www.gusucode.com > iWebshop开源PHP商城系统 v2.8源码程序 > iwebshop/classes/safestrategy.php

 * check website safe strategy
 * @date 2013/9/8 17:00:46
 * @author nswe
class safeStrategy
	private $safeInfo = array();

	 * constructor
	public function __construct()

	 * start check website safe options and return a array
	 * @return array
	public function check()
		return $this->safeInfo;

	 * check authorize info
	private function cAuthorize()
		$return = Proxy::getAuthorize();
		if($return == false)
			$this->safeInfo[] = array('content' => '您使用的软件未进行商业授权,请尽快购买!<a href="http://www.aircheng.com/buy" target="_blank">点击授权</a>');

	 * check the install dir whether exists
	 * @return boolean
	private function cInstall()
		$appBasePath = IWeb::$app->getBasePath();
		$installPath = $appBasePath . 'install';

			$this->safeInfo[] = array('content' => '您的安装目录没有删除,为了商店安全,请尽快删除或者重新命名');