www.gusucode.com > iWebshop开源PHP商城系统 v2.8源码程序 > iwebshop/classes/api/api_resource.php

return array(
	'getGoodsList' => array(
		'file' => 'goods.php',
		'class'=> 'APIGoods',
	'getGoodsInfo' => array(
		'file' => 'goods.php',
		'class'=> 'APIGoods',
	'getGoodsListByGoodsid' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'goods',
			'where' => 'id = #id#',
	'getArtList' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'article',
			'where' => 'visibility = 1 and top = 1',
			'order' => 'sort ASC,id DESC',
			'fields'=> 'title,id,style,color',
			'limit' => '10'
	'getRegimentList' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'regiment',
			'where' => 'is_close = 0 and NOW() between start_time and end_time',
			'fields' => 'id,title,regiment_price,img',
			'order' => 'id desc',
			'limit' => '10'
	'getRegimentListByGoodsid' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'regiment',
			'where' => 'goods_id = #id# and  NOW() between start_time and end_time',
			'fields' => 'id as rid,regiment_price,end_time,start_time',
	'getRegimentUserRelationTotalNum' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'regiment_user_relation',
			'where' => 'regiment_id = #rid#',
			'fields' => 'count(*) as totalNum',
	'getPromotionList'=> array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'promotion as p',
			'join' => 'left join goods as go on go.id = p.condition',
			'fields'=>'p.end_time,go.img as img,p.name as name,p.award_value as award_value,go.id as goods_id,p.id as p_id,end_time',
			'where'=>'p.type = 1 and p.is_close = 0 and go.is_del = 0 and NOW() between start_time and end_time AND go.id is not null',
			'order'=>'p_id desc',
	'getPromotionListByCondition'=> array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'promotion',
			'where'=>'type = 1 and `condition` = #id# and NOW() between start_time and end_time',
	'getCommendNew' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'commend_goods as co',
			'join' => 'left join goods as go on co.goods_id = go.id',
			'where' => 'co.commend_id = 1 and go.is_del = 0 AND go.id is not null',
			'fields' => 'go.img,go.sell_price,go.name,go.id,go.market_price',
			'order'=>'sort asc,id desc'
	'getCommendPrice' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'commend_goods as co',
			'join' => 'left join goods as go on co.goods_id = go.id',
			'where' => 'co.commend_id = 2 and go.is_del = 0 AND go.id is not null',
			'fields' => 'go.img,go.sell_price,go.name,go.id',
			'order'=>'sort asc,id desc'
	'getCommendHot' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'commend_goods as co',
			'join' => 'left join goods as go on co.goods_id = go.id',
			'where' => 'co.commend_id = 3 and go.is_del = 0 AND go.id is not null',
			'fields' => 'go.img,go.sell_price,go.name,go.id',
			'order'=>'sort asc,id desc'
	'getCommendRecom' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'commend_goods as co',
			'join' => 'left join goods as go on co.goods_id = go.id',
			'where' => 'co.commend_id = 4 and go.is_del = 0 AND go.id is not null',
			'fields' => 'go.img,go.sell_price,go.name,go.id',
			'order'=>'sort asc,id desc'
	'getOrderDistributed' => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'order',
			'where' => 'distribution_status = 1 and if_del = 0',
			'limit' => '10',
			'order' => 'id desc'

	'getCommendHotBrand'   => array(
		'query' => array(
			'name' => 'commend_goods as co',
			'join' => 'left join goods as go on co.goods_id = go.id',
			'where' => 'co.commend_id = 3 and go.is_del = 0 AND go.id is not null and go.brand_id = #brandid#',
			'fields' => 'go.img,go.sell_price,go.name,go.id',
			'order'=>'sort asc,id desc'
		'query'=>array('name'=>'announcement','order'=>'id desc','limit'=>10)
		'query'=>array('name'=>'keyword','where'=>'hot = 1','order'=>'`order` asc','limit'=>10)
		'query'=>array('name'=>'keyword','order'=>'`order` asc','limit'=>50)
		'query'=>array('name'=>'category','order'=>'sort asc')
	    	'name'  => 'category_extend as ca',
	    	'join'  => 'left join goods as go on go.id = ca.goods_id',
