www.gusucode.com > VC_C++源码,界面编程,网页爬虫源码程序 > VC_C++源码,界面编程,网页爬虫源码程序/code/webpageloader/ReadMe.txt


WebPageLoader is an internet offline download utility. It will download
a complete internet web page or a range of image files.
It is aimed at graphics download - not for downloading complete sites.

There are plenty of site download spiders out there. Many are quite good 
and most of them are shareware. This utility specializes in downloading
files - or series of files.

A splendid example is a web site that contains several files
of interest:
WebPageLoader can easily be configured to automatically download 
all 21 files using a simple wizard.
You may also decide to download the entire page and all its contents.