www.gusucode.com > Flarum中文优化论坛PHP源码程序 > FlarumChina-master/vendor/franzl/studio/src/Parts/Composer/Part.php


namespace Studio\Parts\Composer;

use Studio\Filesystem\Directory;
use Studio\Parts\AbstractPart;

class Part extends AbstractPart

    public function setupPackage($composer, Directory $target)
        // Ask for package name
        $composer->name = $this->input->ask(
            'Please name this package',
            'Please enter a valid package name in the format "vendor/name".'

        // Ask for the root namespace
        $namespace = $this->input->ask(
            'Please provide a default namespace (PSR-4)',
            'Please enter a valid PHP namespace',

        // Normalize and store the namespace
        $namespace = rtrim($namespace, '\\');
        @$composer->autoload->{'psr-4'}->{"$namespace\\"} = 'src/';

        // Create an example file
            __DIR__ . '/stubs/src/Example.php',
            function ($content) use ($namespace) {
                return preg_replace('/namespace[^;]+;/', "namespace $namespace;", $content);

    protected function makeDefaultNamespace($package)
        list($vendor, $name) = explode('/', $package);

        return ucfirst($vendor) . '\\' . ucfirst($name);