	    	'where' => ' ca.category_id = #categroy_id# and go.is_del = 0',
	    	'order' => ' go.sort asc,go.id desc',
	    	'limit' => 10,
	    	'name'  => 'category_extend as ca',
	    	'join'  => 'left join goods as go on ca.goods_id = go.id left join order_goods as ord on ord.goods_id = go.id',
	    	'where' => 'ca.category_id in (#categroy_id#)  and go.is_del = 0 and ord.goods_nums > 0',
	    	'fields'=> 'go.id,go.name,go.img,go.sell_price,SUM(ord.goods_nums) as sum',
		   	'order' => ' sum desc',
		   	'group' => ' ord.goods_id',
	    	'limit' => 10,
	    	'name'  => 'category',
	    	'where' => ' parent_id = 0 and visibility = 1 ',
	    	'order' => ' sort asc',
	    	'limit' => 20,
	    	'name'  => 'category',
	    	'where' => ' parent_id = #parent_id# and visibility = 1 ',
	    	'order' => ' sort asc',
	    	'limit' => 10,
	    	'name'  => 'brand',
	    	'order' => ' sort asc',
	    	'limit' => 10,
	   'file' => 'brand.php','class' => 'APIBrand'
	   'file' => 'seller.php','class' => 'APISeller'
	    	'name'  => 'comment as co',
	    	'join'  => 'left join goods as go on co.goods_id = go.id',
	    	'where' => ' co.status = 1 AND go.is_del = 0 AND go.id is not null',
	    	'fields'=> 'go.img as img,go.name as name,co.point,co.contents,co.goods_id',
	    	'order' => ' co.id desc',
	    	'limit' => 10,
	    	'name'  => 'keyword',
	    	'where' => ' hot = 1',
	    	'order' => '`order` asc',
	    	'limit' => 5,
	    	'name'  => 'help_category',
	    	'where' => ' position_foot = 1',
	    	'order' => 'sort ASC,id desc',
	    	'limit' => 5,
	    	'name'  => 'help_category',
	    	'where' => ' position_left = 1',
	    	'order' => 'sort ASC,id desc',
	    	'limit' => 5,
	    	'name'  => 'help',
	    	'where' => ' cat_id =  #cat_id# ',
	    	'order' => 'sort ASC,id desc',
	    	'limit' => 5,
	    	'name'  => 'article_category',
	    	'where' => ' issys = 0 ',
	    	'order' => 'sort ASC',
	    	'limit' => 10,
		'file' => 'article.php','class' => 'APIArticle'
	'getArticleList' => array(
		'file' => 'article.php','class' => 'APIArticle'
	'getArticleListByCatid' => array(
		'file' => 'article.php','class' => 'APIArticle'
	'getNoticeList' => array(
		'file' => 'notice.php','class' => 'APINotice'
	    	'name'  => 'brand_category',
	    	'order' => ' id desc',
	    	'name'  => 'brand',
	    	'where'=> "category_ids like '%#id#%'",
	    	'order' => ' sort asc',
	    	'name'   => 'goods as go',
	    	'join'   => 'left join order_goods as ord on ord.goods_id = go.id',
	    	'fields' => 'go.id,go.name,go.img,go.sell_price,SUM(ord.goods_nums) as sum',
	    	'where'  => " go.brand_id = #brandid#",
	    	'order'  => ' sum desc',
	    	'group'  => ' ord.goods_id',
	    	'limit'  => 10,
	    	'name'   => 'goods as go',
	    	'join'   => 'left join order_goods as ord on ord.goods_id = go.id',
	    	'fields' => 'go.id,go.name,go.img,go.sell_price,SUM(ord.goods_nums) as sum',
	    	'where'  => " go.seller_id = #seller_id#",
	    	'order'  => ' sum desc',
	    	'group'  => ' ord.goods_id',
	    	'limit'  => 10,
	    	'name'   => 'goods',
	    	'fields' => 'id,img,name,sell_price',
	    	'where'  => "  seller_id = #seller_id# AND is_del = 0",
	    	'order'  => ' sort asc,id desc',
	    	'limit'  => 10,
	'getHelpList' => array(
		'file' => 'help.php','class' => 'APIHelp'
	'getHelpListByCatId' => array(
		'file' => 'help.php','class' => 'APIHelp'
	    	'name'  => 'category_extend as ca',
	    	'join'  => 'left join goods as go on ca.goods_id = go.id left join commend_goods as co on co.goods_id = go.id',
	    	'where' => 'ca.category_id in (#childId#) and co.commend_id = 4 and go.is_del = 0',
	    	'fields'=> 'DISTINCT go.id,go.img,go.sell_price,go.name,go.market_price,go.description',
		   	'order' => 'go.sort asc,go.id desc',
	    	'limit' => 6,
	    	'name'  => 'category_extend as ca',
	    	'join'  => 'left join goods as go on ca.goods_id = go.id left join brand as b on b.id = go.brand_id',
	    	'where' => 'ca.category_id in ( #childId# ) and go.is_del = 0 and go.brand_id != 0',
