www.gusucode.com > VC++操作注册表写入程序注册信息-源码程序 > VC++操作注册表写入程序注册信息-源码程序\code\RegistrySerialize.cpp

    //Download by http://www.NewXing.com
// RegistrySerialize.cpp : implementation file
/*  This file was written by Amir Israeli , July 2000   Email: israelaq@walla.co.il  
No warranty of any kind . Dont remove this header . Thanks.
// RegistrySerialize.cpp : implementation file

/*	Hello programmer ,
How to use :
First you need a slight understanding how it works : in general it 
builds a small 'database' of keys and values where your settings are .
you can use commands to install , uninstall , set the values , load them ...

you can :
1) go directly to the dialog file "PersistDlg.cpp" :
	watch 'OnInitDialog' how programmaticly you build a database
	watch 'PersistObject(BOOL)' function does the persistence 
	  of information in+out registry.
	  The whole CRegistrySerialize object is working very similar
	  to CDocument::Serialize : an internal function gets an archive
	  with load/store operations , you call operation with 
	  'PersistObject(BOOL)' (TRUE=load)
	  the persistence : in the main object 'CRegistrySerialize' , the 'keys' array
	  is scaned in each entry : using the pointer to call the object :
	  'CSerializedKeyPath' that represents a path of keys . each 
	  of these objects contain an array that holds data about its' 
	  value names and type ... this array ('values') is scanned and
	  operation is called whether its' Persist (to load/save) or install(un) ...
2) I reccommend to read the object and try all buttons
	This class has some extras : 
	a)	it has a function to format a string to 
		its' components (the oposite of all printf functions :wprintf ,sprintf fprintf ...)
	b)  An extended memory mapped manager (very simple => 1 function)
		(descendant of CMemFile) to load a custom resource (and automaticly release)
		and use it . I thought of adding such functions
		LoadAniResource(LPCTSTR lpszRes); for any defined type of resource (+- 20 functions)
		so you want need to use 'LPCTSTR lpszType' and remember resources 
		types or aliases such as RT_ANICURSOR , RT_GROUP_CURSOR ...
		(When using FindResouce (...LPCTSTR lpszType).
	C) an extra object wrapper of API registry function (already presented)
		made especially for those who dont want to use the HKEY 
		registry handle .
	All objects use MFC.
		(Amir July 2000)

/*  UPDATED  August 2000

1) in InsertValue you insert the name of the class or type
	instead of non standard names (or non consistent)
2) CRegistry now uses references : to those who dont like pointers ...
3) Standard name for all functions of :
	SetValue CreateValue
	All these fuctions are overloaded (9 options),
	Theres a direct support for 8 common types 
	(int , DWORD , CSize = save size of window , CRect = save placement ...)
	and another generic : you need to specify size of item.
	(for example : to persist double :
	double d = 10.99;
	Persist( (LPBYTE)&d,sizeof(double))
    to insert it into map
	InsertValue( _T(" insert here path ...."), _T(" name of value here")
	non standard types are always saved as REG_BINARY ,
	standard -> sometimes (string REG_SZ dwords REG_DWORD)

3)  Some sent me mail , asking why didn't I use templates ?
	well , I could but I prefered to set 9 functions of each
	overloaded instead of 30+ , that a user can inject into the code.
	(These 9 overloads will do the job of 90% of data persisted ,
	and as you see most of the job is done by 1 function (in every set))
	Amir Israeli (August 2000)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "RegistrySerialize.h"
#include "Message.h"
#include "MemFileEx.h" //for usage with loading maps from resources

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CRegistrySerialize


//whenever a new map is built and should replace the current map in this object
//this function is called and frees the structures
void CRegistrySerialize::Destroy() 
	for (int nCount = keys.GetSize() , i = nCount-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
		delete keys.GetAt(i);
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CRegistrySerialize , CObject , 1)

#ifdef _DEBUG
void CRegistrySerialize::Info(BOOL bShowValuesInfo )
	int nCount = keys.GetSize();
	CString strMessage;
	for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) {
		CSerializedKeyPath *pPath = keys.GetAt(i);
		if (pPath) {
			CString str = pPath->GetPath();
			strMessage += str;
			strMessage += _T("\n");
	reg.msg( strMessage , _T("Paths ..."));
	if (bShowValuesInfo) {
		for (i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) {
			CSerializedKeyPath *pPath = keys.GetAt(i);
			if (pPath)	pPath->Info();
		}//end for

