www.gusucode.com > KPPW众包威客PHP开源建站系统 v3.0源码程序 > KPPW/public/themes/default/assets/js/doc/configsite.js

jQuery(function($) {
    $('#id-disable-check').on('click', function() {
        var inp = $('#form-input-readonly').get(0);
        if(inp.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
            inp.setAttribute('readonly' , 'true');
            inp.value="This text field is readonly!";
        else {
            inp.setAttribute('disabled' , 'disabled');
            inp.value="This text field is disabled!";

    //resize the chosen on window resize

        .on('resize.chosen', function() {
            $('.chosen-select').each(function() {
                var $this = $(this);
                $this.next().css({'width': $this.parent().width()});

    $('#chosen-multiple-style').on('click', function(e){
        var target = $(e.target).find('input[type=radio]');
        var which = parseInt(target.val());
        if(which == 2) $('#form-field-select-4').addClass('tag-input-style');
        else $('#form-field-select-4').removeClass('tag-input-style');


    $('textarea[class*=autosize]').autosize({append: "\n"});
        remText: '%n character%s remaining...',
        limitText: 'max allowed : %n.'

    $('.input-mask-phone').mask('(999) 999-9999');
    $('.input-mask-eyescript').mask('~9.99 ~9.99 999');
    $(".input-mask-product").mask("a*-999-a999",{placeholder:" ",completed:function(){alert("You typed the following: "+this.val());}});

    $( "#input-size-slider" ).css('width','200px').slider({
        range: "min",
        min: 1,
        max: 8,
        step: 1,
        slide: function( event, ui ) {
            var sizing = ['', 'input-sm', 'input-lg', 'input-mini', 'input-small', 'input-medium', 'input-large', 'input-xlarge', 'input-xxlarge'];
            var val = parseInt(ui.value);
            $('#form-field-4').attr('class', sizing[val]).val('.'+sizing[val]);

    $( "#input-span-slider" ).slider({
        range: "min",
        min: 1,
        max: 12,
        step: 1,
        slide: function( event, ui ) {
            var val = parseInt(ui.value);
            $('#form-field-5').attr('class', 'col-xs-'+val).val('.col-xs-'+val);

    //"jQuery UI Slider"
    //range slider tooltip example
    $( "#slider-range" ).css('height','200px').slider({
        orientation: "vertical",
        range: true,
        min: 0,
        max: 100,
        values: [ 17, 67 ],
        slide: function( event, ui ) {
            var val = ui.values[$(ui.handle).index()-1] + "";

            if( !ui.handle.firstChild ) {
                $("<div class='tooltip right in' style='display:none;left:16px;top:-6px;'><div class='tooltip-arrow'></div><div class='tooltip-inner'></div></div>")
    }).find('a').on('blur', function(){

    $( "#slider-range-max" ).slider({
        range: "max",
        min: 1,
        max: 10,
        value: 2

    $( "#slider-eq > span" ).css({width:'90%', 'float':'left', margin:'15px'}).each(function() {
        // read initial values from markup and remove that
        var value = parseInt( $( this ).text(), 10 );
        $( this ).empty().slider({
            value: value,
            range: "min",
            animate: true


    $("#slider-eq > span.ui-slider-purple").slider('disable');//disable third item

    $('#id-input-file-1 , #id-input-file-2').ace_file_input({
        no_file:'No File ...',
        thumbnail:false //| true | large
    //pre-show a file name, for example a previously selected file
    //$('#id-input-file-1').ace_file_input('show_file_list', ['myfile.txt'])

        thumbnail:'small'//large | fit
        //,icon_remove:null//set null, to hide remove/reset button
        /**,before_change:function(files, dropped) {
                    //Check an example below
                    //or examples/file-upload.html
                    return true;
        /**,before_remove : function() {
                    return true;
        preview_error : function(filename, error_code) {
            //name of the file that failed
            //error_code values
            //1 = 'FILE_LOAD_FAILED',
            //2 = 'IMAGE_LOAD_FAILED',
            //3 = 'THUMBNAIL_FAILED'

    }).on('change', function(){

        thumbnail:'small'//large | fit
        //,icon_remove:null//set null, to hide remove/reset button
        /**,before_change:function(files, dropped) {
                    //Check an example below
                    //or examples/file-upload.html
                    return true;
        /**,before_remove : function() {
                    return true;
        preview_error : function(filename, error_code) {
            //name of the file that failed
            //error_code values
            //1 = 'FILE_LOAD_FAILED',
            //2 = 'IMAGE_LOAD_FAILED',
            //3 = 'THUMBNAIL_FAILED'

