www.gusucode.com > eMule电驴下载VC++源代码-源码程序 > eMule电驴下载VC++源代码-源码程序\code\srchybrid\ListBoxST.cpp

    //Download by http://www.NewXing.com
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ListBoxST.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

#define	MASK_DWDATA		0x01	// dwItemData is valid
#define	MASK_LPDATA		0x02	// pData is valid
#define	MASK_NIMAGE		0x04	// nImage is valid
#define	MASK_DWFLAGS	0x08	// dwFlags is valid
#define MASK_ALL		0xff	// All fields are valid
#define TEST_BIT0		0x00000001
#define	LBST_CX_BORDER	3
#define	LBST_CY_BORDER	2

	// No image list associated
	m_pImageList = NULL;
	::ZeroMemory(&m_szImage, sizeof(m_szImage));

	// By default, hilight full list box item



void CListBoxST::OnDestroy() 
} // End of OnDestroy

void CListBoxST::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct)
	ASSERT(lpMeasureItemStruct->CtlType == ODT_LISTBOX);
	CDC*    pDC = GetDC();
	int		nHeight = 0;
	CString	sText;
	CListBox::GetText(lpMeasureItemStruct->itemID, sText);

	CRect	csRect(0, 0, lpMeasureItemStruct->itemWidth, lpMeasureItemStruct->itemHeight);
	nHeight = pDC->DrawText(sText, -1, csRect, DT_WORDBREAK | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_CALCRECT);

	if (m_pImageList)
		lpMeasureItemStruct->itemHeight = max(nHeight, m_szImage.cy + LBST_CY_BORDER*2);
		lpMeasureItemStruct->itemHeight  = nHeight;

	lpMeasureItemStruct->itemHeight += LBST_CY_BORDER*2;

} // End of MeasureItem

void CListBoxST::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pDIStruct)
	CDC*			pDC = CDC::FromHandle(pDIStruct->hDC);
	BOOL			bIsSelected = FALSE;
	BOOL			bIsFocused = FALSE;
	BOOL			bIsDisabled = FALSE;
	COLORREF		crNormal = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
	COLORREF		crSelected = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
	COLORREF		crColor = RGB(0, 0, 0);
	CString			sText;					// List box item text

	lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemDataPtr(pDIStruct->itemID);
	if (lpLBData == NULL || lpLBData == (LPVOID)-1L)	return;

	bIsSelected = (pDIStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED);
	bIsFocused = (pDIStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS);
	bIsDisabled = ((pDIStruct->itemState & ODS_DISABLED) || ((lpLBData->dwFlags & TEST_BIT0) == TEST_BIT0));

	CRect rcItem = pDIStruct->rcItem;
	CRect rcIcon = pDIStruct->rcItem;
	CRect rcText = pDIStruct->rcItem;
	CRect rcCenteredText = pDIStruct->rcItem;


	//CBrush brBtnShadow(RGB(255, 0, 0));
	//pDC->FrameRect(&rcItem, &brBtnShadow);

	// Calculate rcIcon
	if (m_pImageList)
		rcIcon.right = rcIcon.left + m_szImage.cx + LBST_CX_BORDER*2;
		rcIcon.bottom = rcIcon.top + m_szImage.cy + LBST_CY_BORDER*2;
	} // if
	else rcIcon.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);

	// Calculate rcText
	rcText.left = rcIcon.right;

	// Calculate rcCenteredText
	// Get list box item text
	CListBox::GetText(pDIStruct->itemID, sText);
	rcCenteredText = rcText;
	pDC->DrawText(sText, -1, rcCenteredText, DT_WORDBREAK | DT_EXPANDTABS| DT_CALCRECT | lpLBData->nFormat);
	rcCenteredText.OffsetRect(0, (rcText.Height() - rcCenteredText.Height())/2);

	// Draw rcIcon background
	if (m_pImageList)
		if (bIsSelected && (m_byRowSelect == ST_FULLROWSELECT) && !bIsDisabled)
			crColor = crSelected;
			crColor = crNormal;

		OnDrawIconBackground(pDIStruct->itemID, pDC, &rcItem, &rcIcon, bIsDisabled, bIsSelected, crColor);
	} // if

	// Draw rcText/rcCenteredText background
	if (bIsDisabled)
		crColor = crNormal;
	} // if
		if (bIsSelected)
			pDC->SetTextColor(0x00FFFFFF & ~crText);
			crColor = crSelected;
		} // if
			crColor = crNormal;
		} // else
	} // else

	if (m_byRowSelect == ST_TEXTSELECT)
		//pDC->FillSolidRect(&rcCenteredText, crColor);
		OnDrawTextBackground(pDIStruct->itemID, pDC, &rcItem, &rcCenteredText, bIsDisabled, bIsSelected, crColor);
		//pDC->FillSolidRect(&rcText, crColor);
		OnDrawTextBackground(pDIStruct->itemID, pDC, &rcItem, &rcText, bIsDisabled, bIsSelected, crColor);

