, Separator, LinkButton, TagLinkButton, TagsPage, sortTags;

  _export('default', function () {
    // Add a link to the tags page, as well as a list of all the tags,
    // to the index page's sidebar.
    extend(IndexPage.prototype, 'navItems', function (items) {
      items.add('tags', LinkButton.component({
        icon: 'th-large',
        children: app.translator.trans('flarum-tags.forum.index.tags_link'),
        href: app.route('tags')
      }), -10);

      if (app.current instanceof TagsPage) return;

      items.add('separator', Separator.component(), -10);

      var params = this.stickyParams();
      var tags = app.store.all('tags');
      var currentTag = this.currentTag();

      var addTag = function addTag(tag) {
        var active = currentTag === tag;

        if (!active && currentTag) {
          active = currentTag.parent() === tag;

        items.add('tag' + tag.id(), TagLinkButton.component({ tag: tag, params: params, active: active }), -10);

      sortTags(tags).filter(function (tag) {
        return tag.position() !== null && (!tag.isChild() || currentTag && (tag.parent() === currentTag || tag.parent() === currentTag.parent()));

      var more = tags.filter(function (tag) {
        return tag.position() === null;
      }).sort(function (a, b) {
        return b.discussionsCount() - a.discussionsCount();

      more.splice(0, 3).forEach(addTag);

      if (more.length) {
        items.add('moreTags', LinkButton.component({
          children: app.translator.trans('flarum-tags.forum.index.more_link'),
          href: app.route('tags')
        }), -10);

  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumExtend) {
      extend = _flarumExtend.extend;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsIndexPage) {
      IndexPage = _flarumComponentsIndexPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsSeparator) {
      Separator = _flarumComponentsSeparator.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsLinkButton) {
      LinkButton = _flarumComponentsLinkButton.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsComponentsTagLinkButton) {
      TagLinkButton = _flarumTagsComponentsTagLinkButton.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsComponentsTagsPage) {
      TagsPage = _flarumTagsComponentsTagsPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsUtilsSortTags) {
      sortTags = _flarumTagsUtilsSortTags.default;
    execute: function () {}
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/components/DiscussionTaggedPost', ['flarum/components/EventPost', 'flarum/helpers/punctuateSeries', 'flarum/tags/helpers/tagsLabel'], function (_export, _context) {
  var EventPost, punctuateSeries, tagsLabel, DiscussionTaggedPost;
  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumComponentsEventPost) {
      EventPost = _flarumComponentsEventPost.default;
    }, function (_flarumHelpersPunctuateSeries) {
      punctuateSeries = _flarumHelpersPunctuateSeries.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsHelpersTagsLabel) {
      tagsLabel = _flarumTagsHelpersTagsLabel.default;
    execute: function () {
      DiscussionTaggedPost = function (_EventPost) {
        babelHelpers.inherits(DiscussionTaggedPost, _EventPost);

        function DiscussionTaggedPost() {
          babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, DiscussionTaggedPost);
          return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, Object.getPrototypeOf(DiscussionTaggedPost).apply(this, arguments));

        babelHelpers.createClass(DiscussionTaggedPost, [{
          key: 'icon',
          value: function icon() {
            return 'tag';
        }, {
          key: 'descriptionKey',
          value: function descriptionKey() {
            if (this.props.tagsAdded.length) {
              if (this.props.tagsRemoved.length) {
                return 'flarum-tags.forum.post_stream.added_and_removed_tags_text';

              return 'flarum-tags.forum.post_stream.added_tags_text';

            return 'flarum-tags.forum.post_stream.removed_tags_text';
        }, {
          key: 'descriptionData',
          value: function descriptionData() {
            var data = {};

            if (this.props.tagsAdded.length) {
              data.tagsAdded = app.translator.transChoice('flarum-tags.forum.post_stream.tags_text', this.props.tagsAdded.length, {
                tags: tagsLabel(this.props.tagsAdded, { link: true }),
                count: this.props.tagsAdded.length

            if (this.props.tagsRemoved.length) {
              data.tagsRemoved = app.translator.transChoice('flarum-tags.forum.post_stream.tags_text', this.props.tagsRemoved.length, {
                tags: tagsLabel(this.props.tagsRemoved, { link: true }),
                count: this.props.tagsRemoved.length