//function to format a string buffer to its basic elements :
//int's DWORD'S strings  etc 
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::FormatElement(LPCTSTR lpszBuffer,int iPosition , LPCTSTR lpszFormatSpecifier , LPVOID lpData)
	return CMessage::FormatElement( lpszBuffer, iPosition, lpszFormatSpecifier, lpData);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::FormatElements( LPCTSTR lpszBuffer, LPCTSTR lpszFormatSpecifier,
		LPVOID lpData1, LPVOID lpData2, LPVOID lpData3, LPVOID lpData4, LPVOID lpData5, 
		LPVOID lpData6, LPVOID lpData7, LPVOID lpData8, LPVOID lpData9, LPVOID lpData10)
	return CMessage::FormatElements( lpszBuffer, lpszFormatSpecifier,
			lpData1, lpData2, lpData3, lpData4, lpData5, 
			lpData6, lpData7, lpData8, lpData9, lpData10);

////////// Function to get object in index
CSerializedValue* CRegistrySerialize::GetValueObject(LPCTSTR lpszValueName) {
	int nIndex = SearchPath(strLastInsertedPath);
	if (nIndex == -1)  return NULL;
	CSerializedKeyPath *pPath = keys.GetAt(nIndex);
	nIndex = pPath->Search4Value(lpszValueName);
	if (nIndex == -1)
		return FALSE;
	return pPath->GetValueObject(nIndex);
//during loading or saving
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Path( LPCTSTR lpszRegistryPath) {
	strLastInsertedPath = lpszRegistryPath; 
	return TRUE;
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CString *pstrDest, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( pstrDest,bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD *dwDest, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( dwDest, bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, int *iDest, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( iDest, bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, float *pfDest, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( pfDest, bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CRect *pRect, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( pRect, bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CPoint *pPoint, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( pPoint,bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CSize *pSize, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( pSize,bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CTime *ptDest, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( ptDest, bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, LPBYTE *lpByte,DWORD cbBuffLen, BOOL bLoading ) {
	CSerializedValue *pValue = GetValueObject(lpszValueName);
	if (!pValue)  return FALSE;
	return pValue->Persist( lpByte, cbBuffLen ,bLoading);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::InsertCSerializedKeyPath(CSerializedKeyPath *pNewPath)
	CString path = pNewPath->GetPath();
	int nIndex = SearchPath( path);
	if (nIndex == -1) {
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
//Loading maps from resources
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::LoadFromResource(UINT uResourceID, LPCTSTR lpszResourceType)
	return LoadFromResource(MAKEINTRESOURCE(uResourceID) , lpszResourceType);
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::LoadFromResource(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName, LPCTSTR lpszResourceType)
	CMemFileEx  f;
	if (!f.LoadResource(lpszResourceName, lpszResourceType))
		return FALSE; 

	CFileException e;
	try {
		CArchive  ar( &f, CArchive::load);
		return TRUE;
	catch (CArchiveException *ae) {
	return FALSE;

void CRegistrySerialize::Serialize(LPCTSTR lpszFileName , BOOL bLoading )
	ASSERT(lpszFileName!=NULL);//must be a valid file name
	CFile f;
	CFileException e;
	UINT uFlags = (bLoading) ?  (CFile::modeRead) : (CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite) ;
	if (f.Open( lpszFileName , uFlags , &e)) {
		UINT uArFlags = (bLoading) ?  (CArchive::load) : (CArchive::store) ;
		try {
			CArchive  ar( &f, uArFlags);
		catch (CArchiveException *ae) {
void CRegistrySerialize::Serialize(CArchive &ar)
void CRegistrySerialize::InternalSerialize(CArchive &ar)
	int nCount;
	if (ar.IsLoading()) { //loading
		Destroy();//if already contains a map delete it
		for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) {
			CSerializedKeyPath  *pPath = new CSerializedKeyPath (&reg);
			if (pPath) {
				if (!InsertCSerializedKeyPath(pPath))
					delete pPath;
		} // end for
	else { //storing
		nCount = keys.GetSize();
		for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) {
			CSerializedKeyPath  *pPath = keys.GetAt(i);
			if (pPath)	pPath->Serialize(ar);

//// function to build the map
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::InsertPath( LPCTSTR lpszRegistryPath , BOOL bDelete)
	CString path = lpszRegistryPath;

	if (SearchPath( path) != -1) //already got key
		return TRUE;
	strLastInsertedPath = path; //saving the last path
	CSerializedKeyPath *pPath = new CSerializedKeyPath;
	if (!pPath)  return FALSE;
	pPath->SetPath( path);
	keys.Add( pPath);
	return TRUE;
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::InsertValue( LPCTSTR lpszRegistryPath,
		LPCTSTR lpszValueName ,REGDATA iDataType, BOOL bDeleteOnUnInstall)
	CString path = (!lpszRegistryPath) ? 
		(strLastInsertedPath) : lpszRegistryPath;

	if (path.IsEmpty())
		return FALSE; //empty

	if (!InsertPath( path))  return FALSE;
	int nIndex = SearchPath( path);
	if (nIndex == -1) //still not exist (serious failure)
		return FALSE;