	// Draw the icon (if any)
	if (m_pImageList)
		OnDrawIcon(pDIStruct->itemID, pDC, &rcItem, &rcIcon, lpLBData->nImage, bIsDisabled, bIsSelected);

	// Draw text
	pDC->DrawText(sText, -1, rcCenteredText, DT_WORDBREAK | DT_EXPANDTABS | lpLBData->nFormat);

	// Draw focus rectangle
	if (bIsFocused && !bIsDisabled)
		switch (m_byRowSelect)
		} // switch
	} // if
} // End of DrawItem

// This function is called every time the background of the area that will contain
// the icon of a list box item needs to be drawn.
// This is a virtual function that can be rewritten in CListBoxST-derived classes
// to produce a whole range of effects not available by default.
// If the list box has no image list associated this function will not be called.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	pDC
//				Pointer to a CDC object that indicates the device context.
//		[IN]	prcItem
//				Pointer to a CRect object that indicates the bounds of the whole
//				list box item (icon + text).
//		[IN]	prcIcon
//				Pointer to a CRect object that indicates the bounds of the
//				area where the icon should be drawn.
//		[IN]	bIsDisabled
//				TRUE if the list box or the item is disabled, otherwise FALSE.
//		[IN]	bIsSelected
//				TRUE if the list box item is selected, otherwise FALSE.
//		[IN]	crSuggestedColor
//				A COLORREF value containing a suggested color for the background.
// Return value:
//		0 (Zero)
//			Function executed successfully.
DWORD CListBoxST::OnDrawIconBackground(int nIndex, CDC* pDC, CRect* prcItem, CRect* prcIcon, BOOL bIsDisabled, BOOL bIsSelected, COLORREF crSuggestedColor)
	pDC->FillSolidRect(prcIcon->left, prcIcon->top, prcIcon->Width(), prcItem->Height(), crSuggestedColor);

	return 0;
} // End of OnDrawIconBackground

// This function is called every time the background of the area that will contain
// the text of a list box item needs to be drawn.
// This is a virtual function that can be rewritten in CListBoxST-derived classes
// to produce a whole range of effects not available by default.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	pDC
//				Pointer to a CDC object that indicates the device context.
//		[IN]	prcItem
//				Pointer to a CRect object that indicates the bounds of the whole
//				list box item (icon + text).
//		[IN]	prcText
//				Pointer to a CRect object that indicates the bounds of the
//				area where the text should be drawn. This area reflects the current
//				row selection type.
//		[IN]	bIsDisabled
//				TRUE if the list box or the item is disabled, otherwise FALSE.
//		[IN]	bIsSelected
//				TRUE if the list box item is selected, otherwise FALSE.
//		[IN]	crSuggestedColor
//				A COLORREF value containing a suggested color for the background.
// Return value:
//		0 (Zero)
//			Function executed successfully.
DWORD CListBoxST::OnDrawTextBackground(int nIndex, CDC* pDC, CRect* prcItem, CRect* prcText, BOOL bIsDisabled, BOOL bIsSelected, COLORREF crSuggestedColor)
	pDC->FillSolidRect(prcText, crSuggestedColor);

	return 0;
} // End of OnDrawTextBackground

// This function is called every time the icon of a list box item needs to be drawn.
// This is a virtual function that can be rewritten in CListBoxST-derived classes
// to produce a whole range of effects not available by default.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	pDC
//				Pointer to a CDC object that indicates the device context.
//		[IN]	prcItem
//				Pointer to a CRect object that indicates the bounds of the whole
//				list box item (icon + text).
//		[IN]	prcIcon
//				Pointer to a CRect object that indicates the bounds of the
//				area where the icon should be drawn.
//		[IN]	nImage
//				The zero-based index of the image associated with the list box item.
//		[IN]	bIsDisabled
//				TRUE if the list box or the item is disabled, otherwise FALSE.
//		[IN]	bIsSelected
//				TRUE if the list box item is selected, otherwise FALSE.
// Return value:
//		0 (Zero)
//			Function executed successfully.
DWORD CListBoxST::OnDrawIcon(int nIndex, CDC* pDC, CRect* prcItem, CRect* prcIcon, int nImage, BOOL bIsDisabled, BOOL bIsSelected)
	HICON	hIcon = NULL;

	hIcon = m_pImageList->ExtractIcon(nImage);
	if (hIcon)
		CPoint	Point(prcIcon->left + LBST_CX_BORDER, prcIcon->top + LBST_CY_BORDER);
		CSize	Size(m_szImage);