	    	'fields'=> 'DISTINCT b.id,b.name',
	    	'limit' => 10,

	    	'name'  => 'comment',
	    	'where' => ' status = 0 and goods_id = #id# and user_id = #user_id#',
	    	'fields'=> 'id',
	    	'name'  => 'help',
	    	'where' => ' id =  #id# ',
	    	'fields'=> 'content',
	    	'limit' => 1,
			'where'=>'word like "%#word#%" and word != "#word#"',
			'name'  => 'goods as go',
			'join'  => 'left join category_extend as ca on go.id = ca.goods_id left join category as c on c.id = ca.category_id',
			'where' => 'go.name like "%#word#%" or FIND_IN_SET("#word#",search_words)',
			'fields'=> 'c.name,c.id,count(*) as num',
			'group' => 'ca.category_id',
			'limit' => 20
	    	'name'   => 'goods as go',
	    	'join'   => 'left join category_extend as ca on ca.goods_id = go.id left join order_goods as ord on ord.goods_id = go.id',
	    	'fields' => 'go.id,go.name,go.img,go.sell_price,SUM(ord.goods_nums) as sum',
	    	'where'  => 'go.name like "%#word#%" or FIND_IN_SET("#word#",search_words) and ord.goods_nums > 0 #whereCat#',
	    	'fields' => 'go.id,go.name,go.img,go.sell_price,SUM(ord.goods_nums) as sum',
	    	'order'  => 'sum desc',
	    	'group'  => 'ord.goods_id',
	    	'limit'  => 10,
	'getUcenterAccoutLog' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	'getUcenterSuggestion' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	'getUcenterConsult' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	'getUcenterEvaluation' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
			'name'=>'favorite as f,category as c ',
			'where'=>'f.user_id = #user_id# and f.cat_id = c.id ',
			'fields'=> 'count(*) as num,c.name,c.id ',
			'group'=> 'cat_id',
	'getMemberInfo' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	'getMemberTongJi' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	'getPropTongJi' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	    	'name'  => 'order',
	    	'where' => ' user_id = #user_id# and if_del = 0 ',
	    	'order'=> 'id desc',
	    	'limit' => 6,
	    	'name'  => 'goods',
	    	'where' => 'id in( select goods_id from commend_goods where commend_id = 4 ) and is_del = 0 ',
	    	'limit' => 12,
	'getUcenterPointLog' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	    	'name'  => 'ticket',
	    	'where' => 'point > 0 and start_time <= "#nowtime#" and end_time > "#nowtime#" ',
	    	'limit' => 20,
	'getUcenterMessageList' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	'getOrderList' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	    	'name'  => 'order_goods as og',
	    	'join'  => 'left join goods as go on og.goods_id = go.id',
	    	'where' => 'order_id = #order_id# ',
	    	'fields'=> 'og.*,go.point',
	'getPropList' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	'getRefundmentDocList' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	'getWithdrawList' => array(
		'file' => 'ucenter.php','class' => 'APIUcenter'
	    	'name'  => 'payment',
	    	'where'  => 'status=0',
	    	'name'  => 'payment',
	    	'where'  => "class_name != 'balance' and status=0",
	    	'name'  => 'oauth',
	    	'where'  => "is_close=0",
	    	'name'  => 'goods_photo_relation AS a ',
	    	'join'  => "left join goods_photo AS b ON a.photo_id = b.id",
	    	'where' => "a.goods_id = #id# ",
	    	'order' => "a.id DESC",
	    	'fields' => "a.*,b.img",
	    	'name'  => 'areas',
	    	'where' => "parent_id =0 ",
	    	'name'  => 'order_goods as og',
	    	'join' => "join order as o on og.order_id = o.id left join goods as lg on lg.id = og.goods_id AND lg.is_del = 0",
	    	'where' => "o.user_id in (#buyer_id#) AND lg.id is not null",
	    	'fields' => "DISTINCT lg.id,lg.sell_price as price,lg.img,lg.name",
	    	'order' => "o.completion_time desc ",
	    	'limit' => 5,
	    	'name'  => 'payment',
	    	'where' => "type = 1 and status = 0 and class_name not in ('balance','offline')",
	'getBrandListByGoodsCategoryId' => array(
		'file' => 'brand.php','class' => 'APIBrand'
	'getProrule' => array(
		'file' => 'other.php','class' => 'APIOther'