www.gusucode.com > Kodexplorer 可道云PHP在线文件管理系统源码程序 > kodexplorer_v4.32/plugins/yzOffice/i18n/en.php

return array(
	"yzOffice.meta.name"				=> "Yozo Office View",
	"yzOffice.meta.title"				=> "Yozo Office",
	"yzOffice.meta.desc"				=> "Yozo Office View;",

	'yzOffice.config.cacheFile'			=> "Open the cache",
	'yzOffice.config.cacheFileDesc'		=> "After Opened,Office parsing generated images and other files stored in the server;",
	'yzOffice.config.preview'			=> "Preview mode",
	'yzOffice.config.previewDesc'		=> "Normal mode, the contents of complex layout will be converted to pictures;",
	'yzOffice.config.previewNormal'		=> "Normal mode",
	'yzOffice.config.previewHight'		=> "HD mode",

	'yzOffice.Main.transfer' 		=> "1.In data transmission......",
	'yzOffice.Main.converting'		=> '2.File conversion, please wait a moment...',
	'yzOffice.Main.uploadError' 	=> "Upload failed. Please check PHP execution timeout!",
	'yzOffice.Main.convert' 		=> "Start convert...",
	'yzOffice.Main.transferAgain'	=> "Retry"