www.gusucode.com > Flarum中文优化论坛PHP源码程序 > FlarumChina-master/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/render.js

    var MSXML = (typeof DOMParser === 'undefined' || typeof XSLTProcessor === 'undefined');
var xslt = {
	* @param {!string} xsl
	init: function(xsl)
		var stylesheet = xslt.loadXML(xsl, 'MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.6.0');
		if (MSXML)
			var generator = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XSLTemplate.6.0");
			generator['stylesheet'] = stylesheet;
			xslt.proc = generator['createProcessor']();
			xslt.proc = new XSLTProcessor;

	* @param {!string} xml
	* @param {string} type
	loadXML: function(xml, type)
		if (MSXML)
			var dom = new ActiveXObject(type);
			dom['async'] = false;
			dom['validateOnParse'] = false;

			return dom;

		return (new DOMParser).parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml');

	* @param {!string} paramName  Parameter name
	* @param {!string} paramValue Parameter's value
	setParameter: function(paramName, paramValue)
		if (MSXML)
			xslt.proc['addParameter'](paramName, paramValue, '');
			xslt.proc['setParameter'](null, paramName, paramValue);

	* @param {!string} xml
	* @param {!HTMLDocument} targetDoc
	transformToFragment: function(xml, targetDoc)
		if (MSXML)
			var div = targetDoc.createElement('div'),
				fragment = targetDoc.createDocumentFragment();

			xslt.proc['input'] = xslt.loadXML(xml, 'MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0');
			div.innerHTML = xslt.proc['output'];
			while (div.firstChild)

			return fragment;

		// NOTE: importNode() is used because of https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=266305
		return targetDoc.importNode(xslt.proc['transformToFragment'](xslt.loadXML(xml), targetDoc), true);

var postProcessFunctions = {};

* Parse a given text and render it into given HTML element
* @param {!string} text
* @param {!HTMLElement} target
function preview(text, target)
	var targetDoc = target.ownerDocument,
		resultFragment = xslt.transformToFragment(parse(text), targetDoc);

	// Apply post-processing
	if (HINT.postProcessing)
		var nodes = resultFragment['querySelectorAll']('[data-s9e-livepreview-postprocess]'),
			i     = nodes.length;
		while (--i >= 0)
			/** @type {!string} */
			var code = nodes[i]['getAttribute']('data-s9e-livepreview-postprocess');

			if (!postProcessFunctions[code])
				postProcessFunctions[code] = new Function(code);


	* Update the content of given element oldEl to match element newEl
	* @param {!HTMLElement} oldEl
	* @param {!HTMLElement} newEl
	function refreshElementContent(oldEl, newEl)
		var oldNodes = oldEl.childNodes,
			newNodes = newEl.childNodes,
			oldCnt = oldNodes.length,
			newCnt = newNodes.length,
			left  = 0,
			right = 0;

		// Skip the leftmost matching nodes
		while (left < oldCnt && left < newCnt)
			oldNode = oldNodes[left];
			newNode = newNodes[left];

			if (!refreshNode(oldNode, newNode))


		// Skip the rightmost matching nodes
		var maxRight = Math.min(oldCnt - left, newCnt - left);

		while (right < maxRight)
			oldNode = oldNodes[oldCnt - (right + 1)];
			newNode = newNodes[newCnt - (right + 1)];

			if (!refreshNode(oldNode, newNode))


		// Clone the new nodes
		var newNodesFragment = targetDoc.createDocumentFragment(),
			i = left;

		while (i < (newCnt - right))
			newNode = newNodes[i].cloneNode(true);


		// Remove the old dirty nodes in the middle of the tree
		i = oldCnt - right;
		while (--i >= left)

		// If we haven't skipped any nodes to the right, we can just append the fragment
		if (!right)
			oldEl.insertBefore(newNodesFragment, oldEl.childNodes[left]);

	* Update given node oldNode to make it match newNode
	* @param {!HTMLElement} oldNode
	* @param {!HTMLElement} newNode
	* @return boolean Whether the node can be skipped
	function refreshNode(oldNode, newNode)
		if (oldNode.nodeName !== newNode.nodeName
		 || oldNode.nodeType !== newNode.nodeType)
			return false;

		if (oldNode.nodeType === 3 || oldNode.nodeType === 8)
			if (oldNode.nodeValue !== newNode.nodeValue)
				oldNode.nodeValue = newNode.nodeValue;

			return true;

		if (oldNode.isEqualNode && oldNode.isEqualNode(newNode))
			return true;

		syncElementAttributes(oldNode, newNode);
		refreshElementContent(oldNode, newNode);

		return true;

	* Make the set of attributes of given element oldEl match newEl's
	* @param {!HTMLElement} oldEl
	* @param {!HTMLElement} newEl
	function syncElementAttributes(oldEl, newEl)
		var oldAttributes = oldEl['attributes'],
			newAttributes = newEl['attributes'],
			oldCnt = oldAttributes.length,
			newCnt = newAttributes.length,
			i = oldCnt;

		while (--i >= 0)
			var oldAttr      = oldAttributes[i],
				namespaceURI = oldAttr['namespaceURI'],
				attrName     = oldAttr['name'];

			if (!newEl.hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName))
				oldEl.removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName);

		i = newCnt;
		while (--i >= 0)
			var newAttr      = newAttributes[i],
				namespaceURI = newAttr['namespaceURI'],
				attrName     = newAttr['name'],
				attrValue    = newAttr['value'];

			if (attrValue !== oldEl.getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName))
				oldEl.setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName, attrValue);

	refreshElementContent(target, resultFragment);

* Set the value of a stylesheet parameter
* @param {!string} paramName  Parameter name
* @param {!string} paramValue Parameter's value
function setParameter(paramName, paramValue)
	xslt.setParameter(paramName, paramValue);