	CSerializedKeyPath *pPath = keys.GetAt(nIndex);
	if (pPath) {
		return  pPath->InsertValue( lpszValueName, 
					iDataType , bDeleteOnUnInstall);
	return FALSE;
BOOL CRegistrySerialize::InsertValue( LPCTSTR lpszRegistryPath, LPCTSTR lpszValueName,
		LPCTSTR lpszDataType ,BOOL bDeleteOnUnInstall)
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("CString"))) iDataType = REGSTRING;
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("DWORD"))) iDataType = REGDWORD;
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("int"))) iDataType = REGINT;
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("float"))) iDataType = REGFLOAT;
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("CPoint"))) iDataType = REGPOINT;
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("CRect"))) iDataType = REGRECT;
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("CSize"))) iDataType = REGSIZE;
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("CTime"))) iDataType = REGTIME;
	if (!::lstrcmp(lpszDataType,_T("LPBYTE"))) iDataType = REGPBYTE;

	if (iDataType==REGEMPTY) {
		CString strErr;
		strErr.Format("Empty Value line=%u",__LINE__);
		reg.msg( strErr);
	return InsertValue( lpszRegistryPath, lpszValueName, iDataType,

int CRegistrySerialize::SearchPath( LPCTSTR lpszRegistryPath)
	int nCount = keys.GetSize();
	for ( int i=0 ; i< nCount ; i++) {
		CSerializedKeyPath *pPath = keys.GetAt(i);
		if (pPath) {
			CString str = pPath->GetPath();
			if (!str.CompareNoCase(lpszRegistryPath))
				return i;
	return -1;

BOOL CRegistrySerialize::Install( BOOL bInstall)
	int nCount = keys.GetSize();
	BOOL bResult = TRUE;
	for (int i=0 ; i< nCount ;i++) {
		CSerializedKeyPath *pPath = keys.GetAt(i);
		if ((pPath) &&	(!pPath->Install(bInstall)))
			bResult = FALSE;//some problem occured
	return bResult;

/////// class CSerializedKeyPath
	bDeleteOnUnInstall = TRUE;
	pReg = NULL;
CSerializedKeyPath::CSerializedKeyPath( CRegistry *p)
	bDeleteOnUnInstall = TRUE;
	pReg = p;
	for (int nCount = values.GetSize() , i = nCount-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
		delete values.GetAt(i);

#ifdef _DEBUG //look at CRegistrySerialize::Info
void CSerializedKeyPath::Info()
	CString strIDs[] = { _T("REGEMPTY"),  _T("REGSTRING"),

	int nCount = values.GetSize();
	CString strMessage = strPath + _T("\n");

	for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) {
		CSerializedValue *pValue = values.GetAt(i);
		if (pValue) {
			CString str;
			str.Format("\"%s\"  del=%u id=%s",pValue->GetValueName(),
			strMessage += str;
			strMessage += _T("\n");
	pReg->msg( strMessage , _T("Path ..."));


void CSerializedKeyPath::Serialize(CArchive &ar)
	int nCount;
	if (ar.IsLoading()) { //loading
		for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) {
			CSerializedValue  *pValue = new CSerializedValue( this , pReg);
			if (pValue) {
				if (!InsertCSerializedValue(pValue))
					delete pValue;
		} // end for
	else { //storing
		nCount = values.GetSize();
		for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) {
			CSerializedValue  *pValue = values.GetAt(i);
			if (pValue)	pValue->Serialize(ar);

BOOL CSerializedKeyPath::InsertCSerializedValue(CSerializedValue *pNewValue)
	CString value = pNewValue->GetValueName();
	int nIndex = Search4Value(value);
	if (nIndex == -1) {
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CSerializedKeyPath , CObject , 1)

int CSerializedKeyPath::Search4Value( LPCTSTR lpszValueName)
	int nCount = values.GetSize();
	for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) {
		CSerializedValue *pValue = values.GetAt(i);
		if (pValue) {
			CString str = pValue->GetValueName();
			if (!str.CompareNoCase( lpszValueName))
				return i;
	return -1;

BOOL CSerializedKeyPath::InsertValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName ,
		 REGDATA iDataType , BOOL bDeleteOnUnInstall)
	CSerializedValue *pValue = new CSerializedValue( this , pReg);
	if (!pValue)   return FALSE;
	pValue->SetInfo( lpszValueName, iDataType, bDeleteOnUnInstall);

	return TRUE;

// TRUE = Install  FALSE = UnInstall
BOOL CSerializedKeyPath::Install( BOOL bInstall)
	if (strPath.IsEmpty())
		return FALSE;

	if (bInstall) {
		if (!pReg->CreateKey(strPath))
			return FALSE;
		//creating the values
		int nCount = values.GetSize();
		for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++ ) {
			CSerializedValue *pValue = values.GetAt(i);
			if (pValue)
		return TRUE;

