www.gusucode.com > 一款VC++双人游戏源码-源码程序 > 一款VC++双人游戏源码-源码程序\code\LightCycles.cpp

// Light Cycles Application
// C++ Source - LightCycles.cpp
//Download by http://www.NewXing.com
// Include Files
#include "LightCycles.h"

// Game Engine Functions
BOOL GameInitialize(HINSTANCE hInstance)
  // Create the game engine
  g_pGame = new GameEngine(hInstance, TEXT("Light Cycles"),
    TEXT("Light Cycles"), IDI_LIGHTCYCLES, IDI_LIGHTCYCLES_SM, 500, 400);
  if (g_pGame == NULL)
    return FALSE;
  // Set the frame rate

  // Initialize the joystick

  // Store the instance handle
  g_hInstance = hInstance;

  return TRUE;

void GameStart(HWND hWindow)
  // Create and load the background and light cycle bitmaps
  HDC hDC = GetDC(hWindow);
  g_pBackground = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_BACKGROUND, g_hInstance);
  g_pCycle[0][0] = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_CYCLEBLUE_0, g_hInstance);
  g_pCycle[0][1] = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_CYCLEBLUE_90, g_hInstance);
  g_pCycle[0][2] = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_CYCLEBLUE_180, g_hInstance);
  g_pCycle[0][3] = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_CYCLEBLUE_270, g_hInstance);
  g_pCycle[1][0] = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_CYCLEORANGE_0, g_hInstance);
  g_pCycle[1][1] = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_CYCLEORANGE_90, g_hInstance);
  g_pCycle[1][2] = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_CYCLEORANGE_180, g_hInstance);
  g_pCycle[1][3] = new Bitmap(hDC, IDB_CYCLEORANGE_270, g_hInstance);

  // Start a new game

void GameEnd()
  // Cleanup the background and light cycle bitmaps
  delete g_pBackground;
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    delete g_pCycle[0][i];
    delete g_pCycle[1][i];

  // Cleanup the game engine
  delete g_pGame;

void GameActivate(HWND hWindow)
  // Capture the joystick

void GameDeactivate(HWND hWindow)
  // Release the joystick

void GamePaint(HDC hDC)
  // Draw the background
  g_pBackground->Draw(hDC, 0, 0);

  // Draw the light cycle trails
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    // Create a blue/orange pen depending on which trail is being drawn
    HPEN hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 5, (i == 0) ? RGB(0, 0, 255):RGB(255, 146, 73));
    SelectObject(hDC, hPen);

    // Start at the first point in the trail
    MoveToEx(hDC, g_ptCycleTrail[i][0].x, g_ptCycleTrail[i][0].y, NULL);

    // Draw a line to each of the remaining points
    for (int j = 1; j < g_iTrailLen[i]; j++)
      LineTo(hDC, g_ptCycleTrail[i][j].x, g_ptCycleTrail[i][j].y);

    // Clean up the pen

  // Determine the directions of the light cycles
  int iDirection[2] = { 0, 0 };
  for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    if (g_ptCycleSpeed[i].y < 0)
      iDirection[i] = 0;
    else if (g_ptCycleSpeed[i].x > 0)
      iDirection[i] = 1;
    else if (g_ptCycleSpeed[i].y > 0)
      iDirection[i] = 2;
    else if (g_ptCycleSpeed[i].x < 0)
      iDirection[i] = 3;

  // Draw the light cycles
  g_pCycle[0][iDirection[0]]->Draw(hDC, g_ptCyclePos[0].x,
    g_ptCyclePos[0].y, TRUE);
  g_pCycle[1][iDirection[1]]->Draw(hDC, g_ptCyclePos[1].x,
    g_ptCyclePos[1].y, TRUE);

void GameCycle()
  if (!g_bGameOver)
    // Move the light cycles

    // Force a repaint to redraw the light cycles
    InvalidateRect(g_pGame->GetWindow(), NULL, FALSE);

void HandleKeys()
  if (!g_bGameOver)
    // Steer the blue light cycle in response to arrow key presses
    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) < 0)
      SteerCycle(0, 0);
    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) < 0)
      SteerCycle(0, 1);
    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) < 0)
      SteerCycle(0, 2);
    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) < 0)
      SteerCycle(0, 3);
  else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RETURN) < 0)

void MouseButtonDown(int x, int y, BOOL bLeft)

void MouseButtonUp(int x, int y, BOOL bLeft)

void MouseMove(int x, int y)

void HandleJoystick(JOYSTATE jsJoystickState)
  if (!g_bGameOver)
    // Steer the orange light cycle in response to joystick moves
    if (jsJoystickState & JOY_UP)
      SteerCycle(1, 0);
    else if (jsJoystickState & JOY_RIGHT)
      SteerCycle(1, 1);
    else if (jsJoystickState & JOY_DOWN)
      SteerCycle(1, 2);
    else if (jsJoystickState & JOY_LEFT)
      SteerCycle(1, 3);
  else if (jsJoystickState & JOY_FIRE1)

// Functions
void NewGame()
  // Set the initial blue light cycle position and speed
  g_ptCyclePos[0].x = 250 - (g_pCycle[0][0]->GetWidth() / 2);
  g_ptCyclePos[0].y = 400 - g_pCycle[0][0]->GetHeight();
  g_ptCycleSpeed[0].x = 0;
  g_ptCycleSpeed[0].y = -g_iSPEED;

  // Set the initial orange light cycle position and speed
  g_ptCyclePos[1].x = 250 - (g_pCycle[1][0]->GetWidth() / 2);
  g_ptCyclePos[1].y = 0;
  g_ptCycleSpeed[1].x = 0;
  g_ptCycleSpeed[1].y = g_iSPEED;

