www.gusucode.com > VC++直方图均衡处理实例源码程序 > VC++直方图均衡处理实例源码程序/code/源代码/dibapi.cpp

    //Download by http://www.NewXing.com
//  dibapi.cpp
//  Source file for Device-Independent Bitmap (DIB) API.  Provides
//  the following functions:
//  PaintDIB()          - Painting routine for a DIB
//  CreateDIBPalette()  - Creates a palette from a DIB
//  FindDIBBits()       - Returns a pointer to the DIB bits
//  DIBWidth()          - Gets the width of the DIB
//  DIBHeight()         - Gets the height of the DIB
//  PaletteSize()       - Gets the size required to store the DIB's palette
//  DIBNumColors()      - Calculates the number of colors
//                        in the DIB's color table
//  CopyHandle()        - Makes a copy of the given global memory block
// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dibapi.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>

#define DIB_HEADER_MARKER   ((WORD) ('M' << 8) | 'B')

#ifdef _MAC
void ByteSwapHeader(BITMAPFILEHEADER* bmiHeader);
void ByteSwapInfo(LPSTR lpHeader, BOOL fWin30Header);

 * PaintDIB()
 * Parameters:
 * HDC hDC          - DC to do output to
 * LPRECT lpDCRect  - rectangle on DC to do output to
 * HDIB hDIB        - handle to global memory with a DIB spec
 *                    in it followed by the DIB bits
 * LPRECT lpDIBRect - rectangle of DIB to output into lpDCRect
 * CPalette* pPal   - pointer to CPalette containing DIB's palette
 * Return Value:
 * BOOL             - TRUE if DIB was drawn, FALSE otherwise
 * Description:
 *   Painting routine for a DIB.  Calls StretchDIBits() or
 *   SetDIBitsToDevice() to paint the DIB.  The DIB is
 *   output to the specified DC, at the coordinates given
 *   in lpDCRect.  The area of the DIB to be output is
 *   given by lpDIBRect.

					LPRECT  lpDCRect,
					HDIB    hDIB,
					LPRECT  lpDIBRect,
					CPalette* pPal)
	LPSTR    lpDIBHdr;            // Pointer to BITMAPINFOHEADER
	LPSTR    lpDIBBits;           // Pointer to DIB bits
	BOOL     bSuccess=FALSE;      // Success/fail flag
	HPALETTE hPal=NULL;           // Our DIB's palette
	HPALETTE hOldPal=NULL;        // Previous palette

	/* Check for valid DIB handle */
	if (hDIB == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* Lock down the DIB, and get a pointer to the beginning of the bit
	 *  buffer
	lpDIBHdr  = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
	lpDIBBits = ::FindDIBBits(lpDIBHdr);

	// Get the DIB's palette, then select it into DC
	if (pPal != NULL)
		hPal = (HPALETTE) pPal->m_hObject;

		// Select as background since we have
		// already realized in forground if needed
		hOldPal = ::SelectPalette(hDC, hPal, TRUE);

	/* Make sure to use the stretching mode best for color pictures */
	::SetStretchBltMode(hDC, COLORONCOLOR);

	/* Determine whether to call StretchDIBits() or SetDIBitsToDevice() */
	if ((RECTWIDTH(lpDCRect)  == RECTWIDTH(lpDIBRect)) &&
		bSuccess = ::SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC,                    // hDC
								   lpDCRect->left,             // DestX
								   lpDCRect->top,              // DestY
								   RECTWIDTH(lpDCRect),        // nDestWidth
								   RECTHEIGHT(lpDCRect),       // nDestHeight
								   lpDIBRect->left,            // SrcX
								   (int)DIBHeight(lpDIBHdr) -
									  lpDIBRect->top -
									  RECTHEIGHT(lpDIBRect),   // SrcY
								   0,                          // nStartScan
								   (WORD)DIBHeight(lpDIBHdr),  // nNumScans
								   lpDIBBits,                  // lpBits
								   (LPBITMAPINFO)lpDIBHdr,     // lpBitsInfo
								   DIB_RGB_COLORS);            // wUsage
	  bSuccess = ::StretchDIBits(hDC,                          // hDC
							   lpDCRect->left,                 // DestX
							   lpDCRect->top,                  // DestY
							   RECTWIDTH(lpDCRect),            // nDestWidth
							   RECTHEIGHT(lpDCRect),           // nDestHeight
							   lpDIBRect->left,                // SrcX
							   lpDIBRect->top,                 // SrcY
							   RECTWIDTH(lpDIBRect),           // wSrcWidth
							   RECTHEIGHT(lpDIBRect),          // wSrcHeight
							   lpDIBBits,                      // lpBits
							   (LPBITMAPINFO)lpDIBHdr,         // lpBitsInfo
							   DIB_RGB_COLORS,                 // wUsage
							   SRCCOPY);                       // dwROP