            return data;
        }], [{
          key: 'initProps',
          value: function initProps(props) {
            babelHelpers.get(Object.getPrototypeOf(DiscussionTaggedPost), 'initProps', this).call(this, props);

            var oldTags = props.post.content()[0];
            var newTags = props.post.content()[1];

            function diffTags(tags1, tags2) {
              return tags1.filter(function (tag) {
                return tags2.indexOf(tag) === -1;
              }).map(function (id) {
                return app.store.getById('tags', id);

            props.tagsAdded = diffTags(newTags, oldTags);
            props.tagsRemoved = diffTags(oldTags, newTags);
        return DiscussionTaggedPost;

      _export('default', DiscussionTaggedPost);
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/components/TagDiscussionModal', ['flarum/components/Modal', 'flarum/components/DiscussionPage', 'flarum/components/Button', 'flarum/helpers/highlight', 'flarum/utils/classList', 'flarum/utils/extractText', 'flarum/tags/helpers/tagLabel', 'flarum/tags/helpers/tagIcon', 'flarum/tags/utils/sortTags'], function (_export, _context) {
  var Modal, DiscussionPage, Button, highlight, classList, extractText, tagLabel, tagIcon, sortTags, TagDiscussionModal;
  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumComponentsModal) {
      Modal = _flarumComponentsModal.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsDiscussionPage) {
      DiscussionPage = _flarumComponentsDiscussionPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsButton) {
      Button = _flarumComponentsButton.default;
    }, function (_flarumHelpersHighlight) {
      highlight = _flarumHelpersHighlight.default;
    }, function (_flarumUtilsClassList) {
      classList = _flarumUtilsClassList.default;
    }, function (_flarumUtilsExtractText) {
      extractText = _flarumUtilsExtractText.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsHelpersTagLabel) {
      tagLabel = _flarumTagsHelpersTagLabel.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsHelpersTagIcon) {
      tagIcon = _flarumTagsHelpersTagIcon.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsUtilsSortTags) {
      sortTags = _flarumTagsUtilsSortTags.default;
    execute: function () {
      TagDiscussionModal = function (_Modal) {
        babelHelpers.inherits(TagDiscussionModal, _Modal);

        function TagDiscussionModal() {
          babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, TagDiscussionModal);
          return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, Object.getPrototypeOf(TagDiscussionModal).apply(this, arguments));

        babelHelpers.createClass(TagDiscussionModal, [{
          key: 'init',
          value: function init() {
            babelHelpers.get(Object.getPrototypeOf(TagDiscussionModal.prototype), 'init', this).call(this);

            this.tags = sortTags(app.store.all('tags').filter(function (tag) {
              return tag.canStartDiscussion();

            this.selected = [];
            this.filter = m.prop('');
            this.index = this.tags[0].id();
            this.focused = false;

            if (this.props.selectedTags) {
            } else if (this.props.discussion) {

            this.minPrimary = app.forum.attribute('minPrimaryTags');
            this.maxPrimary = app.forum.attribute('maxPrimaryTags');
            this.minSecondary = app.forum.attribute('minSecondaryTags');
            this.maxSecondary = app.forum.attribute('maxSecondaryTags');
        }, {
          key: 'primaryCount',
          value: function primaryCount() {
            return this.selected.filter(function (tag) {
              return tag.isPrimary();
        }, {
          key: 'secondaryCount',
          value: function secondaryCount() {
            return this.selected.filter(function (tag) {
              return !tag.isPrimary();
        }, {
          key: 'addTag',
          value: function addTag(tag) {
            if (!tag.canStartDiscussion()) return;

            // If this tag has a parent, we'll also need to add the parent tag to the
            // selected list if it's not already in there.
            var parent = tag.parent();
            if (parent) {
              var index = this.selected.indexOf(parent);
              if (index === -1) {

        }, {
          key: 'removeTag',
          value: function removeTag(tag) {
            var index = this.selected.indexOf(tag);
            if (index !== -1) {
              this.selected.splice(index, 1);