  // Set the light cycle trail lengths and initial points
  g_iTrailLen[0] = g_iTrailLen[1] = 2;
  g_ptCycleTrail[0][0].x = g_ptCycleTrail[0][1].x = 250;
  g_ptCycleTrail[0][0].y = g_ptCycleTrail[0][1].y = 400;
  g_ptCycleTrail[1][0].x = g_ptCycleTrail[1][1].x = 250;
  g_ptCycleTrail[1][0].y = g_ptCycleTrail[1][1].y = 0;

  // Start the game
  g_bGameOver = FALSE;

void UpdateCycles()
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    // Update the light cycle position based on its speed
    g_ptCyclePos[i].x = g_ptCyclePos[i].x + g_ptCycleSpeed[i].x;
    g_ptCyclePos[i].y = g_ptCyclePos[i].y + g_ptCycleSpeed[i].y;

    // Update the light cycle trail based on its new position
    g_ptCycleTrail[i][g_iTrailLen[i] - 1].x =
      g_ptCyclePos[i].x + (g_pCycle[i][0]->GetWidth() / 2);
    g_ptCycleTrail[i][g_iTrailLen[i] - 1].y =
      g_ptCyclePos[i].y + (g_pCycle[i][0]->GetHeight() / 2);

    // See if the light cycle ran into the edge of the screen
    if (g_ptCyclePos[i].x < 0 ||
      g_ptCyclePos[i].x > (500 - g_pCycle[i][0]->GetWidth()) ||
      g_ptCyclePos[i].y < 0 ||
      g_ptCyclePos[i].y > (400 - g_pCycle[i][0]->GetHeight()))
      // The game is over
      EndGame(1 - i);

    // See if the light cycle collided with its own trail
    RECT rcTmpTrail;
    if (g_iTrailLen[i] > 2) // Must have steered at least once
      for (int j = 0; j < g_iTrailLen[i] - 2; j++)
        rcTmpTrail.left = min(g_ptCycleTrail[i][j].x, g_ptCycleTrail[i][j + 1].x) - 1;
        rcTmpTrail.right = max(g_ptCycleTrail[i][j].x, g_ptCycleTrail[i][j + 1].x) + 1;
        rcTmpTrail.top = min(g_ptCycleTrail[i][j].y, g_ptCycleTrail[i][j + 1].y) - 1;
        rcTmpTrail.bottom = max(g_ptCycleTrail[i][j].y, g_ptCycleTrail[i][j + 1].y) + 1;
        if (PtInRect(&rcTmpTrail, g_ptCycleTrail[i][g_iTrailLen[i] - 1]) != 0)
          // The game is over
          EndGame(1 - i);

    // See if the light cycle collided with the other cycle's trail
    for (int j = 0; j <= g_iTrailLen[1 - i] - 2; j++)
      rcTmpTrail.left = min(g_ptCycleTrail[1 - i][j].x, g_ptCycleTrail[1 - i][j + 1].x) - 3;
      rcTmpTrail.right = max(g_ptCycleTrail[1 - i][j].x, g_ptCycleTrail[1 - i][j + 1].x) + 3;
      rcTmpTrail.top = min(g_ptCycleTrail[1 - i][j].y, g_ptCycleTrail[1 - i][j + 1].y) - 3;
      rcTmpTrail.bottom = max(g_ptCycleTrail[1 - i][j].y, g_ptCycleTrail[1 - i][j + 1].y) + 3;
      if (PtInRect(&rcTmpTrail, g_ptCycleTrail[i][g_iTrailLen[i] - 1]) != 0)
        // The game is over
        EndGame(1 - i);

void SteerCycle(int iCycle, int iDirection)
  // Remember the old light cycle speed
  POINT ptOldSpeed;
  ptOldSpeed.x = g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].x;
  ptOldSpeed.y = g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].y;

  // Change the speed of the light cycle to steer it
  switch (iDirection)
  case 0: // Up (0 degrees)
    if (g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].y == 0)
      g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].x = 0;
      g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].y = -g_iSPEED;

  case 1: // Right (90 degrees)
    if (g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].x == 0)
      g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].x = g_iSPEED;
      g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].y = 0;

  case 2: // Down (180 degrees)
    if (g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].y == 0)
      g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].x = 0;
      g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].y = g_iSPEED;

  case 3: // Left (270 degrees)
    if (g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].x == 0)
      g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].x = -g_iSPEED;
      g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].y = 0;

  // If the speed changed, move to a new point in the light cycle trail
  if ((g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].x != ptOldSpeed.x) ||
    (g_ptCycleSpeed[iCycle].y != ptOldSpeed.y))
    // Increment the number of trail points

    // Set the initial position of the new trail point
    g_ptCycleTrail[iCycle][g_iTrailLen[iCycle] - 1].x =
      g_ptCyclePos[iCycle].x + (g_pCycle[iCycle][0]->GetWidth() / 2);
    g_ptCycleTrail[iCycle][g_iTrailLen[iCycle] - 1].y =
      g_ptCyclePos[iCycle].y + (g_pCycle[iCycle][0]->GetHeight() / 2);

void EndGame(int iCycle)
  // Set the game over flag
  g_bGameOver = TRUE;

  // Display a message about the winner
  if (iCycle == 0)
    MessageBox(g_pGame->GetWindow(), TEXT("Blue wins!"), TEXT("Light Cycles"), MB_OK);
    MessageBox(g_pGame->GetWindow(), TEXT("Orange wins!"), TEXT("Light Cycles"), MB_OK);