   ::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);

	/* Reselect old palette */
	if (hOldPal != NULL)
		::SelectPalette(hDC, hOldPal, TRUE);

   return bSuccess;

 * CreateDIBPalette()
 * Parameter:
 * HDIB hDIB        - specifies the DIB
 * Return Value:
 * HPALETTE         - specifies the palette
 * Description:
 * This function creates a palette from a DIB by allocating memory for the
 * logical palette, reading and storing the colors from the DIB's color table
 * into the logical palette, creating a palette from this logical palette,
 * and then returning the palette's handle. This allows the DIB to be
 * displayed using the best possible colors (important for DIBs with 256 or
 * more colors).

BOOL WINAPI CreateDIBPalette(HDIB hDIB, CPalette* pPal)
	LPLOGPALETTE lpPal;      // pointer to a logical palette
	HANDLE hLogPal;          // handle to a logical palette
	HPALETTE hPal = NULL;    // handle to a palette
	int i;                   // loop index
	WORD wNumColors;         // number of colors in color table
	LPSTR lpbi;              // pointer to packed-DIB
	LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi;      // pointer to BITMAPINFO structure (Win3.0)
	LPBITMAPCOREINFO lpbmc;  // pointer to BITMAPCOREINFO structure (old)
	BOOL bWinStyleDIB;       // flag which signifies whether this is a Win3.0 DIB
	BOOL bResult = FALSE;

	/* if handle to DIB is invalid, return FALSE */

	if (hDIB == NULL)
	  return FALSE;

   lpbi = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);

   /* get pointer to BITMAPINFO (Win 3.0) */
   lpbmi = (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi;

   /* get pointer to BITMAPCOREINFO (old 1.x) */
   lpbmc = (LPBITMAPCOREINFO)lpbi;

   /* get the number of colors in the DIB */
   wNumColors = ::DIBNumColors(lpbi);

   if (wNumColors != 0)
		/* allocate memory block for logical palette */
		hLogPal = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(LOGPALETTE)
									+ sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)
									* wNumColors);

		/* if not enough memory, clean up and return NULL */
		if (hLogPal == 0)
			::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
			return FALSE;

		lpPal = (LPLOGPALETTE) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hLogPal);

		/* set version and number of palette entries */
		lpPal->palVersion = PALVERSION;
		lpPal->palNumEntries = (WORD)wNumColors;

		/* is this a Win 3.0 DIB? */
		bWinStyleDIB = IS_WIN30_DIB(lpbi);
		for (i = 0; i < (int)wNumColors; i++)
			if (bWinStyleDIB)
				lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed = lpbmi->bmiColors[i].rgbRed;
				lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = lpbmi->bmiColors[i].rgbGreen;
				lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = lpbmi->bmiColors[i].rgbBlue;
				lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0;
				lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed = lpbmc->bmciColors[i].rgbtRed;
				lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = lpbmc->bmciColors[i].rgbtGreen;
				lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = lpbmc->bmciColors[i].rgbtBlue;
				lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0;

		/* create the palette and get handle to it */
		bResult = pPal->CreatePalette(lpPal);
		::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hLogPal);
		::GlobalFree((HGLOBAL) hLogPal);

	::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);

	return bResult;

 * FindDIBBits()
 * Parameter:
 * LPSTR lpbi       - pointer to packed-DIB memory block
 * Return Value:
 * LPSTR            - pointer to the DIB bits
 * Description:
 * This function calculates the address of the DIB's bits and returns a
 * pointer to the DIB bits.

	return (lpbi + *(LPDWORD)lpbi + ::PaletteSize(lpbi));

 * DIBWidth()
 * Parameter:
 * LPSTR lpbi       - pointer to packed-DIB memory block
 * Return Value:
 * DWORD            - width of the DIB
 * Description:
 * This function gets the width of the DIB from the BITMAPINFOHEADER
 * width field if it is a Windows 3.0-style DIB or from the BITMAPCOREHEADER
 * width field if it is an other-style DIB.

	LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmi;  // pointer to a Win 3.0-style DIB
	LPBITMAPCOREHEADER lpbmc;  // pointer to an other-style DIB

	/* point to the header (whether Win 3.0 and old) */


	/* return the DIB width if it is a Win 3.0 DIB */
	if (IS_WIN30_DIB(lpDIB))
		return lpbmi->biWidth;
	else  /* it is an other-style DIB, so return its width */
		return (DWORD)lpbmc->bcWidth;

 * DIBHeight()
 * Parameter:
 * LPSTR lpbi       - pointer to packed-DIB memory block
 * Return Value:
 * DWORD            - height of the DIB
 * Description:
 * This function gets the height of the DIB from the BITMAPINFOHEADER
 * height field if it is a Windows 3.0-style DIB or from the BITMAPCOREHEADER
 * height field if it is an other-style DIB.

	LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmi;  // pointer to a Win 3.0-style DIB
	LPBITMAPCOREHEADER lpbmc;  // pointer to an other-style DIB

	/* point to the header (whether old or Win 3.0 */


	/* return the DIB height if it is a Win 3.0 DIB */
	if (IS_WIN30_DIB(lpDIB))
		return lpbmi->biHeight;
	else  /* it is an other-style DIB, so return its height */
		return (DWORD)lpbmc->bcHeight;

 * PaletteSize()
 * Parameter:
 * LPSTR lpbi       - pointer to packed-DIB memory block
 * Return Value:
 * WORD             - size of the color palette of the DIB
 * Description:
 * This function gets the size required to store the DIB's palette by
 * multiplying the number of colors by the size of an RGBQUAD (for a
 * Windows 3.0-style DIB) or by the size of an RGBTRIPLE (for an other-
 * style DIB).

WORD WINAPI PaletteSize(LPSTR lpbi)
   /* calculate the size required by the palette */
   if (IS_WIN30_DIB (lpbi))
	  return (WORD)(::DIBNumColors(lpbi) * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
	  return (WORD)(::DIBNumColors(lpbi) * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE));

 * DIBNumColors()
 * Parameter:
 * LPSTR lpbi       - pointer to packed-DIB memory block
 * Return Value:
 * WORD             - number of colors in the color table
 * Description:
 * This function calculates the number of colors in the DIB's color table
 * by finding the bits per pixel for the DIB (whether Win3.0 or other-style
 * DIB). If bits per pixel is 1: colors=2, if 4: colors=16, if 8: colors=256,
 * if 24, no colors in color table.

	WORD wBitCount;  // DIB bit count

	/*  If this is a Windows-style DIB, the number of colors in the
	 *  color table can be less than the number of bits per pixel
	 *  allows for (i.e. lpbi->biClrUsed can be set to some value).
	 *  If this is the case, return the appropriate value.

	if (IS_WIN30_DIB(lpbi))
		DWORD dwClrUsed;

		dwClrUsed = ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpbi)->biClrUsed;
		if (dwClrUsed != 0)
			return (WORD)dwClrUsed;

	/*  Calculate the number of colors in the color table based on
	 *  the number of bits per pixel for the DIB.
	if (IS_WIN30_DIB(lpbi))
		wBitCount = ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpbi)->biBitCount;
		wBitCount = ((LPBITMAPCOREHEADER)lpbi)->bcBitCount;

	/* return number of colors based on bits per pixel */
	switch (wBitCount)
		case 1:
			return 2;

		case 4:
			return 16;

		case 8:
			return 256;

			return 0;

//// Clipboard support

// Function:   CopyHandle (from SDK DibView sample clipbrd.c)
// Purpose:    Makes a copy of the given global memory block.  Returns
//             a handle to the new memory block (NULL on error).
//             Routine stolen verbatim out of ShowDIB.
// Parms:      h == Handle to global memory to duplicate.
// Returns:    Handle to new global memory block.

	if (h == NULL)
		return NULL;