              // Look through the list of selected tags for any tags which have the tag
              // we just removed as their parent. We'll need to remove them too.
              this.selected.filter(function (selected) {
                return selected.parent() === tag;
        }, {
          key: 'className',
          value: function className() {
            return 'TagDiscussionModal';
        }, {
          key: 'title',
          value: function title() {
            return this.props.discussion ? app.translator.trans('flarum-tags.forum.choose_tags.edit_title', { title: m(
              ) }) : app.translator.trans('flarum-tags.forum.choose_tags.title');
        }, {
          key: 'getInstruction',
          value: function getInstruction(primaryCount, secondaryCount) {
            if (primaryCount < this.minPrimary) {
              var remaining = this.minPrimary - primaryCount;
              return app.translator.transChoice('flarum-tags.forum.choose_tags.choose_primary_placeholder', remaining, { count: remaining });
            } else if (secondaryCount < this.minSecondary) {
              var _remaining = this.minSecondary - secondaryCount;
              return app.translator.transChoice('flarum-tags.forum.choose_tags.choose_secondary_placeholder', _remaining, { count: _remaining });

            return '';
        }, {
          key: 'content',
          value: function content() {
            var _this2 = this;

            var tags = this.tags;
            var filter = this.filter().toLowerCase();
            var primaryCount = this.primaryCount();
            var secondaryCount = this.secondaryCount();

            // Filter out all child tags whose parents have not been selected. This
            // makes it impossible to select a child if its parent hasn't been selected.
            tags = tags.filter(function (tag) {
              var parent = tag.parent();
              return parent === false || _this2.selected.indexOf(parent) !== -1;

            // If the number of selected primary/secondary tags is at the maximum, then
            // we'll filter out all other tags of that type.
            if (primaryCount >= app.forum.attribute('maxPrimaryTags')) {
              tags = tags.filter(function (tag) {
                return !tag.isPrimary() || _this2.selected.indexOf(tag) !== -1;

            if (secondaryCount >= app.forum.attribute('maxSecondaryTags')) {
              tags = tags.filter(function (tag) {
                return tag.isPrimary() || _this2.selected.indexOf(tag) !== -1;

            // If the user has entered text in the filter input, then filter by tags
            // whose name matches what they've entered.
            if (filter) {
              tags = tags.filter(function (tag) {
                return tag.name().substr(0, filter.length).toLowerCase() === filter;

            if (tags.indexOf(this.index) === -1) this.index = tags[0];

            return [m(
              { className: 'Modal-body' },
                { className: 'TagDiscussionModal-form' },
                  { className: 'TagDiscussionModal-form-input' },
                    { className: 'TagsInput FormControl ' + (this.focused ? 'focus' : '') },
                      { className: 'TagsInput-selected' },
                      this.selected.map(function (tag) {
                        return m(
                          { className: 'TagsInput-tag', onclick: function onclick() {
                            } },
                    m('input', { className: 'FormControl',
                      placeholder: extractText(this.getInstruction(primaryCount, secondaryCount)),
                      value: this.filter(),
                      oninput: m.withAttr('value', this.filter),
                      onkeydown: this.onkeydown.bind(this),
                      onfocus: function onfocus() {
                        return _this2.focused = true;
                      onblur: function onblur() {
                        return _this2.focused = false;
                      } })
                  { className: 'TagDiscussionModal-form-submit App-primaryControl' },
                    type: 'submit',
                    className: 'Button Button--primary',
                    disabled: primaryCount < this.minPrimary || secondaryCount < this.minSecondary,
                    icon: 'check',
                    children: app.translator.trans('flarum-tags.forum.choose_tags.submit_button')
            ), m(
              { className: 'Modal-footer' },
                { className: 'TagDiscussionModal-list SelectTagList' },
                tags.filter(function (tag) {
                  return filter || !tag.parent() || _this2.selected.indexOf(tag.parent()) !== -1;
                }).map(function (tag) {
                  return m(
                    { 'data-index': tag.id(),
                      className: classList({
                        pinned: tag.position() !== null,
                        child: !!tag.parent(),
                        colored: !!tag.color(),
                        selected: _this2.selected.indexOf(tag) !== -1,
                        active: _this2.index === tag
                      style: { color: tag.color() },
                      onmouseover: function onmouseover() {
                        return _this2.index = tag;
                      onclick: _this2.toggleTag.bind(_this2, tag)
                      { className: 'SelectTagListItem-name' },
                      highlight(tag.name(), filter)
                    tag.description() ? m(
                      { className: 'SelectTagListItem-description' },
                    ) : ''
        }, {
          key: 'toggleTag',
          value: function toggleTag(tag) {
            var index = this.selected.indexOf(tag);

            if (index !== -1) {
            } else {

            if (this.filter()) {
              this.index = this.tags[0];

