www.gusucode.com > 简洁自适应响应式电子产品类企业网站织梦模板(自适应手机版)(demo113) > 简洁自适应响应式电子产品类企业网站织梦模板(自适应手机版)(demo113)/www7/templets/default/js/art_web20.js

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					if (div.innerHTML) {

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				clickpopjs.onreadystatechange = function() {


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			return false


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				div.style.display = 'none';

				div1.style.display != 'block'

						&& (iframe.style.display = 'none')

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					src : 'shareto_button_window.js',

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				for ( var p in texts) {

					eval("var f = /" + (s || '.') + "/ig.test(p)");

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				list.innerHTML = '';


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function share_to(m) {

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						+ '&fr=ien#nw=1', 'baidu',


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						+ (screen.width - 930) / 2 + ',top='

						+ (screen.height - 470) / 2);

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			try {

			} catch (e) {


			var f = 'http://v.t.sina.com.cn/share/share.php?', u = d.location.href, p = [

					'url=', e(u), '&title=', e(d.title.replace("织梦CMS-建站如此简单!","             ")), '&appkey=2924220432' ]


			function a() {

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								[ f, p ].join(''),




										(s.width - 620) / 2, ',top=',

										(s.height - 450) / 2 ].join('')))

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				setTimeout(a, 0)

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					: s2 ? s2() : s3 ? s3.createRange().text : '', r = 'http://www.douban.com/recommend/?url='

					+ e(d.location.href)

					+ '&title='

					+ e(d.title.replace("织梦CMS-建站如此简单!",""))

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					+ e(s) + '&v=1', x = function() {

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									+ (screen.width - 450) / 2 + ',top='

									+ (screen.height - 330) / 2))

					location.href = r + '&r=1'


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						+ (screen.width - 550) / 2 + ',top='

						+ (screen.height - 500) / 2);

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//		 if (/renren\.com/.test(d.location))

//		 return;

//		 var f = 'http://share.renren.com/share/buttonshare.do?link=', u =

//		 d.location, l = d.title.replace("织梦CMS-建站如此简单!","             "), p = [

//		 e(u), '&title=', e(l) ].join('');

//		 function a() {

//		 if (!window

//		 .open(

//		 [ f, p, l ].join(''),

//		 'xnshare',

//		 [

//		 'toolbar=0,status=0,resizable=1,width=626,height=436,left=',

//		 (s.width - 626) / 2, ',top=',

//		 (s.height - 436) / 2 ].join('')))

//		 u.href = [ f, p,l ].join('');

//		 }

//		 ;

//		 if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent))

//		 setTimeout(a, 0);

//		 else

//		 a();

//		 })(screen, document, encodeURIComponent));

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					: document.selection.createRange().text);

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					+ encodeURIComponent(t) + '&rurl=' + encodeURIComponent(u)

					+ '&from=maxthon';

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									+ ',height=420px,width=550px,resizable=1,alwaysRaised=1');

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				+ encodeURIComponent(document.location.href), 'taojianghu',


						+ (screen.width - 550) / 2 + ',top='

						+ (screen.height - 500) / 2);

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				'width=' + (window.innerWidth * 0.57) + ',height='

						+ (window.innerHeight * 4 / 5) + ',left='

						+ ((a.screenX || a.screenLeft) + 10) + ',top='

						+ ((a.screenY || a.screenTop) + 10));

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						+ encodeURIComponent(document.location.href)

						+ '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title.replace("织梦CMS-建站如此简单!","             ")),



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					: s2 ? s2() : s3 ? s3.createRange().text : '', r = 'http://www.douban.com/recommend/?url='

					+ e(d.location.href)

					+ '&title='

					+ e(d.title.replace("织梦CMS-建站如此简单!",""))

					+ '&sel='

					+ e(s) + '&v=1&n=1', x = function() {

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					location.href = r + '&r=1'


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								[ f, e(u), d ].join(''),




										(s.width - 660) / 2, ',top=',

										(s.height - 470) / 2 ].join('')))

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						+ escape(sel), '_blank',


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					e(u), '&title=', e(l) ].join('');

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								[ f, p ].join(''),




										(s.width - 480) / 2, ',top=',

										(s.height - 340) / 2 ].join('')))

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		var itieba_share = 'http://tieba.baidu.com/i/sys/share?link='

				+ encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + '&type='

				+ encodeURIComponent('text') + '&title='

				+ encodeURIComponent(document.title.substring(0, 76))

				+ '&content=' + encodeURIComponent(sendT.getContent());

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				.open(itieba_share, 'itieba',

						'toolbar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,status=1,width=626,height=436')) {

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				: '')

				: (document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : '');

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				+ escape(t) + '&url=' + escape(u) + '&excerpt=' + escape(e),



						+ (screen.width - 600) / 2 + ',top='

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					+ encodeURIComponent('网易新闻   ') + '&info='

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					+ e(d.location.href)

					+ '&title='

					+ e(d.title.replace("织梦CMS-建站如此简单!",""))

					+ '&notes='

					+ e(s), x = function() {

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						.open(r + '&r=0', 'xgfav',


					location.href = r + '&r=1'


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					+ encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + '&title='

					+ encodeURIComponent(document.title) + '&v=5&';

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					location.href = f + 'jump=yes'


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						+ (screen.width - 965) / 2 + ',top='

						+ (screen.height - 700) / 2);

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		// 'http://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit';

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				|| (document.getSelection && document.getSelection()) || (document.selection

				&& document.selection.createRange && document.selection


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					+ '&hl=zh-CN&langpair=auto|zh-CN&tbb=1&ie=' + e,


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