www.gusucode.com > KPPW众包威客PHP开源建站系统 v3.0源码程序 > KPPW/vendor/lokielse/omnipay-unionpay/src/Message/LegacyMobilePurchaseRequest.php


namespace Omnipay\UnionPay\Message;

use Omnipay\Common\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Omnipay\UnionPay\Helper;

 * Class LegacyMobilePurchaseRequest
 * @package Omnipay\UnionPay\Message
class LegacyMobilePurchaseRequest extends AbstractLegacyMobileRequest

     * Get the raw data array for this message. The format of this varies from gateway to
     * gateway, but will usually be either an associative array, or a SimpleXMLElement.
     * @return mixed
    public function getData()

        $data = array (
            'version'          => $this->getVersion(),
            'charset'          => $this->getEncoding(),
            'transType'        => $this->getTransType(),
            'merId'            => $this->getMerId(),
            'backEndUrl'       => $this->getNotifyUrl(),
            'frontEndUrl'      => $this->getReturnUrl(),
            'orderDescription' => $this->getTitle(),
            'orderTime'        => $this->getOrderTime(),
            'orderTimeout'     => $this->getOrderTimeout(),
            'orderNumber'      => $this->getOrderNumber(),
            'orderAmount'      => $this->getOrderAmount(),
            'orderCurrency'    => $this->getOrderCurrency(),
            'reqReserved'      => '',

        $data = Helper::filterData($data);

        $data['signature']  = Helper::getParamsSignatureWithMD5($data, $this->getSecretKey());
        $data['signMethod'] = 'md5';

        return $data;

    private function validateData()

     * Send the request with specified data
     * @param  mixed $data The data to send
     * @return ResponseInterface
    public function sendData($data)

        $endpoint = $this->getEndpoint('trade');

        $result = Helper::sendHttpRequest($endpoint, $data);

        parse_str($result, $data);

        if (! is_array($data)) {
            $data = array();

        return $this->response = new LegacyMobilePurchaseResponse($this, $data);