	DWORD dwLen = ::GlobalSize((HGLOBAL) h);
	HGLOBAL hCopy = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, dwLen);

	if (hCopy != NULL)
		void* lpCopy = ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hCopy);
		void* lp     = ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) h);
		memcpy(lpCopy, lp, dwLen);

	return hCopy;
void WINAPI ConvertShort(unsigned short *array, long length)
   unsigned long b1, b2;
   unsigned char *ptr;

   ptr = (unsigned char *)array;
   while (length--) {
      b1 = *ptr++;
      b2 = *ptr++;
      *array++ = (unsigned short)((b1 << 8) | (b2));

void WINAPI ConvertLong(unsigned long  *array, long length)
   unsigned long b1, b2, b3, b4;
   unsigned char *ptr;

   ptr = (unsigned char *)array;
   while (length--) {
      b1 = *ptr++;
      b2 = *ptr++;
      b3 = *ptr++;
      b4 = *ptr++;
      *array++ = (b1 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b3 << 8) | (b4);

 * SaveDIB()
 * Saves the specified DIB into the specified CFile.  The CFile
 * is opened and closed by the caller.
 * Parameters:
 * HDIB hDib - Handle to the dib to save
 * CFile& file - open CFile used to save DIB
 * Return value: TRUE if successful, else FALSE or CFileException

BOOL WINAPI SaveDIB(HDIB hDib, CFile& file)
	BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfHdr; // Header for Bitmap file
	LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpBI;   // Pointer to DIB info structure

	if (hDib == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	 * Get a pointer to the DIB memory, the first of which contains
	 * a BITMAPINFO structure
	if (lpBI == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	if (!IS_WIN30_DIB(lpBI))
		::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDib);
		return FALSE;       // It's an other-style DIB (save not supported)

	 * Fill in the fields of the file header

	/* Fill in file type (first 2 bytes must be "BM" for a bitmap) */
	bmfHdr.bfType = DIB_HEADER_MARKER;  // "BM"

	// Calculating the size of the DIB is a bit tricky (if we want to
	// do it right).  The easiest way to do this is to call GlobalSize()
	// on our global handle, but since the size of our global memory may have
	// been padded a few bytes, we may end up writing out a few too
	// many bytes to the file (which may cause problems with some apps).
	// So, instead let's calculate the size manually (if we can)
	// First, find size of header plus size of color table.  Since the
	// the size of the structure, let's use this.

	dwDIBSize = *(LPDWORD)lpBI + ::PaletteSize((LPSTR)lpBI);  // Partial Calculation

	// Now calculate the size of the image

	if ((lpBI->biCompression == BI_RLE8) || (lpBI->biCompression == BI_RLE4))
		// It's an RLE bitmap, we can't calculate size, so trust the
		// biSizeImage field

		dwDIBSize += lpBI->biSizeImage;
		DWORD dwBmBitsSize;  // Size of Bitmap Bits only

		// It's not RLE, so size is Width (DWORD aligned) * Height

		dwBmBitsSize = WIDTHBYTES((lpBI->biWidth)*((DWORD)lpBI->biBitCount)) * lpBI->biHeight;

		dwDIBSize += dwBmBitsSize;

		// Now, since we have calculated the correct size, why don't we
		// fill in the biSizeImage field (this will fix any .BMP files which
		// have this field incorrect).

		lpBI->biSizeImage = dwBmBitsSize;

	// Calculate the file size by adding the DIB size to sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)

	bmfHdr.bfSize = dwDIBSize + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
	bmfHdr.bfReserved1 = 0;
	bmfHdr.bfReserved2 = 0;

	 * Now, calculate the offset the actual bitmap bits will be in
	 * the file -- It's the Bitmap file header plus the DIB header,
	 * plus the size of the color table.
	bmfHdr.bfOffBits = (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + lpBI->biSize
											  + PaletteSize((LPSTR)lpBI);
#ifdef _MAC

	// First swap the size field

	// Now swap the rest of the structure (we don't save < Win30 files)
	ByteSwapInfo((LPSTR)lpBI, TRUE);

		// Write the file header
		file.Write((LPSTR)&bmfHdr, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
		// Write the DIB header and the bits
		file.WriteHuge(lpBI, dwDIBSize);
	CATCH (CFileException, e)
#ifdef _MAC
		// Swap everything back
		ByteSwapInfo((LPSTR)lpBI, TRUE);
		::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDib);

#ifdef _MAC
	// Swap everything back
	ByteSwapInfo((LPSTR)lpBI, TRUE);

	::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDib);
	return TRUE;


  Function:  ReadDIBFile (CFile&)

   Purpose:  Reads in the specified DIB file into a global chunk of

   Returns:  A handle to a dib (hDIB) if successful.
			 NULL if an error occurs.