        }, {
          key: 'onkeydown',
          value: function onkeydown(e) {
            switch (e.which) {
              case 40:
              case 38:
                // Down/Up
                this.setIndex(this.getCurrentNumericIndex() + (e.which === 40 ? 1 : -1), true);

              case 13:
                // Return
                if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || this.selected.indexOf(this.index) !== -1) {
                  if (this.selected.length) {
                } else {
                  this.getItem(this.index)[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('click'));

              case 8:
                // Backspace
                if (e.target.selectionStart === 0 && e.target.selectionEnd === 0) {
                  this.selected.splice(this.selected.length - 1, 1);

              // no default
        }, {
          key: 'selectableItems',
          value: function selectableItems() {
            return this.$('.TagDiscussionModal-list > li');
        }, {
          key: 'getCurrentNumericIndex',
          value: function getCurrentNumericIndex() {
            return this.selectableItems().index(this.getItem(this.index));
        }, {
          key: 'getItem',
          value: function getItem(index) {
            return this.selectableItems().filter('[data-index="' + index.id() + '"]');
        }, {
          key: 'setIndex',
          value: function setIndex(index, scrollToItem) {
            var $items = this.selectableItems();
            var $dropdown = $items.parent();

            if (index < 0) {
              index = $items.length - 1;
            } else if (index >= $items.length) {
              index = 0;

            var $item = $items.eq(index);

            this.index = app.store.getById('tags', $item.attr('data-index'));


            if (scrollToItem) {
              var dropdownScroll = $dropdown.scrollTop();
              var dropdownTop = $dropdown.offset().top;
              var dropdownBottom = dropdownTop + $dropdown.outerHeight();
              var itemTop = $item.offset().top;
              var itemBottom = itemTop + $item.outerHeight();

              var scrollTop = void 0;
              if (itemTop < dropdownTop) {
                scrollTop = dropdownScroll - dropdownTop + itemTop - parseInt($dropdown.css('padding-top'), 10);
              } else if (itemBottom > dropdownBottom) {
                scrollTop = dropdownScroll - dropdownBottom + itemBottom + parseInt($dropdown.css('padding-bottom'), 10);

              if (typeof scrollTop !== 'undefined') {
                $dropdown.stop(true).animate({ scrollTop: scrollTop }, 100);
        }, {
          key: 'onsubmit',
          value: function onsubmit(e) {

            var discussion = this.props.discussion;
            var tags = this.selected;

            if (discussion) {
              discussion.save({ relationships: { tags: tags } }).then(function () {
                if (app.current instanceof DiscussionPage) {

            if (this.props.onsubmit) this.props.onsubmit(tags);


        return TagDiscussionModal;

      _export('default', TagDiscussionModal);
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/components/TagHero', ['flarum/Component'], function (_export, _context) {
  var Component, TagHero;
  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumComponent) {
      Component = _flarumComponent.default;
    execute: function () {
      TagHero = function (_Component) {
        babelHelpers.inherits(TagHero, _Component);

        function TagHero() {
          babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, TagHero);
          return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, Object.getPrototypeOf(TagHero).apply(this, arguments));

        babelHelpers.createClass(TagHero, [{
          key: 'view',
          value: function view() {
            var tag = this.props.tag;
            var color = tag.color();

            return m(
              { className: 'Hero TagHero' + (color ? ' TagHero--colored' : ''),
                style: color ? { color: '#fff', backgroundColor: color } : '' },
                { className: 'container' },
                  { className: 'containerNarrow' },
                    { className: 'Hero-title' },
                    { className: 'Hero-subtitle' },
        return TagHero;