		// Ole'!
		pDC->DrawState(	Point,
						(bIsDisabled ? DSS_DISABLED : DSS_NORMAL), 

	} // if

	return 0;
} // End of OnDrawIcon

BOOL CListBoxST::OnReflectedDblclk() 
	INT				nIndex = LB_ERR;
	BOOL			bOutside = FALSE;
	DWORD			dwPos = ::GetMessagePos();
	CPoint			Point(((int)(short)LOWORD(dwPos)), ((int)(short)HIWORD(dwPos)));

	nIndex = ItemFromPoint(Point, bOutside);
	if (!bOutside)	return !IsItemEnabled(nIndex);

	return FALSE;
} // End of OnReflectedDblclk

void CListBoxST::FreeResources()
	int	nCount = 0;

	nCount = GetCount();
	if (nCount != LB_ERR)
		for (;nCount > 0; nCount--)
		} // for
} // End of FreeResources

int CListBoxST::ReplaceItemData(int nIndex, DWORD dwItemData, LPVOID pData, int nImage, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE byMask)
	int				nRetValue = LB_ERR;

	// Get pointer to associated datas (if any)
	lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemDataPtr(nIndex);
	// If no datas exist create a new one
	if (lpLBData == NULL)
		lpLBData = new STRUCT_LBDATA;
		if (lpLBData)	::ZeroMemory(lpLBData, sizeof(STRUCT_LBDATA));
	} // if

	if (lpLBData)
		if ((byMask & MASK_DWDATA) == MASK_DWDATA)
			lpLBData->dwItemData = dwItemData;
		if ((byMask & MASK_LPDATA) == MASK_LPDATA)
			lpLBData->pData = pData;
		if ((byMask & MASK_NIMAGE) == MASK_NIMAGE)
			lpLBData->nImage = nImage;
		if ((byMask & MASK_DWFLAGS) == MASK_DWFLAGS)
			lpLBData->dwFlags = dwFlags;

		nRetValue = CListBox::SetItemDataPtr(nIndex, lpLBData);
	} // if

	return nRetValue;
} // End of ReplaceItemData

void CListBoxST::DeleteItemData(int nIndex)

	// Get pointer to associated datas (if any)
	lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemDataPtr(nIndex);
	// If datas exist
		if (lpLBData != (LPVOID)-1L)	delete lpLBData;

	CListBox::SetItemDataPtr(nIndex, NULL);
} // End of DeleteItemData

// Adds a string to the list box.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	lpszItem
//				Points to the null-terminated string that is to be added.
//		[IN]	nImage
//				Image to be associated with the string.
//				Pass -1L to associate no image.
// Return value:
//		The zero-based index of the string in the list box.
//		The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value 
//		is LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the new string.
int CListBoxST::AddString(LPCTSTR lpszItem, int nImage)
	int	nIndex   = LB_ERR;

	nIndex = CListBox::AddString(lpszItem);
	if (nIndex != LB_ERR && nIndex != LB_ERRSPACE)
		ReplaceItemData(nIndex, 0, NULL, nImage, 0, MASK_ALL);
	} // if

	return nIndex;
} // End of AddString

// Inserts a string at a specific location in the list box.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the position to insert the string.
//				If this parameter is -1, the string is added to the end of the list.
//		[IN]	lpszItem
//				Pointer to the null-terminated string that is to be inserted.
//		[IN]	nImage
//				Image to be associated with the string.
//				Pass -1L to associate no image.
// Return value:
//		The zero-based index of the position at which the string was inserted.
//		The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value 
//		is LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the new string.
int CListBoxST::InsertString(int nIndex, LPCTSTR lpszString, int nImage)
	int	nNewIndex   = LB_ERR;

	nNewIndex = CListBox::InsertString(nIndex, lpszString);
	if (nNewIndex != LB_ERR && nNewIndex != LB_ERRSPACE)
		ReplaceItemData(nNewIndex, 0, NULL, nImage, 0, MASK_ALL);
	} // if

	return nNewIndex;
} // End of InsertString

// Deletes a string from the list box.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the string to be deleted.
// Return value:
//		A count of the strings remaining in the list box.
//		The return value is LB_ERR if nIndex specifies an index greater than 
//		the number of items in the list.
int CListBoxST::DeleteString(int nIndex)
	int	nRetValue = LB_ERR;

	nRetValue = CListBox::DeleteString(nIndex);