    }).on('change', function(){

        thumbnail:'small'//large | fit
        //,icon_remove:null//set null, to hide remove/reset button
        /**,before_change:function(files, dropped) {
                    //Check an example below
                    //or examples/file-upload.html
                    return true;
        /**,before_remove : function() {
                    return true;
        preview_error : function(filename, error_code) {
            //name of the file that failed
            //error_code values
            //1 = 'FILE_LOAD_FAILED',
            //2 = 'IMAGE_LOAD_FAILED',
            //3 = 'THUMBNAIL_FAILED'

    }).on('change', function(){

    //dynamically change allowed formats by changing allowExt && allowMime function
    $('#id-file-format').removeAttr('checked').on('change', function() {
        var whitelist_ext, whitelist_mime;
        var btn_choose
        var no_icon
        if(this.checked) {
            btn_choose = "Drop images here or click to choose";
            no_icon = "ace-icon fa fa-picture-o";

            whitelist_ext = ["jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif" , "bmp"];
            whitelist_mime = ["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/bmp"];
        else {
            btn_choose = "Drop files here or click to choose";
            no_icon = "ace-icon fa fa-cloud-upload";

            whitelist_ext = null;//all extensions are acceptable
            whitelist_mime = null;//all mimes are acceptable
        var file_input = $('#id-input-file-3');
                    'btn_choose': btn_choose,
                    'no_icon': no_icon,
                    'allowExt': whitelist_ext,
                    'allowMime': whitelist_mime

            .on('file.error.ace', function(e, info) {
                //console.log(info.file_count);//number of selected files
                //console.log(info.invalid_count);//number of invalid files
                //console.log(info.error_list);//a list of errors in the following format


                //info.error_list['ext']  = [list of file names with invalid extension]
                //info.error_list['mime'] = [list of file names with invalid mimetype]
                //info.error_list['size'] = [list of file names with invalid size]

                 if( !info.dropped ) {
                        //perhapse reset file field if files have been selected, and there are invalid files among them
                        //when files are dropped, only valid files will be added to our file array
                        e.preventDefault();//it will rest input

                //if files have been selected (not dropped), you can choose to reset input
                //because browser keeps all selected files anyway and this cannot be changed
                //we can only reset file field to become empty again
                //on any case you still should check files with your server side script
                //because any arbitrary file can be uploaded by user and it's not safe to rely on browser-side measures


    $('#spinner1').ace_spinner({value:0,min:0,max:200,step:10, btn_up_class:'btn-info' , btn_down_class:'btn-info'})
        .on('change', function(){
    $('#spinner2').ace_spinner({value:0,min:0,max:10000,step:100, touch_spinner: true, icon_up:'ace-icon fa fa-caret-up', icon_down:'ace-icon fa fa-caret-down'});
    $('#spinner3').ace_spinner({value:0,min:-100,max:100,step:10, on_sides: true, icon_up:'ace-icon fa fa-plus smaller-75', icon_down:'ace-icon fa fa-minus smaller-75', btn_up_class:'btn-success' , btn_down_class:'btn-danger'});
    //$('#spinner1').ace_spinner('disable').ace_spinner('value', 11);
    //$('#spinner1').closest('.ace-spinner').spinner('disable').spinner('enable').spinner('value', 11);//disable, enable or change value
    //$('#spinner1').closest('.ace-spinner').spinner('value', 0);//reset to 0

    //datepicker plugin
//        $('.date-picker').datepicker({
//                autoclose: true,
//                todayHighlight: true
//            })
//            //show datepicker when clicking on the icon
//            .next().on(ace.click_event, function(){
//            $(this).prev().focus();
//        });

    //or change it into a date range picker
//        $('.input-daterange').datepicker({autoclose:true});

    //to translate the daterange picker, please copy the "examples/daterange-fr.js" contents here before initialization
//        $('input[name=date-range-picker]').daterangepicker({
//                'applyClass' : 'btn-sm btn-success',
//                'cancelClass' : 'btn-sm btn-default',
//                locale: {
//                    applyLabel: 'Apply',
//                    cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
//                }
//            })
//            .prev().on(ace.click_event, function(){
//            $(this).next().focus();
//        });

//        $('#timepicker1').timepicker({
//            minuteStep: 1,
//            showSeconds: true,
//            showMeridian: false
//        }).next().on(ace.click_event, function(){
//            $(this).prev().focus();
//        });

//        $('#date-timepicker1').datetimepicker().next().on(ace.click_event, function(){
//            $(this).prev().focus();
//        });