      _export('default', TagHero);
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/components/TagLinkButton', ['flarum/components/LinkButton', 'flarum/tags/helpers/tagIcon'], function (_export, _context) {
  var LinkButton, tagIcon, TagLinkButton;
  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumComponentsLinkButton) {
      LinkButton = _flarumComponentsLinkButton.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsHelpersTagIcon) {
      tagIcon = _flarumTagsHelpersTagIcon.default;
    execute: function () {
      TagLinkButton = function (_LinkButton) {
        babelHelpers.inherits(TagLinkButton, _LinkButton);

        function TagLinkButton() {
          babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, TagLinkButton);
          return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, Object.getPrototypeOf(TagLinkButton).apply(this, arguments));

        babelHelpers.createClass(TagLinkButton, [{
          key: 'view',
          value: function view() {
            var tag = this.props.tag;
            var active = this.constructor.isActive(this.props);
            var description = tag && tag.description();

            return m(
              { className: 'TagLinkButton hasIcon ' + (tag.isChild() ? 'child' : ''), href: this.props.href, config: m.route,
                style: active && tag ? { color: tag.color() } : '',
                title: description || '' },
              tagIcon(tag, { className: 'Button-icon' }),
        }], [{
          key: 'initProps',
          value: function initProps(props) {
            var tag = props.tag;

            props.params.tags = tag ? tag.slug() : 'untagged';
            props.href = app.route('tag', props.params);
            props.children = tag ? tag.name() : app.translator.trans('flarum-tags.forum.index.untagged_link');
        return TagLinkButton;

      _export('default', TagLinkButton);
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/components/TagsPage', ['flarum/Component', 'flarum/components/IndexPage', 'flarum/helpers/listItems', 'flarum/helpers/humanTime', 'flarum/helpers/icon', 'flarum/tags/helpers/tagLabel', 'flarum/tags/utils/sortTags'], function (_export, _context) {
  var Component, IndexPage, listItems, humanTime, icon, tagLabel, sortTags, TagsPage;
  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumComponent) {
      Component = _flarumComponent.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsIndexPage) {
      IndexPage = _flarumComponentsIndexPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumHelpersListItems) {
      listItems = _flarumHelpersListItems.default;
    }, function (_flarumHelpersHumanTime) {
      humanTime = _flarumHelpersHumanTime.default;
    }, function (_flarumHelpersIcon) {
      icon = _flarumHelpersIcon.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsHelpersTagLabel) {
      tagLabel = _flarumTagsHelpersTagLabel.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsUtilsSortTags) {
      sortTags = _flarumTagsUtilsSortTags.default;
    execute: function () {
      TagsPage = function (_Component) {
        babelHelpers.inherits(TagsPage, _Component);

        function TagsPage() {
          babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, TagsPage);
          return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, Object.getPrototypeOf(TagsPage).apply(this, arguments));

        babelHelpers.createClass(TagsPage, [{
          key: 'init',
          value: function init() {
            this.tags = sortTags(app.store.all('tags').filter(function (tag) {
              return !tag.parent();

            app.current = this;
            app.history.push('tags', icon('th-large'));
        }, {
          key: 'view',
          value: function view() {
            var pinned = this.tags.filter(function (tag) {
              return tag.position() !== null;
            var cloud = this.tags.filter(function (tag) {
              return tag.position() === null;

            return m(
              { className: 'TagsPage' },
                { className: 'container' },
                  { className: 'TagsPage-nav IndexPage-nav sideNav', config: IndexPage.prototype.affixSidebar },
                  { className: 'TagsPage-content sideNavOffset' },
                    { className: 'TagTiles' },
                    pinned.map(function (tag) {
                      var lastDiscussion = tag.lastDiscussion();
                      var children = sortTags(app.store.all('tags').filter(function (child) {
                        return child.parent() === tag;