  Comments:  BITMAPFILEHEADER is stripped off of the DIB.  Everything
			 from the end of the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure on is
			 returned in the global memory handle.


HDIB WINAPI ReadDIBFile(CFile& file)
	DWORD dwBitsSize;

	 * get length of DIB in bytes for use when reading

	dwBitsSize = file.GetLength();

	 * Go read the DIB file header and check if it's valid.
	if (file.Read((LPSTR)&bmfHeader, sizeof(bmfHeader)) != sizeof(bmfHeader))
		return NULL;

#ifdef _MAC
	if (bmfHeader.bfType != DIB_HEADER_MARKER)
		return NULL;

	 * Allocate memory for DIB
	hDIB = (HDIB) ::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, dwBitsSize);
	if (hDIB == 0)
		return NULL;
	pDIB = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);

	 * Go read the bits.
	if (file.ReadHuge(pDIB, dwBitsSize - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)) !=
		dwBitsSize - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) )
		::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
		::GlobalFree((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
		return NULL;
#ifdef _MAC
	// First swap the size field

	// Now swap the rest of the structure
	ByteSwapInfo(pDIB, IS_WIN30_DIB(pDIB));
	::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
	return hDIB;
//  add Nov.27,1999
HDIB WINAPI NewDIB(long width, long height,unsigned short biBitCount) // add "biBitCount" by hchen Jan 25,00
	long dwindth = (width*biBitCount/8+3)/4*4; // align 4 bytes
	WORD color_num;
		case 1:

		case 4:
		case 8:

	long dwBitsSize = dwindth *height + 40 + color_num*4;// 40 LPBIMHEAD

	if (hDIB == 0)
		return NULL;
	pDIB = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
	lpmf->bmiHeader.biSize = 40;//40
	lpmf->bmiHeader.biWidth = width; //i_info.width;
    lpmf->bmiHeader.biHeight = height;
    lpmf->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
	lpmf->bmiHeader.biBitCount = biBitCount;// 24
	lpmf->bmiHeader.biCompression = 0;
    lpmf->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = dwindth *height;
	lpmf->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 2925;
    lpmf->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 2925;
    lpmf->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; 
	lpmf->bmiHeader.biClrImportant= 0; 	

		for(int i=0;i<color_num;i++)
			lpmf->bmiColors[i].rgbRed =(BYTE)i;
			lpmf->bmiColors[i].rgbGreen =(BYTE)i;
			lpmf->bmiColors[i].rgbBlue =(BYTE)i;

	::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
	return hDIB;

#ifdef _MAC
void ByteSwapHeader(BITMAPFILEHEADER* bmfHeader)
	bmfHeader->bfType = SWAPWORD(bmfHeader->bfType);
	bmfHeader->bfSize = SWAPLONG(bmfHeader->bfSize);
	bmfHeader->bfOffBits = SWAPLONG(bmfHeader->bfOffBits);

void ByteSwapInfo(LPSTR lpHeader, BOOL fWin30Header)
	// Note this doesn't swap the bcSize/biSize field.  It assumes that the
	// size field was swapped during read or while setting the fWin30Header
	// flag.

	if (fWin30Header)

		//lpBMIH->biSize = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biSize);
		lpBMIH->biWidth = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biWidth);
		lpBMIH->biHeight = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biHeight);
		lpBMIH->biPlanes = SWAPWORD(lpBMIH->biPlanes);
		lpBMIH->biBitCount = SWAPWORD(lpBMIH->biBitCount);
		lpBMIH->biCompression = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biCompression);
		lpBMIH->biSizeImage = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biSizeImage);
		lpBMIH->biXPelsPerMeter = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biXPelsPerMeter);
		lpBMIH->biYPelsPerMeter = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biYPelsPerMeter);
		lpBMIH->biClrUsed = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biClrUsed);
		lpBMIH->biClrImportant = SWAPLONG(lpBMIH->biClrImportant);

		lpBMCH->bcWidth = SWAPWORD(lpBMCH->bcWidth);
		lpBMCH->bcHeight = SWAPWORD(lpBMCH->bcHeight);
		lpBMCH->bcPlanes = SWAPWORD(lpBMCH->bcPlanes);
		lpBMCH->bcBitCount = SWAPWORD(lpBMCH->bcBitCount);
