www.gusucode.com > VC++写的APIHook实例源代码-源码程序 > VC++写的APIHook实例源代码-源码程序\code\Common\IniFile.cpp

    //Download by http://www.NewXing.com
// IniFile.cpp
// SUBSYSTEM:   Hook system
// MODULE:      Hook tool    
// DESCRIPTION: Common utilities. 
//              Provides implementation for retrieving data from INI file
// AUTHOR:		Ivo Ivanov (ivopi@hotmail.com)
// DATE:		2001 December v1.00

#include "..\Common\Common.h"
#include "..\Common\SysUtils.h"
#include "IniFile.h"

// class CIniFile   
CIniFile::CIniFile(char* pszFileName)
	strcpy(m_szFileName, pszFileName);



// Retrieve a string value from an INI file
void CIniFile::ReadString(
	const char* pszSection, 
	const char* pszIdent, 
	const char* pszDefault,
	char*       pszResult
    DWORD dwResult = ::GetPrivateProfileString(
		pszSection,        // section name
		pszIdent,          // key name
		NULL,              // default string
		pszResult,         // destination buffer  
		MAX_PATH,          // size of destination buffer
		m_szFileName       // initialization file name

	if (!dwResult)
		strcpy(pszResult, pszDefault);

// Retrieve a boolean value from an INI file
BOOL CIniFile::ReadBool(
	const char* pszSection, 
	const char* pszIdent, 
	BOOL        bDefault
	char    szResult[MAX_PATH];
	BOOL    bResult   = bDefault;
	char    szDefault[MAX_PATH];
	BoolToStr(bDefault, szDefault);


	bResult = StrToBool(szResult);

	return bResult;

//--------------------- End of the file -------------------------------------