www.gusucode.com > VC写的短信串口发送程序源码程序 > VC写的短信串口发送程序源码程序/SMSDemo/SMSPDU.cpp

    // PDU.cpp: implementation of the CSMSPDU class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SMSDemo.h"
#include "SMSPDU.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction





size_t CSMSPDU::GetPDUContent(CString & strStream, LPCTSTR szCallCenter, LPCTSTR szTarget, LPCTSTR szContent)
	strStream = GetEncAddr(szCallCenter, 0);
	strStream += conSendSeg;
	strStream += GetEncAddr(szTarget, 1);
	strStream += conUCodeSeg;
	strStream += GetUCSSegment(szContent);
	size_t nLen = GetStreamLength(strStream);
	return nLen;

CString CSMSPDU::ConvertUnicode2String(CString strDataSrc)
	CString objStr;
	char * szContent = new char[400];
	memset(szContent, 0, 400);

	strDataSrc = ConvertOctet(strDataSrc);
	for (int i=0, j=0; i < strDataSrc.GetLength(); i+=2,j++)
		CString objByte = strDataSrc.Mid(i, 2);
		unsigned short intByteCode = HexString2Int(objByte);
		szContent[j] = (unsigned char)intByteCode;

	BSTR bstrText = (BSTR)szContent;
	char szText[400] = {0};
	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstrText, SysStringLen(bstrText), szText, 400, NULL, NULL);
	objStr = szText;

	delete szContent;
	return objStr;

CString CSMSPDU::ConvertSemiOctet(LPCTSTR lpStr)
	CString objStr(lpStr);
	int i, nLen;
	TCHAR chTemp1, chTemp2;

	nLen = objStr.GetLength();
	for(i = 0; i < nLen; i += 2)
		chTemp1 = objStr.GetAt(i);
		chTemp2 = objStr.GetAt(i + 1);
		objStr.SetAt(i, chTemp2);
		objStr.SetAt(i + 1, chTemp1);
	return objStr;

CString CSMSPDU::ConvertOctet(LPCTSTR lpStr)
	CString objStr(lpStr);
	int i, nLen;
	TCHAR chTemp1, chTemp2, chTemp3, chTemp4;

	nLen = objStr.GetLength();
	for(i = 0; i < nLen; i += 4)
		chTemp1 = objStr.GetAt(i);
		chTemp2 = objStr.GetAt(i + 1);
		chTemp3 = objStr.GetAt(i + 2);
		chTemp4 = objStr.GetAt(i + 3);

		objStr.SetAt(i, chTemp3);
		objStr.SetAt(i + 1, chTemp4);
		objStr.SetAt(i + 2, chTemp1);
		objStr.SetAt(i + 3, chTemp2);

	return objStr;

CString CSMSPDU::GetEncAddr(LPCTSTR bStr, int nType)
	CString objStr(bStr);
	CString objTemp;

	int nLen;
	CString objLen;
	nLen = objStr.GetLength();

	if(objStr.Left(1) == (LPCTSTR)conADText)
		objTemp = objStr;
		objStr = objTemp.Right(objTemp.GetLength() - 1);

	if((objStr.GetLength() % 2) != 0)
		objStr += conPostfix;

	objTemp = objStr;
	objStr = ConvertSemiOctet((LPCTSTR)objTemp);
	objStr = (LPCTSTR)conADType + objStr;

	case 0:
		nLen = objStr.GetLength() / 2;
	case 1:

	objLen.Format(_T("%02X"), nLen);

	objStr = objLen + objStr;

	return objStr;

CString CSMSPDU::GetUCSSegment(LPCTSTR bstrContent)
	CString objTemp(bstrContent);
	CString objStr;
	CString objChar;

	BYTE * achBuffer = (BYTE *)(LPCTSTR)objTemp;
	int nLen = objTemp.GetLength();

	BSTR wszBuffer = (CString(achBuffer)).AllocSysString();

	BYTE abyte[3] = {0};
	nLen = wcslen(wszBuffer);
	for(int i = 0; i < nLen; i++)
		objChar.Format(_T("%04X"), wszBuffer[i]);
		objStr += objChar;

	objChar.Format(_T("%02X"), nLen * 2);
	objStr = objChar + objStr;

	return objStr;

unsigned int CSMSPDU::GetStreamLength(CString objStream)
	unsigned int nLen, nCenterLen;

	nLen = objStream.GetLength() / 2;
	CString objTemp = objStream.Left(2);
	const TCHAR* lpBuffer = (LPCTSTR)objTemp;
	TCHAR* strStop;

	nCenterLen = (unsigned int)_tcstoul(lpBuffer, &strStop, 10);
	nCenterLen ++;

	nLen -= nCenterLen;

	return nLen;

int CSMSPDU::HexString2Int(LPCTSTR abyte)
	int iResult;

	if (abyte[0] >= 65 && abyte[0] <= 70)
		iResult = (abyte[0] - 55) * 16;
	else if (abyte[0] >=97 && abyte[0] <= 102)
		iResult = (abyte[0] - 87) * 16;
	else if (abyte[0] >=48 && abyte[0] <=57)
		iResult = (abyte[0] - 48) * 16;
	else return(-1);

	if (abyte[1] >= 65 && abyte[1] <= 70)
		iResult += abyte[1] - 55;
	else if (abyte[1] >=97 && abyte[1] <= 102)
		iResult += abyte[1] - 87;
	else if (abyte[1] >=48 && abyte[1] <=57)
		iResult += abyte[1] - 48;
	else return(-1);


int CSMSPDU::OctString2Int(LPCTSTR abyte)
	int iResult;

	if (abyte[0] >=48 && abyte[0] <=57)
		iResult = (abyte[0] - 48) * 10;
	else return(-1);

	if (abyte[1] >=48 && abyte[1] <=57)
		iResult += abyte[1] - 48;
	else return(-1);