	return nRetValue;
} // End of DeleteString

// Replaces a string at a specific location in the list box.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the position to replace the string.
//		[IN]	lpszItem
//				Pointer to the null-terminated string that is to be replaced.
//		[IN]	nImage
//				Image to be associated with the string.
//				Pass -1L to associate no image.
// Return value:
//		The zero-based index of the position at which the string was replaced.
//		The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value 
//		is LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the new string.
int CListBoxST::ReplaceString(int nIndex, LPCTSTR lpszString, int nImage)
	int	nRetValue;

	nRetValue = DeleteString(nIndex);
	if (nRetValue != LB_ERR)
		nRetValue = InsertString(nIndex, lpszString, nImage);
	} // if

	return nRetValue;
} // End of ReplaceString

// Clears all the entries from the list box.
void CListBoxST::ResetContent()
} // End of ResetContent

// Sets the 32-bit value associated with the list box item.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	dwItemData
//				Specifies the value to be associated with the item.
// Return value:
//		LB_ERR if an error occurs.
int CListBoxST::SetItemData(int nIndex, DWORD dwItemData)
	return ReplaceItemData(nIndex, dwItemData, NULL, 0, 0, MASK_DWDATA);
} // End of SetItemData

// Returns the 32-bit value associated with the list box item.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
// Return value:
//		The 32-bit value associated with the item, or LB_ERR if an error occurs.
DWORD CListBoxST::GetItemData(int nIndex)

	lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemDataPtr(nIndex);
	if (lpLBData != (LPVOID)-1L)
		return lpLBData->dwItemData;

	return (DWORD)LB_ERR;
} // End of GetItemData

// Sets a pointer to a list box item.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	pData
//				Specifies the pointer to be associated with the item.
// Return value:
//		LB_ERR if an error occurs.
int CListBoxST::SetItemDataPtr(int nIndex, void* pData)
	return ReplaceItemData(nIndex, 0, pData, 0, 0, MASK_LPDATA);
} // End of SetItemDataPtr

// Returns a pointer of a list box item.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
// Return value:
//		Pointer associated with the item, or -1 if an error occurs.
void* CListBoxST::GetItemDataPtr(int nIndex)

	lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemDataPtr(nIndex);
	if (lpLBData != (LPVOID)-1L)
		return lpLBData->pData;

	return (LPVOID)-1L;
} // End of GetItemDataPtr

int CListBoxST::Move(int nOldIndex, int nNewIndex, BOOL bSetCurSel)
	int				nInsertedIndex = LB_ERR;
	CString			sText;

	// If index is out of range
	if ((UINT)nOldIndex >= (UINT)GetCount())	return LB_ERR;

	// Get item text
	GetText(nOldIndex, sText);
	// Get associated data
	::ZeroMemory(&csLBData, sizeof(csLBData));
	lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemData(nOldIndex);
	if (lpLBData != (LPVOID)-1L)
		::CopyMemory(&csLBData, lpLBData, sizeof(csLBData));
	} // if
	// Delete string
	// Insert string at new position
	nInsertedIndex = InsertString(nNewIndex, sText);
	// Restore associated data
	ReplaceItemData(nInsertedIndex, csLBData.dwItemData, csLBData.pData, csLBData.nImage, csLBData.dwFlags, MASK_ALL);

	// Select item
	if (bSetCurSel && nInsertedIndex != LB_ERR && nInsertedIndex != LB_ERRSPACE)

	return nInsertedIndex;
} // End of Move

// Moves a list box item up by one position
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	bSetCurSel
//				If TRUE the item will be hilighted
// Return value:
//		The zero-based index of the position at which the string was moved.
//		The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value 
//		is LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the string.
int CListBoxST::MoveUp(int nIndex, BOOL bSetCurSel)
	int	nRetValue = nIndex;

	if (nIndex > 0)
		nRetValue = Move(nIndex, nIndex - 1, bSetCurSel);
	} // if

	return nRetValue;
} // End of MoveUp

// Moves a list box item down by one position
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	bSetCurSel
//				If TRUE the item will be hilighted
// Return value:
//		The zero-based index of the position at which the string was moved.
//		The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value 
//		is LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the string.
int CListBoxST::MoveDown(int nIndex, BOOL bSetCurSel)
	int	nRetValue = nIndex;

	if (nIndex < GetCount() - 1)
		nRetValue = Move(nIndex, nIndex + 1, bSetCurSel);
	} // if

	return nRetValue;
} // End of MoveDown

// Moves a list box item to the top most position
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	bSetCurSel
//				If TRUE the item will be hilighted
// Return value:
//		The zero-based index of the position at which the string was moved.
//		The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value 
//		is LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the string.
int CListBoxST::MoveTop(int nIndex, BOOL bSetCurSel)
	int	nRetValue = nIndex;

