www.gusucode.com > 技能培训门户+论坛网站源码程序 > 技能培训门户+论坛/整站安装/整站源码/source/function/function_search.php


 *      [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
 *      This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
 *      $Id: function_search.php 27661 2012-02-09 04:49:46Z svn_project_zhangjie $

if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
	exit('Access Denied');
function searchkey($keyword, $field, $returnsrchtxt = 0) {
	$srchtxt = '';
	if($field && $keyword) {
		if(preg_match("(AND|\+|&|\s)", $keyword) && !preg_match("(OR|\|)", $keyword)) {
			$andor = ' AND ';
			$keywordsrch = '1';
			$keyword = preg_replace("/( AND |&| )/is", "+", $keyword);
		} else {
			$andor = ' OR ';
			$keywordsrch = '0';
			$keyword = preg_replace("/( OR |\|)/is", "+", $keyword);
		$keyword = str_replace('*', '%', addcslashes($keyword, '%_'));
		$srchtxt = $returnsrchtxt ? $keyword : '';
		foreach(explode('+', $keyword) as $text) {
			$text = trim(daddslashes($text));
			if($text) {
				$keywordsrch .= $andor;
				$keywordsrch .= str_replace('{text}', $text, $field);
		$keyword = " AND ($keywordsrch)";
	return $returnsrchtxt ? array($srchtxt, $keyword) : $keyword;

function highlight($text, $words, $prepend) {
	$text = str_replace('\"', '"', $text);
	foreach($words AS $key => $replaceword) {
		$text = str_replace($replaceword, '<highlight>'.$replaceword.'</highlight>', $text);
	return "$prepend$text";

function bat_highlight($message, $words, $color = '#ff0000') {
	if(!empty($words)) {
		$highlightarray = explode(' ', $words);
		$sppos = strrpos($message, chr(0).chr(0).chr(0));
		if($sppos !== FALSE) {
			$specialextra = substr($message, $sppos + 3);
			$message = substr($message, 0, $sppos);
		$message = preg_replace(array("/(^|>)([^<]+)(?=<|$)/sUe", "/<highlight>(.*)<\/highlight>/siU"), array("highlight('\\2', \$highlightarray, '\\1')", "<strong><font color=\"$color\">\\1</font></strong>"), $message);
		if($sppos !== FALSE) {
			$message = $message.chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).$specialextra;
	return $message;