                      return m(
                        { className: 'TagTile ' + (tag.color() ? 'colored' : ''),
                          style: { backgroundColor: tag.color() } },
                          { className: 'TagTile-info', href: app.route.tag(tag), config: m.route },
                            { className: 'TagTile-name' },
                            { className: 'TagTile-description' },
                          children ? m(
                            { className: 'TagTile-children' },
                            children.map(function (child) {
                              return [m(
                                { href: app.route.tag(child), config: function config(element, isInitialized) {
                                    if (isInitialized) return;
                                    $(element).on('click', function (e) {
                                      return e.stopPropagation();
                                    m.route.apply(this, arguments);
                                  } },
                              ), ' '];
                          ) : ''
                        lastDiscussion ? m(
                          { className: 'TagTile-lastDiscussion',
                            href: app.route.discussion(lastDiscussion, lastDiscussion.lastPostNumber()),
                            config: m.route },
                            { className: 'TagTile-lastDiscussion-title' },
                        ) : m('span', { className: 'TagTile-lastDiscussion' })
                  cloud.length ? m(
                    { className: 'TagCloud' },
                    cloud.map(function (tag) {
                      var color = tag.color();

                      return [tagLabel(tag, { link: true }), ' '];
                  ) : ''
        return TagsPage;

      _export('default', TagsPage);
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/helpers/tagIcon', [], function (_export, _context) {
  function tagIcon(tag) {
    var attrs = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];

    attrs.className = 'icon TagIcon ' + (attrs.className || '');

    if (tag) {
      attrs.style = attrs.style || {};
      attrs.style.backgroundColor = tag.color();
    } else {
      attrs.className += ' untagged';

    return m('span', attrs);

  _export('default', tagIcon);

  return {
    setters: [],
    execute: function () {}
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/helpers/tagLabel', ['flarum/utils/extract'], function (_export, _context) {
  var extract;
  function tagLabel(tag) {
    var attrs = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];

    attrs.style = attrs.style || {};
    attrs.className = 'TagLabel ' + (attrs.className || '');

    var link = extract(attrs, 'link');

    if (tag) {
      var color = tag.color();
      if (color) {
        attrs.style.backgroundColor = attrs.style.color = color;
        attrs.className += ' colored';

      if (link) {
        attrs.title = tag.description() || '';
        attrs.href = app.route('tag', { tags: tag.slug() });
        attrs.config = m.route;
    } else {
      attrs.className += ' untagged';

    return m(link ? 'a' : 'span', attrs, m(
      { className: 'TagLabel-text' },
      tag ? tag.name() : app.translator.trans('flarum-tags.lib.deleted_tag_text')

  _export('default', tagLabel);

  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumUtilsExtract) {
      extract = _flarumUtilsExtract.default;
    execute: function () {}
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/helpers/tagsLabel', ['flarum/utils/extract', 'flarum/tags/helpers/tagLabel', 'flarum/tags/utils/sortTags'], function (_export, _context) {
  var extract, tagLabel, sortTags;
  function tagsLabel(tags) {
    var attrs = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];

    var children = [];
    var link = extract(attrs, 'link');

    attrs.className = 'TagsLabel ' + (attrs.className || '');

    if (tags) {
      sortTags(tags).forEach(function (tag) {
        if (tag || tags.length === 1) {
          children.push(tagLabel(tag, { link: link }));
    } else {

    return m(

  _export('default', tagsLabel);

  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumUtilsExtract) {
      extract = _flarumUtilsExtract.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsHelpersTagLabel) {
      tagLabel = _flarumTagsHelpersTagLabel.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsUtilsSortTags) {
      sortTags = _flarumTagsUtilsSortTags.default;
    execute: function () {}
'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/main', ['flarum/Model', 'flarum/models/Discussion', 'flarum/components/IndexPage', 'flarum/tags/models/Tag', 'flarum/tags/components/TagsPage', 'flarum/tags/components/DiscussionTaggedPost', 'flarum/tags/addTagList', 'flarum/tags/addTagFilter', 'flarum/tags/addTagLabels', 'flarum/tags/addTagControl', 'flarum/tags/addTagComposer'], function (_export, _context) {
  var Model, Discussion, IndexPage, Tag, TagsPage, DiscussionTaggedPost, addTagList, addTagFilter, addTagLabels, addTagControl, addTagComposer;
  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumModel) {
      Model = _flarumModel.default;
    }, function (_flarumModelsDiscussion) {
      Discussion = _flarumModelsDiscussion.default;
    }, function (_flarumComponentsIndexPage) {
      IndexPage = _flarumComponentsIndexPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsModelsTag) {
      Tag = _flarumTagsModelsTag.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsComponentsTagsPage) {
      TagsPage = _flarumTagsComponentsTagsPage.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsComponentsDiscussionTaggedPost) {
      DiscussionTaggedPost = _flarumTagsComponentsDiscussionTaggedPost.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsAddTagList) {
      addTagList = _flarumTagsAddTagList.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsAddTagFilter) {
      addTagFilter = _flarumTagsAddTagFilter.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsAddTagLabels) {
      addTagLabels = _flarumTagsAddTagLabels.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsAddTagControl) {
      addTagControl = _flarumTagsAddTagControl.default;
    }, function (_flarumTagsAddTagComposer) {
      addTagComposer = _flarumTagsAddTagComposer.default;
    execute: function () {