//        $('#colorpicker1').colorpicker();

    //$('#simple-colorpicker-1').ace_colorpicker('pick', 2);//select 2nd color
    //$('#simple-colorpicker-1').ace_colorpicker('pick', '#fbe983');//select #fbe983 color
    //var picker = $('#simple-colorpicker-1').data('ace_colorpicker')
    //picker.pick('red', true);//insert the color if it doesn't exist

//        $(".knob").knob();

    var tag_input = $('#form-field-tags');
                //enable typeahead by specifying the source array
                source: ace.vars['US_STATES'],//defined in ace.js >> ace.enable_search_ahead
                 //or fetch data from database, fetch those that match "query"
                 source: function(query, process) {
                      $.ajax({url: 'remote_source.php?q='+encodeURIComponent(query)})

        //programmatically add a new
        var $tag_obj = $('#form-field-tags').data('tag');
        $tag_obj.add('Programmatically Added');
    catch(e) {
        //display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
        tag_input.after('<textarea id="'+tag_input.attr('id')+'" name="'+tag_input.attr('name')+'" rows="3">'+tag_input.val()+'</textarea>').remove();
        //$('#form-field-tags').autosize({append: "\n"});


    //example taken from plugin's page at: https://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/examples/
    var substringMatcher = function(strs) {
        return function findMatches(q, cb) {
            var matches, substringRegex;

            // an array that will be populated with substring matches
            matches = [];

            // regex used to determine if a string contains the substring `q`
            substrRegex = new RegExp(q, 'i');

            // iterate through the pool of strings and for any string that
            // contains the substring `q`, add it to the `matches` array
            $.each(strs, function(i, str) {
                if (substrRegex.test(str)) {
                    // the typeahead jQuery plugin expects suggestions to a
                    // JavaScript object, refer to typeahead docs for more info
                    matches.push({ value: str });


//        $('input.typeahead').typeahead({
//            hint: true,
//            highlight: true,
//            minLength: 1
//        }, {
//            name: 'states',
//            displayKey: 'value',
//            source: substringMatcher(ace.vars['US_STATES'])
//        });

    $('#modal-form input[type=file]').ace_file_input({
        btn_choose:'Drop files here or click to choose',
        no_icon:'ace-icon fa fa-cloud-upload',

    //chosen plugin inside a modal will have a zero width because the select element is originally hidden
    //and its width cannot be determined.
    //so we set the width after modal is show
    $('#modal-form').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
            $(this).find('a:first-child').css('width' , '210px');
            $(this).find('.chosen-drop').css('width' , '210px');
            $(this).find('.chosen-search input').css('width' , '200px');
     //or you can activate the chosen plugin after modal is shown
     //this way select element becomes visible with dimensions and chosen works as expected
     $('#modal-form').on('shown', function () {

jQuery(function($) {
    /*$('.date-picker').datepicker({autoclose:true}).next().on(ace.click_event, function(){
    var oTable1 =
        //.wrap("<div class='dataTables_borderWrap' />")   //if you are applying horizontal scrolling (sScrollX)
            .dataTable( {
                bAutoWidth: false,
                "aoColumns": [
                    { "bSortable": false },
                    null, null,null, null, null,
                    { "bSortable": false }
                "aaSorting": [],

                //"sScrollY": "200px",
                //"bPaginate": false,

                //"sScrollX": "100%",
                //"sScrollXInner": "120%",
                //"bScrollCollapse": true,
                //Note: if you are applying horizontal scrolling (sScrollX) on a ".table-bordered"
                //you may want to wrap the table inside a "div.dataTables_borderWrap" element

                //"iDisplayLength": 50
            } );*/
     var tableTools = new $.fn.dataTable.TableTools( oTable1, {
                "sSwfPath": "../../copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
                "buttons": [
            } );
     $( tableTools.fnContainer() ).insertBefore('#sample-table-2');

    $(document).on('click', 'th input:checkbox' , function(){
        var that = this;
        $(this).closest('table').find('tr > td:first-child input:checkbox')
                this.checked = that.checked;

    $('[data-rel="tooltip"]').tooltip({placement: tooltip_placement});
    function tooltip_placement(context, source) {
        var $source = $(source);
        var $parent = $source.closest('table')
        var off1 = $parent.offset();
        var w1 = $parent.width();

        var off2 = $source.offset();
        //var w2 = $source.width();

        if( parseInt(off2.left) < parseInt(off1.left) + parseInt(w1 / 2) ) return 'right';
        return 'left';


    var imInput =  $('.im-inputxt');

    if($('.im-open input').attr("checked")){