	if (nIndex > 0)
		nRetValue = Move(nIndex, 0, bSetCurSel);
	} // if

	return nRetValue;
} // End of MoveTop

// Moves a list box item to the bottom most position
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	bSetCurSel
//				If TRUE the item will be hilighted
// Return value:
//		The zero-based index of the position at which the string was moved.
//		The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value 
//		is LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the string.
int CListBoxST::MoveBottom(int nIndex, BOOL bSetCurSel)
	int	nRetValue = nIndex;

	if (nIndex < GetCount() - 1)
		nRetValue = Move(nIndex, GetCount() - 1, bSetCurSel);
	} // if

	return nRetValue;
} // End of MoveBottom

// Enables or disables a list box item.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	bEnable
//				Specifies whether the given item is to be enabled or disabled.
//				If this parameter is TRUE, the item will be enabled.
//				If this parameter is FALSE, the item will be disabled.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CListBoxST::EnableItem(int nIndex, BOOL bEnable, BOOL bRepaint)

	// Get pointer to associated datas (if any)
	lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemDataPtr(nIndex);
	if (lpLBData != NULL && lpLBData != (LPVOID)-1L)
		if (bEnable)
			ReplaceItemData(nIndex, 0, NULL, 0, (lpLBData->dwFlags & ~TEST_BIT0), MASK_DWFLAGS);
			ReplaceItemData(nIndex, 0, NULL, 0, (lpLBData->dwFlags | TEST_BIT0), MASK_DWFLAGS);

		if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
	} // if
} // End of EnableItem

// Specifies whether a list box item is enabled.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
// Return value:
//		TRUE if the item is enabled; otherwise FALSE.
BOOL CListBoxST::IsItemEnabled(int nIndex)

	// Get pointer to associated datas (if any)
	lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemDataPtr(nIndex);
	if (lpLBData != NULL && lpLBData != (LPVOID)-1L)
		return !((lpLBData->dwFlags & TEST_BIT0) == TEST_BIT0);
		//if (lpLBData->bDisabled)	return FALSE;
	} // if

	return TRUE;
} // End of IsItemEnabled

// Sets how a selected list box item will be hilighted.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	byRowSelect
//				Selection type. Can be one of the following values:
//				ST_FULLROWSELECT	Hilight full list box item (Default)
//				ST_FULLTEXTSELECT	Hilight half list box item (Part containing text)
//				ST_TEXTSELECT		Hilight only list box text
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CListBoxST::SetRowSelect(BYTE byRowSelect, BOOL bRepaint)
	switch (byRowSelect)
			// Store new selection type
			m_byRowSelect = byRowSelect;

			if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
			// Bad value
	} // switch
} // End of SetRowSelect

// Sets the image list to use in the list box.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	pImageList
//				Pointer to an CImageList object containing the image list
//				to use in the list box. Pass NULL to remove any previous
//				associated image list.
void CListBoxST::SetImageList(CImageList* pImageList)
	m_pImageList = pImageList;
	// Get icons size
	if (m_pImageList)
		ImageList_GetIconSize(*m_pImageList, (LPINT)&m_szImage.cx, (LPINT)&m_szImage.cy);
		::ZeroMemory(&m_szImage, sizeof(m_szImage));

} // End of SetImageList

// Sets the image to use in a list box item
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[IN]	nImage
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the image
//				inside the imagelist to use.
//		[IN]	bRepaint
//				If TRUE the control will be repainted.
void CListBoxST::SetImage(int nIndex, int nImage, BOOL bRepaint)
	ReplaceItemData(nIndex, 0, NULL, nImage, 0, MASK_NIMAGE);

	if (bRepaint)	Invalidate();
} // End of SetImage

// Returns the image index associated to a list box item.
// Parameters:
//		[IN]	nIndex
//				Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
//		[OUT]	lpnImage
//				Pointer to a int variable that will receive the index
//				of the image inside the imagelist.
//				This variable will be set to -1L if no image is associated.
void CListBoxST::GetImage(int nIndex, LPINT lpnImage)
	ASSERT(lpnImage != NULL);

	if (lpnImage)
		// Get pointer to associated datas (if any)
		lpLBData = (STRUCT_LBDATA*)CListBox::GetItemDataPtr(nIndex);
		if (lpLBData != NULL && lpLBData != (LPVOID)-1L)
			*lpnImage = lpLBData->nImage;
			*lpnImage = -1L;
	} // if
} // End of GetImage

#undef	MASK_ALL
#undef	TEST_BIT0