	// here we remove

	//if we're here delete value
	if (bDeleteOnUnInstall) 
		return pReg->DeleteKey(strPath);
	else { //uninstalling only values
		//deleting the values : but not the key
		int nCount = values.GetSize();
		for (int i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++ ) {
			CSerializedValue *pValue = values.GetAt(i);
			if (pValue)

	return TRUE;


/////// class CSerializedValue
CSerializedValue::CSerializedValue ()
	pReg = NULL;
	pathOwner = NULL ;
	iDataType = REGEMPTY;
	bDeleteOnUnInstall = TRUE;
CSerializedValue::CSerializedValue ( CSerializedKeyPath *pOwner , CRegistry *pRegistry )
	pReg = pRegistry;
	pathOwner = pOwner ;
	iDataType = REGEMPTY;
	bDeleteOnUnInstall = TRUE;


IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CSerializedValue , CObject , 1)
void CSerializedValue::Serialize(CArchive &ar)
	LONG iType;
	if (ar.IsLoading()) { //Loading
		ar>>iType;	iDataType = (REGDATA)iType;
	else { // Saving

BOOL CSerializedValue::SetInfo( LPCTSTR lpszValueName,
				REGDATA iType , BOOL bDeleteOnUnInstall )
	SetType( iType);
	SetDelete( bDeleteOnUnInstall);
	return TRUE;
/////// Persist functions
BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( CString *pstrDest , BOOL bLoading ) {
	if (iDataType == REGSTRING) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path , strValueName , pstrDest)
					: pReg->SetValue( path , strValueName , (LPCTSTR) *pstrDest);
	return FALSE;
BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( DWORD *dwDest , BOOL bLoading ) {
	if (iDataType == REGDWORD) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path, strValueName, dwDest)
					: pReg->SetValue( path, strValueName, dwDest);
	return FALSE;
BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( int *iDest , BOOL bLoading ) {
	if (iDataType == REGINT) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path, strValueName, iDest)
					: pReg->SetValue( path, strValueName, iDest);
	return FALSE;
BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( float *pfDest, BOOL bLoading) {
	if (iDataType == REGFLOAT) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path, strValueName, pfDest)
					: pReg->SetValue( path, strValueName, pfDest);
	return FALSE;
BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( CRect *pRect, BOOL bLoading) {
	if (iDataType == REGRECT) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path, strValueName, pRect)
					: pReg->SetValue( path, strValueName, pRect);
	return FALSE;
BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( CPoint *pPoint, BOOL bLoading) {
	if (iDataType == REGPOINT) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path, strValueName, pPoint)
					: pReg->SetValue( path, strValueName, pPoint);
	return FALSE;
BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( CSize *pSize, BOOL bLoading) {
	if (iDataType == REGSIZE) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path, strValueName, pSize)
					: pReg->SetValue( path, strValueName, pSize);
	return FALSE;
BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( CTime *ptDest, BOOL bLoading) {
	if (iDataType == REGTIME) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path, strValueName, ptDest)
					: pReg->SetValue( path, strValueName, ptDest);
	return FALSE;

BOOL CSerializedValue::Persist( LPBYTE *lpByte, DWORD cbBuffLen, BOOL bLoading) {
	if (iDataType == REGPBYTE) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		return (bLoading) ? pReg->GetValue( path, strValueName, *lpByte, cbBuffLen)
					: pReg->SetValue( path, strValueName, *lpByte, cbBuffLen);
	return FALSE;

/////// Install + UnInstall functions
BOOL CSerializedValue::Install()
	CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
	BYTE data[10]; //enough for all data types
	memset(&data ,0 ,sizeof(data));
	CString strData = _T(""); //you may change to an explicit default string
	size_t  size = 0;

	switch (iDataType)
	case REGEMPTY: return FALSE; //Error no type

	case REGSTRING: return pReg->CreateValue( path, strValueName , (LPCTSTR)strData);
	case REGINT:   size = sizeof(int);
	case REGDWORD: size = sizeof(DWORD);
	case REGPBYTE: size = 0;
	case REGFLOAT:  size = sizeof(float);
	case REGPOINT:  size = sizeof(POINT);
	case REGSIZE:  size = sizeof(SIZE);
	case REGTIME:  size = sizeof(time_t);
	case REGRECT:  size = sizeof(RECT);
	case REGBYTE:  size = sizeof(BYTE);
	return pReg->CreateValue( path, strValueName, (const LPBYTE)&data, size );

BOOL CSerializedValue::UnInstall() 
	if (bDeleteOnUnInstall) {
		CString path = pathOwner->GetPath();
		pReg->DeleteValue( path, strValueName);
	return TRUE;