www.gusucode.com > KPPW众包威客PHP开源建站系统 v3.0源码程序 > KPPW/vendor/toplan/phpsms/src/config/phpsms.php


 * config file for PhpSms
return [

     * agent use scheme
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Format: 'name' => scheme
     * The scheme value include:
     * 1. weight (must be a positive integer)
     * 2. 'backup' (ignore upper/lower case)
     * supported agents:
     * 'Luosimao', 'YunTongXun', 'YunPian', 'SubMail', 'Ucpaas', 'JuHe', 'Alidayu', 'Log'
    'scheme' => [

     * agents config
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Note: agent name must be string.
    'agents' => [

         * -----------------------------------
         * YunPian
         * 云片代理器
         * -----------------------------------
         * website:http://www.yunpian.com
         * support content sms.
        'YunPian' => [
            'apikey' => 'your api key',

         * -----------------------------------
         * YunTongXun
         * 云通讯代理器
         * -----------------------------------
         * website:http://www.yuntongxun.com/
         * support template sms.
        'YunTongXun' => [
            //主帐号,对应开官网发者主账号下的 ACCOUNT SID
            'accountSid' => 'your account sid',

            //主帐号令牌,对应官网开发者主账号下的 AUTH TOKEN
            'accountToken' => 'your account token',

            //应用Id,在官网应用列表中点击应用,对应应用详情中的APP ID
            //在开发调试的时候,可以使用官网自动为您分配的测试Demo的APP ID
            'appId' => 'your app id',

            'serverIP' => 'app.cloopen.com',

            'serverPort' => '8883',

            'softVersion' => '2013-12-26',

            'displayNum' => null,

            'voiceLang' => 'zh',

            'playTimes' => 3,

         * -----------------------------------
         * SubMail
         * -----------------------------------
         * website:http://submail.cn/
         * support template sms.
        'SubMail' => [

            'appid' => 'your app id',

            'signature' => 'your app key',

         * -----------------------------------
         * luosimao
         * -----------------------------------
         * website:http://luosimao.com
         * support content sms.
        'Luosimao' => [
            // 短信 API key
            // 在管理中心->短信->触发发送下查看
            'apikey' => 'your api key',

            // 语言验证 API key
            // 在管理中心->语音->语音验证下查看
            'voiceApikey' => 'your voice api key',

         * -----------------------------------
         * ucpaas
         * -----------------------------------
         * website:http://ucpaas.com
         * support template sms.
        'Ucpaas' => [
            //主帐号,对应开官网发者主账号下的 ACCOUNT SID
            'accountSid' => 'your account sid',

            //主帐号令牌,对应官网开发者主账号下的 AUTH TOKEN
            'accountToken' => 'your account token',

            //应用Id,在官网应用列表中点击应用,对应应用详情中的APP ID
            //在开发调试的时候,可以使用官网自动为您分配的测试Demo的APP ID
            'appId' => 'your app id',

         * -----------------------------------
         * JuHe
         * 聚合数据
         * -----------------------------------
         * website:https://www.juhe.cn
         * support template sms.
        'JuHe' => [
            //应用App Key
            'key' => 'your key',

            'times' => 3,

         * -----------------------------------
         * Alidayu
         * 阿里大鱼代理器
         * -----------------------------------
         * website:http://www.alidayu.com
         * support template sms.
        'Alidayu' => [
            'sendUrl' => 'https://eco.taobao.com/router/rest',

            //淘宝开放平台中,对应阿里大鱼短信应用的App Key
            'appKey' => 'your app key',

            //淘宝开放平台中,对应阿里大鱼短信应用的App Secret
            'secretKey' => 'your secret key',

            'smsFreeSignName' => 'your sms free sign name',

            'calledShowNum' => 'your called show num',