      app.initializers.add('flarum-tags', function (app) {
        app.routes.tags = { path: '/tags', component: TagsPage.component() };
        app.routes.tag = { path: '/t/:tags', component: IndexPage.component() };

        app.route.tag = function (tag) {
          return app.route('tag', { tags: tag.slug() });

        app.postComponents.discussionTagged = DiscussionTaggedPost;

        app.store.models.tags = Tag;

        Discussion.prototype.tags = Model.hasMany('tags');
        Discussion.prototype.canTag = Model.attribute('canTag');

'use strict';

System.register('flarum/tags/models/Tag', ['flarum/Model', 'flarum/utils/mixin', 'flarum/utils/computed'], function (_export, _context) {
  var Model, mixin, computed, Tag;
  return {
    setters: [function (_flarumModel) {
      Model = _flarumModel.default;
    }, function (_flarumUtilsMixin) {
      mixin = _flarumUtilsMixin.default;
    }, function (_flarumUtilsComputed) {
      computed = _flarumUtilsComputed.default;
    execute: function () {
      Tag = function (_mixin) {
        babelHelpers.inherits(Tag, _mixin);

        function Tag() {
          babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Tag);
          return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, Object.getPrototypeOf(Tag).apply(this, arguments));

        return Tag;
      }(mixin(Model, {
        name: Model.attribute('name'),
        slug: Model.attribute('slug'),
        description: Model.attribute('description'),

        color: Model.attribute('color'),
        backgroundUrl: Model.attribute('backgroundUrl'),
        backgroundMode: Model.attribute('backgroundMode'),

        position: Model.attribute('position'),
        parent: Model.hasOne('parent'),
        defaultSort: Model.attribute('defaultSort'),
        isChild: Model.attribute('isChild'),
        isHidden: Model.attribute('isHidden'),

        discussionsCount: Model.attribute('discussionsCount'),
        lastTime: Model.attribute('lastTime', Model.transformDate),
        lastDiscussion: Model.hasOne('lastDiscussion'),

        isRestricted: Model.attribute('isRestricted'),
        canStartDiscussion: Model.attribute('canStartDiscussion'),

        isPrimary: computed('position', 'parent', function (position, parent) {
          return position !== null && parent === false;

      _export('default', Tag);
"use strict";

System.register("flarum/tags/utils/sortTags", [], function (_export, _context) {
  function sortTags(tags) {
    return tags.slice(0).sort(function (a, b) {
      var aPos = a.position();
      var bPos = b.position();

      // If they're both secondary tags, sort them by their discussions count,
      // descending.
      if (aPos === null && bPos === null) return b.discussionsCount() - a.discussionsCount();

      // If just one is a secondary tag, then the primary tag should
      // come first.
      if (bPos === null) return -1;
      if (aPos === null) return 1;

      // If we've made it this far, we know they're both primary tags. So we'll
      // need to see if they have parents.
      var aParent = a.parent();
      var bParent = b.parent();

      // If they both have the same parent, then their positions are local,
      // so we can compare them directly.
      if (aParent === bParent) return aPos - bPos;

      // If they are both child tags, then we will compare the positions of their
      // parents.
      else if (aParent && bParent) return aParent.position() - bParent.position();

        // If we are comparing a child tag with its parent, then we let the parent
        // come first. If we are comparing an unrelated parent/child, then we
        // compare both of the parents.
        else if (aParent) return aParent === b ? 1 : aParent.position() - bPos;else if (bParent) return bParent === a ? -1 : aPos - bParent.position();

      return 0;

  _export("default", sortTags);

  return {
    setters: [],
    execute: function () {}