www.gusucode.com > VC++接收、发送邮件的小程序源码程序 > VC++接收、发送邮件的小程序源码程序\code\MailMessage.cpp

    // MailMessage.cpp: implementation of the CMailMessage class.
// Copyright (c) 1998, Wes Clyburn
// Download by http://www.NewXing.com
// Modified to have Header and Body handling in this class rather than in any
// class that uses instances of CMailMessage.
// Copyright (c) 1998 Michael Krebs

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MailMessage.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction




BOOL CMailMessage::AddRecipient( LPCTSTR szEmailAddress, LPCTSTR szFriendlyName)
	ASSERT( szEmailAddress != NULL );
	ASSERT( szFriendlyName != NULL );
	CRecipient to;
	to.m_sEmailAddress = szEmailAddress;
	to.m_sFriendlyName = szFriendlyName;
	m_Recipients.Add( to );
	return TRUE;

// sEmailAddress and sFriendlyName are OUTPUT parameters.
// If the function fails, it will return FALSE, and the OUTPUT
// parameters will not be touched.
BOOL CMailMessage::GetRecipient(CString & sEmailAddress, CString & sFriendlyName, int nIndex)
	CRecipient to;
	if( nIndex < 0 || nIndex > m_Recipients.GetUpperBound() )
		return FALSE;
	to = m_Recipients[ nIndex ];
	sEmailAddress = to.m_sEmailAddress;
	sFriendlyName = to.m_sFriendlyName;
	return TRUE;

int CMailMessage::GetNumRecipients()
	return m_Recipients.GetSize();

BOOL CMailMessage::AddMultipleRecipients(LPCTSTR szRecipients )
	TCHAR* buf;
	UINT pos;
	UINT start;
	CString sTemp;
	CString sEmail;
	CString sFriendly;
	UINT length;
	int nMark;
	int nMark2;

	ASSERT( szRecipients != NULL );
	// Add Recipients
	length = strlen( szRecipients );
	buf = new TCHAR[ length + 1 ];	// Allocate a work area (don't touch parameter itself)
	strcpy( buf, szRecipients );
	for( pos = 0, start = 0; pos <= length; pos++ )
		if( buf[ pos ] == ';' ||
			buf[ pos ] == 0 )
			// First, pick apart the sub-strings (separated by ';')
			//  Store it in sTemp.
			buf[ pos ] = 0;	// Redundant when at the end of string, but who cares.
			sTemp = &buf[ start ];

			// Now divide the substring into friendly names and e-mail addresses.
			nMark = sTemp.Find( '<' );
			if( nMark >= 0 )
				sFriendly = sTemp.Left( nMark );
				nMark2 = sTemp.Find( '>' );
				if( nMark2 < nMark )
					delete[] buf;
					return FALSE;
				// End of mark at closing bracket or end of string
				nMark2 > -1 ? nMark2 = nMark2 : nMark2 = sTemp.GetLength() - 1;
				sEmail = sTemp.Mid( nMark + 1, nMark2 - (nMark + 1) );
				sEmail = sTemp;
				sFriendly = "";
			AddRecipient( sEmail, sFriendly );
			start = pos + 1;
	delete[] buf;
	return TRUE;

BOOL CMailMessage::EncodeHeader()
	CString sTo;
	CString sDate;

	if( GetNumRecipients() <= 0 )
		return FALSE;

	m_sHeader = "";	// Clear it

	// Get the recipients into a single string
	sTo = "";
	CString sEmail = "";
	CString sFriendly = "";
	for( int i = 0; i < GetNumRecipients(); i++ )
		GetRecipient( sEmail, sFriendly, i );
		sTo += ( i > 0 ? "," : "" );
		sTo += sFriendly;
		sTo += "<";
		sTo += sEmail;
		sTo += ">";
	m_tDateTime = m_tDateTime.GetCurrentTime();
	// Format: Mon, 01 Jun 98 01:10:30 GMT
	sDate = m_tDateTime.Format( "%a, %d %b %y %H:%M:%S %Z" );
	m_sHeader.Format( "Date: %s\r\n"\
					"From: %s\r\n"\
					"To: %s\r\n"\
					"Subject: %s\r\n",
					// Include other extension lines if desired
	return TRUE;

BOOL CMailMessage::DecodeHeader()
	int startpos, endpos;
	CString sSearchFor;

	//We can assume that there's a CR/LF before each of the tags, as the servers insert
	//Received: lines on top of the mail while transporting the mail
	sSearchFor="\r\nFrom: ";
	if (startpos<0) return FALSE;

	sSearchFor="\r\nTo: ";
	if (startpos<0) return FALSE;

	sSearchFor="\r\nDate: ";
	if (startpos<0) return FALSE;
	endpos = m_sHeader.Mid(startpos+sSearchFor.GetLength()).Find("\r\n");
	//This is incorrect ! We have to parse the Date: line !!!
	//Anyone likes to write a parser for the different formats a date string may have ?
	m_tDateTime = m_tDateTime.GetCurrentTime();

	sSearchFor="\r\nSubject: ";
	if (startpos<0) return FALSE;

	//ATTENTION: Cc parsing won't work, if Cc is split up in multiple lines
	// Cc: recipient1 <rec1@ab.cd>,
	//	   recipient2 <rec2@ab.cd>,
	//	   recipient3 <rec3@ab.cd>
	// won't work !!!
	sSearchFor="\r\nCc: ";
	if (startpos>=0) //no error if there's no Cc

	return TRUE;

void CMailMessage::EncodeBody()
	CString sCooked = "";
	LPTSTR szBad = "\r\n.\r\n";
	LPTSTR szGood = "\r\n..\r\n";
	int nPos;
	int nBadLength = strlen( szBad );
	if( m_sBody.Left( 3 ) == ".\r\n" )
		m_sBody = "." + m_sBody;
	// This is a little inefficient because it beings a search
	// at the beginning of the string each time. This was
	// the only thing I could think of that handled ALL variations.
	// In particular, the sequence "\r\n.\r\n.\r\n" is troublesome. 
	// (Even CStringEx's FindReplace wouldn't handle that situation
	// with the global flag set.)
	while( (nPos = m_sBody.Find( szBad )) > -1 )
		sCooked = m_sBody.Mid( 0, nPos );
		sCooked += szGood;
		m_sBody = sCooked + m_sBody.Right( m_sBody.GetLength() - (nPos + nBadLength) );

void CMailMessage::DecodeBody()
	CString sCooked = "";
	LPTSTR szBad = "\r\n..\r\n";
	LPTSTR szGood = "\r\n.\r\n";
	int nPos;
	int nBadLength = strlen( szBad );
	if( m_sBody.Left( 4 ) == "..\r\n" )
		m_sBody = m_sBody.Mid(1);
	// This is a little inefficient because it beings a search
	// at the beginning of the string each time. This was
	// the only thing I could think of that handled ALL variations.
	// In particular, the sequence "\r\n.\r\n.\r\n" is troublesome. 
	// (Even CStringEx's FindReplace wouldn't handle that situation
	// with the global flag set.)
	while( (nPos = m_sBody.Find( szBad )) > -1 )
		sCooked = m_sBody.Mid( 0, nPos );
		sCooked += szGood;
		m_sBody = sCooked + m_sBody.Right( m_sBody.GetLength() - (nPos + nBadLength) );